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Junaid Bhura edited this page Nov 10, 2017 · 7 revisions

What is Cloudinary Auto-Upload?

Cloudinary gives you two options to upload files to it's servers:

  1. The complicated Upload API 😱
  2. The super easy and magical Fetch API 🎩

Upload API

TL;DR: Too complicated and in the way 👎

Cloudinary gives you an API, using which, you can manually upload the images to Cloudinary. So you'd need an API key, etc. The official plugin uses this method. When you upload an image to the media library, it in turn, uploads it to Cloudinary. This could be a problem if you have thousands of existing images, and might not be flexible enough to support custom architecture.

Fetch API

TL;DR: Magical 👍

This plugin uses the super easy Auto-Upload feature in the Fetch API. We just tell Cloudinary where to find the files on our server (or on S3 or anywhere on the Internet), and it automatically downloads it from there and saves it on to it's servers the first time you ask for it, like a CDN would!

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