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200 lines (160 loc) · 11.2 KB

Project Structure


The design of the project is aimed at enabling the comparison of various intersection control algorithms across various environments.

Examples of algorithms include Query-based centralised intersection control, decentralised reinforcement learning and decentralised negotiation-based approaches. Examples of environments include SUMO, CARLA or a scale-model road environment like Duckietown.

:alt: Algorithm and Environment Interaction
:width: 400px

In order to achieve this, the project separates an intersection control experiment into two components: the algorithm, and the environment: the algorithm determines the behaviour of the vehicles at each point in time, and interacts with the environment to get the information (speed, position etc) necessary to determine that behaviour, before using the environment to execute it.

The algorithm interacts with the environment through a uniform interface defined in {mod}intersection_control.core.environment. This means that in theory, the same algorithm could be tested in a number of different environments - this could, for example, provide insights into the algorithm's resilience and stability.

Similarly, the algorithms implement a uniform interface (all of their behaviour is determined by implementing a {meth}step() <intersection_control.core.vehicle.Vehicle.step> function), and so a number of algorithms could be run on the same environment in the same traffic conditions, and their performance compared.

Directory/Package Structure

The {mod}intersection_control package is split into 4 sub-packages:

{mod}intersection_control.core provides the interfaces described here. Specifically, it defines the APIs for {mod}environment <intersection_control.core.environment>, {mod}algorithm <intersection_control.core.algorithm>, {mod}communication <intersection_control.core.communication> and {mod}performance_indication <intersection_control.core.performance_indication>.

The 3 other packages contain concrete implementations of these interfaces:

  1. {mod}intersection_control.algorithms provides concrete implementations of the Algorithm API - namely Query-based intersection control
  2. {mod}intersection_control.environments provides concrete implementations of the Environment API - namely a {class}SumoEnvironment <intersection_control.environment.SumoEnvironment>
  3. {mod}intersection_control.communication provides concrete implementations of the Communication API - namely a {class}DistanceBasedUnit <intersection_control.communication.DistanceBasedUnit>
├── docs  # Documentation images and files
├── intersection_control  # The main source code package
│   ├── core  # Defines all interfaces and defines the component structure
│   │   ├── environment  # Provides an interface for any environment to implement
│   │   │   ├──  # Defines the base Environment class
│   │   │   ├──  # Defines the base IntersectionHandler class 
│   │   │   └──  # Defines the base VehicleHandler class
│   │   ├── algorithm
│   │   │   ├──  # Defines the base Vehicle class
│   │   │   └──  # Defines the base IntersectionManager class
│   │   ├──  # Provides an interface for communication - V2V or V2I is possible. Specifically, defines the base MessagingUnit class
│   │   └──  # Defines the base PerformanceIndicator class (Not yet implemented)
│   ├── algorithms  # A collection of intersection control algorithm implementations (for now only QBIM). These are implementations of core.Vehicle and core.IntersectionManager
│   ├── environments  # A collection of environment implementations (for now only SUMO). These are implementations of core.Environment
│   └── communication  # A collection of communication implementations (for now only DistanceBasedUnit). These are implementations of core.MessagingUnit
├── test  # unit tests for various components
└── misc  # Miscellaneous stand-alone scripts and experiments


The Environment API is defined in {mod}intersection_control.core.environment and consists of three components:

:alt: Environment API Structure

The main {class}Environment <intersection_control.core.environment.Environment> class is what any intersection control algorithm will interact with, and will provide methods for retrieving general information about the environment, such as the current time, any new vehicles which have arrived in the environment etc. It also provides a {meth}step() <intersection_control.core.environment.Environment.step> method, which should advance the state of the environment by a time step. In a simulated environment, this will consist of advancing the simulation state, and in a physical environment this could consist of {func}time.sleep()-ing for a few milliseconds.

Additionally, the {class}Environment <intersection_control.core.environment.Environment> class provides access to both a {class}VehicleHandler <intersection_control.core.environment.VehicleHandler> and {class}IntersectionHandler <intersection_control.core.environment.IntersectionHandler> object (through its {attr}intersections <intersection_control.core.environment.Environment.intersections> and {attr}vehicles <intersection_control.core.environment.Environment.vehicles> properties) which provide more specialised behaviour for retrieving and modifying the state of vehicles and intersections respectively.

Implementing your own environment

Creating a new environment to test intersection control algorithms in would involve subclassing these three components and providing their implementations. One such implementation which is provided by the library is {class}intersection_control.environments.SumoEnvironment. Some more information about implementing your own environment can be found in the section


The Algorithm API is defined in {mod}intersection_control.core.algorithm and consists of the {class}Vehicle <intersection_control.core.algorithm.Vehicle> and {class}IntersectionManager <intersection_control.core.algorithm.IntersectionManager> components:

:alt: Algorithm API Structure

As shown in the diagram, both the {class}Vehicle <intersection_control.core.algorithm.Vehicle> and {class}IntersectionManager <intersection_control.core.algorithm.IntersectionManager> hold a reference to the environment and are able to interact with it in order to retrieve or modify the state of the environment.

The base {class}Vehicle <intersection_control.core.algorithm.Vehicle> class already implements some trivial methods, such as {meth}get_speed() <intersection_control.core.algorithm.Vehicle.get_speed> simply by calling the corresponding method on the environment object with the corresponding {attr}vehicle_id <intersection_control.core.algorithm.Vehicle.vehicle_id>:

def get_speed(self) -> float:
    return self.environment.vehicles.get_speed(self.vehicle_id)

The base {class}IntersectionManager <intersection_control.core.algorithm.IntersectionManager> class also implements a set of similarly trivial methods which call into the environment. These are simply convenience methods which make algorithm implementations clearer:

# i.e.
# instead of:


As well as information from the environment, intersection control algorithms have at their disposal a means of both V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) and V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure - in this case IntersectionManager) communication. This is achieved through the Communication API which consists of {class}Messages <intersection_control.core.communication.Message> and {class}MessagingUnits <intersection_control.core.communication.MessagingUnit>:

Communication API

In order to keep it as general and as simple as possible, the {class}Message <intersection_control.core.communication.Message> class only has two attributes: {attr}sender <intersection_control.core.communication.Message.sender> and {attr}contents <intersection_control.core.communication.Message.contents>. Here, {attr}contents <intersection_control.core.communication.Message.contents> is a python dict, which is extremely general and could be used to implement any sort of messaging protocol.

{class}Messages <intersection_control.core.communication.Message> are exchanged by {class}MessagingUnits <intersection_control.core.communication.MessagingUnit> using the four methods in the above diagram.

This communication API was designed to be general enough to implement any type of communication mechanisms and protocols. For example, the implementation of a {class}MessagingUnit <intersection_control.core.communication.MessagingUnit> could be backed by a powerful network simulator such as Omnet++.

A reasonably simple concrete implementation of a distance-based {class}MessagingUnit <intersection_control.core.communication.MessagingUnit> (where the discoverability of other communication units is based on distance) can be found in {class}intersection_control.communication.DistanceBasedUnit.

{class}Vehicles <intersection_control.core.algorithm.Vehicle> and {class}IntersectionManagers <intersection_control.core.algorithm.IntersectionManager> can then make use of {class}MessagingUnits <intersection_control.core.communication.MessagingUnit> to communicate:

# In Vehicle class
def __init__(self, vehicle_id: str, environment: Environment):
    # ...
    self.messaging_unit = DistanceBasedUnit(self.get_id(), 50, self.get_position)
    # ...

def step(self):
    # ...
    # Broadcast current speed to all other units in range
    self.messaging_unit.broadcast(Message(self.messaging_unit.address, {
        "speed": self.get_speed(),
        # ...

Implementing your own algorithm

Implementing an intersection control algorithm then consists of providing an implementation for {meth}Vehicle.step() <intersection_control.core.algorithm.Vehicle.step> and {meth}IntersectionManager.step() <intersection_control.core.algorithm.IntersectionManager.step>, which you can assume will be called repeatedly after a small delta. One such implementation which is provided by the library is {mod}intersection_control.algorithms.qb_im - which is a query-based intersection control approach inspired by the well-known paper by Dresner and Stone: A Multiagent Approach to Autonomous Intersection Management. For more information on implementing your own intersection control algorithm, refer to the documentation section