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File metadata and controls

291 lines (216 loc) · 8.51 KB


A Juju controller provides websocket endpoints for each of its models. In order to do anything useful with a model, the juju lib must connect to one of these endpoints. There are several ways to do this.

For api docs, see :class:`juju.model.Model`.

Connecting to the Current Model

Connect to the currently active Juju model (the one returned by juju switch). This only works if you have the Juju CLI client installed.

model = Model()
await model.connect()

Connecting to a Named Model

Connect to a model by name, using the same format as that returned from the juju switch command. The accepted format is '[controller:][user/]model'. This only works if you have the Juju CLI client installed.

model = Model()
await model.connect('juju-2.0.1:admin/libjuju')

Connecting with Authentication

You can control what user you are connecting with by specifying either a username/password pair, or a macaroon or bakery client that can provide a macaroon.

model = Model()
await model.connect(username='admin',

# or with a macaroon
await model.connect(macaroons=[
        "Name": "macaroon-218d87053ad19626bcd5a0eef0bc9ba8bd4fbd80a968f52a5fd430b2aa8660df",
        "Value": "W3siY2F2ZWF0cyI6 ... jBkZiJ9XQ==",
        "Domain": "",
        "Path": "/auth",
        "Secure": false,
        "HostOnly": true,
        "Expires": "2018-03-07T22:07:23Z",

# or with a bakery client
from macaroonbakery.httpbakery import Client
from http.cookiejar import FileCookieJar

bakery_client.cookies = FileCookieJar('cookies.txt')
model = Model()
await model.connect(bakery_client=bakery_client)

Connecting with an Explicit Endpoint

The most flexible, but also most verbose, way to connect is using the API endpoint url, model UUID, and credentials directly. This method does NOT require the Juju CLI client to be installed.

from juju.model import Model

model = Model()
await model.connect(
    cacert=None,  # Left out for brevity, but if you have a cert string you
                  # should pass it in. You can get the cert from the output
                  # of The `juju show-controller` command.

Creating and Destroying a Model

Example of creating a new model and then destroying it. See :method:`juju.controller.Controller.add_model` and :method:`juju.controller.Controller.destroy_model` for more info.

from juju.controller import Controller

controller = Controller()
await controller.connect_current()

# Create our new model
model = await controller.add_model(
    'mymodel',  # name of your new model

# Do stuff with our model...

# Destroy the model
model_uuid =
await model.disconnect()
await controller.destroy_model(model_uuid)
model = None

Adding Machines and Containers

To add a machine or container, connect to a model and then call its :method:`~juju.model.Model.add_machine` method. A :class:`~juju.machine.Machine` instance is returned. The machine id can be used to deploy a charm to a specific machine or container.

from juju.model import Model

MB = 1
GB = 1024

model = Model()
await model.connect_current()

# add a new default machine
machine1 = await model.add_machine()

# add a machine with constraints, disks, and series specified
machine2 = await model.add_machine(
        'mem': 256 * MB,
        'pool': 'rootfs',
        'size': 10 * GB,
        'count': 1,

# add a lxd container to machine2
machine3 = await model.add_machine(

# deploy charm to the lxd container
application = await model.deploy(

# remove application
await application.remove()

# destroy machines - note that machine3 must be destroyed before machine2
# since it's a container on machine2
await machine3.destroy(force=True)
await machine2.destroy(force=True)
await machine1.destroy(force=True)

Reacting to Changes in a Model

To watch for and respond to changes in a model, register an observer with the model. The easiest way to do this is by creating a :class:`juju.model.ModelObserver` subclass.

from juju.model import Model, ModelObserver

class MyModelObserver(ModelObserver):
    async def on_change(self, delta, old, new, model):
        # The raw change data (dict) from the websocket.

        # The entity type (str) affected by this change.
        # One of ('action', 'application', 'annotation', 'machine',
        # 'unit', 'relation')

        # The type (str) of change.
        # One of ('add', 'change', 'remove')

        # The 'old' and 'new' parameters are juju.model.ModelEntity
        # instances which represent an entity in the model both before
        # this change was applied (old) and after (new).

        # If an entity is being added to the model, the 'old' param
        # will be None.
        if delta.type == 'add':
            assert(old is None)

        # If an entity is being removed from the model, the 'new' param
        # will be None.
        if delta.type == 'remove':
            assert(new is None)

        # The 'old' and 'new' parameters, when not None, will be instances
        # of a juju.model.ModelEntity subclass. The type of the subclass
        # depends on the value of 'delta.entity', for example:
        # delta.entity     type
        # ------------     ----
        # 'action'      -> juju.action.Action
        # 'application' -> juju.application.Application
        # 'annotation'  -> juju.annotation.Annotation
        # 'machine'     -> juju.machine.Machine
        # 'unit'        -> juju.unit.Unit
        # 'relation'    -> juju.relation.Relation

        # Finally, the 'model' parameter is a reference to the
        # juju.model.Model instance to which this observer is attached.

model = Model()
await model.connect_current()


Every change in the model will result in a call to the on_change() method of your observer(s).

To target your code more precisely, define method names that correspond to the entity and type of change that you wish to handle.

from juju.model import Model, ModelObserver

class MyModelObserver(ModelObserver):
    async def on_application_change(self, delta, old, new, model):
        # Both 'old' and 'new' params will be instances of
        # juju.application.Application

    async def on_unit_remove(self, delta, old, new, model):
        # Since a unit is being removed, the 'new' param will always
        # be None in this handler. The 'old' param will be an instance
        # of juju.unit.Unit - the state of the unit before it was removed.

    async def on_machine_add(self, delta, old, new, model):
        # Since a machine is being added, the 'old' param will always be
        # None in this handler. The 'new' param will be an instance of
        # juju.machine.Machine.

    async def on_change(self, delta, old, new, model):
        # The catch-all handler - will be called whenever a more
        # specific handler method is not defined.

Any :class:`juju.model.ModelEntity` object can be observed directly by registering callbacks on the object itself.

import logging

async def on_app_change(delta, old, new, model):
    logging.debug('App changed: %r', new)

async def on_app_remove(delta, old, new, model):
    logging.debug('App removed: %r', old)

ubuntu_app = await model.deploy(