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Jest, Test Driven Development and Clean Architecture

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A simple API with one route (POST /login) (maybe more) to study Jest, TDD and Clean Architecture.

Using the free course: API em NodeJS com Clean Architecture e TDD by

package.json scripts

npm test

Default jest configuration

jest --colors --noStackTrace --passWithNoTests --runInBand
Flag Meaning
--colors Forces test results output highlighting even if stdout is not a TTY.
--noStackTrace Disables stack trace in test results output.
--passWithNoTests Allows the test suite to pass when no files are found.
--runInBand Run all tests serially in the current process.

npm test:unit

Unit tests configuration

npm test -- -c jest-unit-config.js --watch

npm test:integration

Integration tests configuration

npm test -- -c jest-integration-config.js --watch
Flag Meaning
--c The path to a Jest config file specifying how to find and execute tests.
--watch Watch files for changes and rerun tests related to changed files.

npm test:staged

Pre-commit test configuration

npm test -- --findRelatedTests --silent
Flag Meaning
--findRelatedTests Useful for pre-commit hook integration to run the minimal amount of tests necessary.
--silent Prevent tests from printing messages through the console.

npm test:ci

Pre-push test configuration

npm test -- --coverage --silent
Flag Meaning
--covarage Indicates that test coverage information should be collected and reported in the output.
--silent Prevent tests from printing messages through the console.