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151 lines (121 loc) · 5.4 KB

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Library designed for recording programming sessions. The video generated is a MP4 file enabled for streaming. (Fragmented MP4, 5 min fragments)

To use as a library

Add as Maven dependency

Add a dependency to tdl:dev-screen-record in compile scope. See bintray shield for latest release number.


The library uses humble-video which wraps ffmpeg. You need to include the binary for your platform

windows-x86:  io.humble:humble-video-arch-x86_64-w64-mingw32:0.2.1
windows-i686: io.humble:humble-video-arch-i686-w64-mingw32:0.2.1
macos-x86:    io.humble:humble-video-arch-x86_64-apple-darwin12:0.2.1
macos-i686:   io.humble:humble-video-arch-i686-apple-darwin12:0.2.1
linux-x86:    io.humble:humble-video-arch-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu6:0.2.1
linux-i686:   io.humble:humble-video-arch-i686-pc-linux-gnu6:0.2.1




The following example records the screen for 1 minute at 4 snapshots per second. The final video is speed up by a factor of 4 resulting in 16 frames per second.

        String destinationPath = "./screen.mp4";
        VideoRecorder videoRecorder = new VideoRecorder
                .Builder(new ScaleToOptimalSizeImage(ImageQualityHint.MEDIUM, new InputFromScreen()))

        int snapsPerSecond = 4;
        int timeSpeedUpFactor = 4;, snapsPerSecond, timeSpeedUpFactor);
        videoRecorder.start(Duration.of(1, ChronoUnit.MINUTES)); //Will block

To monitor the recording progress you register a RecordingListener. The following example displays the metrics to the screen every 5 seconds:

        VideoRecordingMetricsCollector videoRecordingMetricsCollector = new VideoRecordingMetricsCollector();
        VideoRecorder videoRecorder = new VideoRecorder
                .Builder(new ScaleToOptimalSizeImage(ImageQualityHint.MEDIUM, new InputFromScreen()))
        //Issue performance updates
        Timer timer = new Timer();
        timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
            public void run() {
                System.out.println("Recorded "+videoRecordingMetricsCollector.getTotalFrames() + " frames"
                        +" at "+ videoRecordingMetricsCollector.getVideoFrameRate().getDenominator() + " fps"
                        +" with a load of " + videoRecordingMetricsCollector.getRenderingTimeRatio());
        }, 0, 5000);

To gracefully stop the recording you must ensure that you call the stop() on the recording. You do this by registering shutdownHook:

        final Thread mainThread = Thread.currentThread();
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                log.warn("Could not join main thread", e);


Build and run as command-line app

This will create a Jar file with the platform specific video library embedded

./gradlew build shadowJar -i -PvideoArch=macos
java -Dlogback.configurationFile=`pwd`/logback.xml \
    -jar ./build/libs/dev-screen-record-macos-all.jar --duration 1 --output ./recording.mp4

Install to mavenLocal

If you want to build the SNAPSHOT version locally you can install to the local Maven cache

./gradlew -x test clean install

JUnit tests

# Run the headless tests
./gradlew clean test -i

# To run tests that need a screen
./gradlew screenTests -i

Publish to Maven Central

Publish to Maven Central Staging repo

./gradlew publish

A Staging repository is created automatically:

To promote to the Live repo, do the following:

To build artifacts in Github

Commit all changes then:

export RELEASE_TAG="v$(cat | cut -d= -f2)"
git tag -a "${RELEASE_TAG}" -m "${RELEASE_TAG}"
git push --tags
git push