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Homework 8: Spotify Jukebox

Homework 8: Spotify Jukebox

Due March 21, 2016 11:59pm.

The assignment is available for download here.

Before Starting

Be sure to review lecture 8.


In this homework assignment, you will be creating a Jukebox using data from the Spotify API. You will be able to create new artists and songs with Spotify players to listen to the music.

Similar to the previous rails homeowrk, you can run rails s to test the your program. Alternatively, you can run rails c to run the console directly.

Models and Migrations

You will create models for Artist and Song. These models will have basic validations upon creation. An artist should have many songs and a song should belong to an artist. For this homework, you will be writing your own migrations. The homework uses a persistent SQLite database for development purposes. You will want to use rails g to create migrations for the two models. Artist should have the attribute name, and Song should have the attributes name and artist_id. Remember to rake db:migrate and rake db:seed the provided data. To delete the database at any time, run rake db:drop.


gem install bundler if you haven’t already and run the bundle command. This will install all gems listed in your Gemfile.

Spotify API

For this homework, we will being using the Spotify API. Spotify provides us with JSON data to access and embedded all songs and artists within its library. Before you start this assignment, familiarize yourself with the API by exploring When you want JSON for a specific artist, you can access this information by following the general format where you provide the specific artist name. When you want JSON for a specific song, you can access this information by following the general format where you provide the specif artist name and song name. To access the JSON data as a hash, call JSON.load, and pass it open(url), where url is the url you want to access as a string.


Artist should be instantiated by being passed a name. Artist should have validated the artist name using the Spotify API with the in_spotify? method. If the artist is not valid, the artist should not be created. The artist should have many songs. When an artist is destroyed, all songs belonging to the artist should be destroyed. You should be able to create an artist with an empty song field.


An artist should have a method named artist_search that will format an artist name so that it can be used with the Spotify URI. Artist names should be formatted by inserting + instead of spaces.


An artist should also have a method named in_spotify? that will check for a valid artist. An artist is valid if an artist has items in the Spotify API. You should use the artist search to check the Spotify API. To validate an artist, you will need to load the JSON from the provided link. For artists, use the type artist as the search field. You should interpolate the result of artist_search in the search?q= field of the url. Once you retrieve the proper JSON, you can validate an artist by checking if within the hash artists, items is empty.


An artist should have a method named add_song that takes in artist_params. This is a helper method for create. This method will be called on an instance of artist in the controller. In this method, you should you should find or initialize a song from song_attributes within artist params. Then set the artist of the song to the current artist and add the song to the the artist's songs if the song is in_spotify?. Check if the current artist is in_spotify? and save it and return true. Otherwise, this methd should return false.


A song should be instantiated by being passed a name. A song should validate the song name using the Spotify API and the method in_spotify?. If the song is not valid, a song should not be created. The song should belong to an artist. Since we want to make nested resouces for songs, songs should only be able to be created from an artist show page. When a song is destroyed, the artist it belongs to should not be destroyed.


A song should also have a method named in_spotify? that will check for a valid song. A song is valid if a song has items in the Spotify API. To validate an artist, you will need to load the JSON from the provided link. For songs, use the type track as the search field. You should interpolate the result from song_search in the search?q= field of the url. Once you retrieve the proper JSON, you can validate a song by checking if within the hash tracks, items is empty.


A song should have a method named song_search that will format an artist name so that it can be used with the Spotify URI. Song names and artist name should be formatted by inserting + instead of spaces.


A song should have a method spotify_uri that will use the return value from song_search and properly parse through the JSON from Spotify. You will want to get the song information by using the type track and pulling the first URI from the first item. To get the proper information, iterate through the JSON from tracks to items to 1 to uri.


A song should have a method named add_artist that takes in song_params. This is a helper method for create. This method will be called on an instance of song in the controller. In this method, you should find or create an artist based on artist_id within params. Set the artist of the song equal to the artist you just found or created. Check if the current song is in_spotify?. If the song is valid, save the song as one of the artist's songs and return true. Otherwise, this method should return false.

Spotify URI

Spotify players can be embedded into erb files by using iframe with specific sources. To specifically access Spotify information, you will want to use the general url: At the end of this link, you will want to interpolate the result of spotify_uri.


You should make Song a nested resource of Artist. This means you should update your routes so that a song can be accessed only through the provided artist. Make sure you created nested routes in your routes.rb file. In addition, you should not be able to update or edit songs and artists. You should make this respective changes in your controllers and routes.rb. Also, you should create a new route in the SongsController where the all action handles a GET request to /songs.


You should generate ArtistsController and SongsController with full REST, except for the update and edit actions.


The views were provided to you almost completely intact. You will only have to write the _form files for both artist and song. Reference them for variable naming and to see how data are passed between the client and the server.

Artist Form

Since a song can only be made through an artist, you will need to write a nested form. There should be a text area for name for the artist. In addition, you will need a field for song_attributes and song_name. This will require you to iterate over song_attributes. When creating this form, be mindful of the paths you are using for the nested attributes.

Song Form

This form is not as complicated as artist because it only accepts a name field for song. However, make sure you remember that the form can be used for a new song and the song from the artist.


To submit your homework, zip your app, db, and config directories into a file called copy and paste this command exactly since naming it anything else will not work zip -r app db config.