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299 lines (251 loc) · 12.1 KB

File metadata and controls

299 lines (251 loc) · 12.1 KB

Release Notes

Version v1.14.0

Released 2016-08-10

  • NEW: iOS 9.3.x
    • Updated to support iOS 9.3.x.
      • There may be a delay when opening the app or returning to the first screen. This is due to how CrashReporter must now filter out non crash-related log files.

Version v1.13.0

Released 2015-11-30

  • NEW: arm64
    • Added arm64 slice.
  • MOD: armv7(s)
    • Removed armv7 and armv7s slices.
  • MOD: Regex Engine
    • Switched engine used for regular expressions from pcre to iOS's included ICU (icucore).

Version v1.12.0.3

Released 2015-10-30

  • FIX: iOS 9
    • Fixed notification support for iOS 9.

Version v1.12.0.2

  • FIX: iOS 9
    • Temporarily disabled local notifications to prevent "notifier" from crashing.

Version v1.12.0.1

  • FIX: Tweak Scanner
    • Attempting to process dead symbolic links lead to crashing SpringBoard.

Version v1.12.0

  • NEW: Tweak Scanner
    • CrashReporter now includes a component that will scan tweaks at SpringBoard startup and report any issues found.
    • Currently only scans for one issue: missing filter files.
    • Currently disabled on iOS 4 and iOS 5.

Version v1.11.0

  • NEW: Documentation
    • Added help documentation for various parts of CrashReporter, accessible via "?" and "Help" buttons.
  • NEW: Latest Crash Date
    • Programs on front page now list date of latest available crash report.
  • MOD: Major GUI Update
  • MOD: Reordered Front Page
    • Programs now sorted by type (App, App Extension, Service) instead of ownership (Mobile, Root).
  • MOD: Libraries from package "mobilesubstrate" are no longer listed in "Loaded Libraries" section.
    • Although technically possible, the chances of mobilesubstrate being the cause of a crash are considered to be low enough that listing said libraries just results in unnecessary noise.
  • MOD: Officially dropped support for iOS 3.
    • Users on iOS 3 can still use the older KennyTM version, available as hk.kennytm.crashreporter.

Version v1.10.0

  • NEW: crashreporter://script
    • Developers can now create scripts to gather information from a user's device, to assist in resolving the user's issue.
  • MOD: Manual Script Input
    • The "Input a Script" option has been removed. It was prone to user input errors, and has been replaced by the new crashreporter://script feature.
  • MOD: Log Viewer
    • Can now pinch-to-zoom in crash log and system log screens (as well as in the contact form attachments and new script screens).
  • MOD: CrashReporter Version
    • Reports from users will now display the version of CrashReporter used to generate the report (in the "Generated by" line).

Version v1.9.1

  • MOD: notifier
    • Prevent code (e.g. tweaks) from being injected into the notifier process.
  • FIX: notifier
    • Fixed a bug (related to strcmp()) that could lead to crashes when attempting to record syslog information.
  • LOC: Fixed German localization.

Version v1.9.0

  • NEW: Added support for iPhone 6/6+ displays.
  • LOC: Updated Czech localization
    • NOTE: Credit for this goes to david19au (github).
  • LOC: Updated Danish localization.
    • Credit for this goes to @jlndk (Twitter).
  • LOC: Updated French localization.
    • Credit for this goes to @B3uB3u (Twitter) and j0k3r (github).
  • LOC: Updated German localization.
    • Credit for this goes to J41LBR34KXP (github).
  • LOC: Updated Russian localization.
    • Credit for this goes to bill876 (github).

Version 1.8.3

  • MOD: ReportCrash Check
    • Check fails on iOS 8; temporarily disabled the check to prevent alert from showing at each launch.

Version 1.8.2

  • MOD: Updated subject and body of message sent to developers.
  • FIX: Separator lines between cells were not redrawn properly.

Version 1.8.1

  • MOD: Made "Installed:" string localizable.
  • FIX: "Less than xx hours" was displaying minutes instead of hours.
  • LOC: Updated Russian localization.
    • Credit for this goes to SparTV (@TweetSparTV on Twitter).

Version 1.8.0

  • NEW: Show package name, identifier and install date for each binary listed in suspects view.
    • Displayed information is valid for the binaries at the time of the crash.
    • This information will not be shown for crashes that occurred before installation of this version of CrashReporter.
  • MOD: Do not show suspects sections if there are no suspects.
  • MOD: Updated to use libcrashreport and libpackageinfo.
  • FIX: Notifications always indicated no suspects.
  • FIX: Some crashes were mistakenly being reported as timeouts.
  • FIX: Position of menu on iOS 6 and below was incorrect.
  • FIX: Crash on iOS 6 due to reference to unsupported social media service.
  • LOC: Added Czech localization.
    • Credit for this goes to david19au (github).
  • LOC: Added German localization.
    • Credit for this goes to J41LBR34KXP (github).
  • LOC: Updated French localization
    • Credit for this goes to @B3uB3u (Twitter).
  • LOC: Updated Russian localization.
    • Credit for this goes to SparTV (@TweetSparTV on Twitter).
  • LOC: Updated Turkish localization.
    • Credit for this goes to @keremyilmaazz (Twitter) (/u/keremy on reddit).

Version 1.7.1

  • FIX: Execution timeouts were being notified as crashes.
  • FIX: Users were unable to contribute via PayPal.
    • The payment type has been changed from "donation" to "pay now", with fixed contribution amounts.
  • LOC: Updated Arabic localization.
    • Credit for this goes to @iD7me (Twitter).
  • LOC: Updated Turkish localization
    • Credit for this goes to @keremyilmaazz (Twitter) (/u/keremy on reddit).

Version 1.7.0

  • NEW: Added menu containing various ways to help support the CrashReporter project.
  • NEW: Added "loaded binaries" section to suspects controller.
    • CrashReporter (via libsymbolicate) is only able to determine a suspect for types of issues where the suspect is "caught in the act".
    • Some issues can be caused by something that occurred earlier (such as a release of memory or the dispatch of a code block).
    • In cases where a suspect cannot be determined, it can be useful to have a list of all binaries that were loaded into the process and that could thus be responsible, even if there is no obvious evidence.
  • NEW: Added -d switch to notifier tool for debugging purposes.
    • This can be used to test notifications with existing crash log files.
  • MOD: Symbolication is now done using libsymbolicate's new "package" filter.
    • Binaries in the output report will be sorted based upon whether they came from a dpkg (possibly from Cydia), the App Store, or elsewhere (possibly built-in).
  • MOD: Various visual improvements.
  • LOC: Added Arabic localization.
    • Credit for this localization goes to @iD7me (Twitter).
  • LOC: Added Chinese (CN) localization for settings.
    • Credit for this goes to zsm1703 (github).
  • LOC: Added Russian localization.
    • Credit for this localization goes to SparTV (@TweetSparTV on Twitter).
  • LOC: Added Turkish localization
    • Credit for this goes to @keremyilmaazz (Twitter) (/u/keremy on reddit).
  • LOC: Updated Chinese (CN/TW) localization.
    • Credit for this goes to 启阳 葛 (golden1993).
  • LOC: Updated French localization
    • Credit for this goes to @B3uB3u (Twitter).

Version 1.6.1

  • MOD: Only send notifications for known issue types.
    • This change was made to try to avoid "(null)" notifications.

Version 1.6.0

  • NEW: Added support for "device is running low on (process) memory" notifications.
    • This option is off by default.
    • It can be enabled in the Settings panel.

Version 1.5.0

  • NEW: Added option to receive notifications when a process is using excessive resources (memory, CPU).
    • This option is off by default.
    • It can be enabled in the Settings panel.
  • NEW: Added "Safe Mode": if CrashReporter itself crashes, the next launch will have tweaks disabled.
  • NEW: Added check to see if ReportCrash daemon has been disabled.
  • NEW: Added buttons to allow deleting all crash logs for all processes and for the currently-viewed process.
  • NEW: Danish localization.
    • Credit for this localization goes to @jlndk (Twitter).
  • MOD: Refresh list of crash logs upon resume and upon receiving a notification of a crash.
  • MOD: Removed dependency for "jp.ashikase.symbolicate".
  • MOD: Moved portion of code to new TechSupport framework.
  • FIX: Icon badge now shows correct "number of crashes since last launch".
  • NOTE: If you would like to help with localization, please visit the Localization project.

Version 1.4.0

  • NEW: Notifications for execution timeouts are now optional and disabled by default.
    • These notifications can be enabled in the new CrashReporter settings panel (in the Settings app).
  • NEW: French localization.
    • Credit for this localization goes to @B3uB3u (Twitter).
  • FIX: Suspects were not displayed for pre-symbolicated files.
  • FIX: Crashed on iOS versions prior to 6.0 due to linkage to UIRefreshControl.
  • FIX: Various fixes related to creation and symbolication of log files.

Version 1.3.0

  • NEW: Top view now shows number of unviewed crash logs vs. total number (for each process)
  • NEW: Pull-to-refresh control in views listing groups of logs and logs for a process.
  • NEW: Added "Forward to..." link for all crash logs to allow emailing to an arbitrary address.
    • This includes packages that are no longer installed as well as binaries that are not from the App Store/Cydia.
  • NEW: Include package version in email subject.
  • NEW: Include device info in email body.
  • NEW: Added "coming soon" notice regarding notification settings.
  • MOD: File symbolication is now saved when the crash is first recorded.
  • MOD: Syslogd is no longer needed; syslog information is captured at the time of the crash via ASL.
  • MOD: Greyed-out date now means "viewed" instead of "symbolicated".
  • MOD: Major localization-related updates.
    • Credit for this change goes to angelXwind@github.

Version 1.2.0

  • NEW: Now asks user to enter details in "Contact author" view.
  • NEW: Added a button to dismiss the keyboard in "Contact author" view.
  • MOD: Order crash logs by process name.
  • MOD: For iOS 7+, suggest Syslog Flipswitch instead of Syslog Toggle.
    • Credit for this change goes to angelXwind@github.
  • MOD: Various English and Chinese localization-related updates.
    • Credit for this change goes to angelXwind@github.
  • FIX: Was unable to symbolicate root-owned crash log files.
  • FIX: Prevent Substrate from injecting tweaks into monitor and notifier.

Version 1.1.0

  • NEW: Added "Crashed Process" entry above "Primary Suspect".
  • MOD: Changed "libsymbolicate" dependency to "symbolicate".
    • CrashReporter still uses libsymbolicate directly, but requires the filters list provided by symbolicate.
  • FIX: iOS 7 style icons were one pixel too big.

Version 1.0.1

  • FIX: Status bar appeared black when launching.
    • Credit for this fix goes to mologie@github.
  • FIX: Notifications did not work.
    • Currently, notifications do not work with iOS 6 and older versions of iOS.
  • FIX: Unable to delete root-owned crash logs.
  • FIX: Removed RKLLowMemoryWarningObserver warning.
  • MOD: Always reset badge count.

Version 1.0.0

  • NEW: Added crash monitor.
    • A notification will be displayed when a crash is detected, with the option to open CrashReporter.
  • NEW: Added support for IPS files (via libsymbolicate).
  • NEW: Added support for iPad displays.
  • MOD: Redesigned interface for iOS 7, ease of use.
  • MOD: Log files are now sent as attachments (instead of using pastie site).