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What is this?

This project is a fullstack food diary. It's not confirmed yet, but maybe later, you can log your gym/cardio training, build own training program or diet and more! However, this is still in developement so there is bugs in API, Frontend & Backend

Once the project is built, go to http://localhost:3000/faq for a better overview.

I previously hosted the database and frontend of this project on AWS RDS and Heroku. But I had to take it down due to costs and a lack of time.

  1. When the page is opened, the user's view is as follows. image

The user needs to enter:

1. * Name
2. * Weight
3. * Height
4. * Age
5. * Activity level
6. * Diet style (weight management method, weight loss, etc.)
7. * Gender
8. * Body type

The foods.csv file contains test data for the "food" table in a database or application. To avoid duplicating existing data, it is suggested that you delete the test data from the database, before adding new foods from the frontend.

NOTE! If you try to delete user you made, make sure there is no any foods listed in "foods eaten"


This guide provides instructions for setting up and running the macro-counter-react-fastapi-postgre repository using Node.js, npm, Python, PostgreSQL and several other technologies.

Before starting, make sure you have the following tools installed:

Getting Started

This application is developed using Windows 10. Therefore, the project build guide and commands are specific to Windows 10.


  1. Clone the repository by running the following command:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the root folder by running the following command:
cd macro-counter-react-fastapi-postgre


1 database

  1. Open pgAdmin

  2. Right click servers -> Choose Create -> Server

  3. Give General name, that doesn't really matter

  4. Fill with following

Host name / address = localhost
Port = 5432 (default) 
Maintenance database = postgres (default)
Username = postgres (default)


  1. Open second terminal instance
  2. Navigate to the repository macro-counter-react-fastapi-postgre
  3. Navigate to the backend folder and create .env file
  4. Edit .env file and
DATABASE_URL= postgresql://postgres:testpassword@localhost:5432/postgres
DB_USER= postgres
DB_HOST= localhost
  1. Replace testpassword in DATABASE_URL with your own password

Withinstall_macrocounter_dev_env.bat you can skip 1 /frontend and 3 /backend manual builds and jump to step 4

NOTE! Before running the command install_macrocounter_dev_env.bat or building /backend, you may need to change the execution policy settings in order activate virtual env.

You can do this by opening a PowerShell window as an administrator and running the command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

This will allow you to run scripts on your system. More here:

2 /frontend

  1. Open the Terminal
  2. Navigate to the frontend folder by running the following command:
cd frontend
  1. Run the command npm install to install the required dependencies for the project. This may take a moment.
  2. Once the dependencies have been installed, start the frontend by running the command npm start.
  3. The frontend should now be running and accessible through a web browser at http://localhost:3000/

3 /backend

  1. Open second terminal instance
  2. Navigate to the repository macro-counter-react-fastapi-postgre
  3. Navigate to the backend folder and copy the following block:
cd backend
python -m venv macrocounter-env
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Once the dependencies have been installed, open the project in the IDE of your choice and start the backend by running the command
uvicorn main:app --reload
  1. The back should now be running and accessible through a web browser at http://localhost:8000/

4. Final step (IF YOU SKIPPED STEPS 2 & 3)

The application should now be running and accessible through a web browser You should be able to interact with the application and use its features.

  1. Frontend: npm start http://localhost:3000/
  2. Backend: uvicorn main:app --reload http://localhost:8000/

Please note that the instructions in this guide are specific to Windows 10. If you are running on a different operating system, some of the commands or steps may need to be adjusted accordingly.