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File metadata and controls

49 lines (33 loc) · 2.54 KB


Note: This project is currently being maintained for bugs only, all further new feature development is being done on the hosted successor at

This script, when hosted on a PHP supported web server, will act as a bridge between the JSON requests of Slack and the JSON responses of the LabTech REST API.

Based on my similar script

Type /lt [computer name or computer ID] in chat and it will pull relevant information about the machine.

Type /lt client [client name] in chat and it will pull the specified client's address and phone/fax number

Type /lt [computer name] script [script name] and it will return a list of scripts that can be run along with their IDs

Type /lt [computer name] script [script ID] and it will execute that script 1 minute from the current time on the specified computer.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the ltslack.php file and lt-config.php file.
  2. Place on a compatible web server
  3. Create a new slack slash command integration at https://SLACK
  4. Set command to /lt (or other if you prefer)
  5. Set the URL to http://domain.tld/ltslack.php
  6. Set Method to GET
  7. Copy the token
  8. Set a name, icon, and autocomplete text if wanted.
  9. Modify the lt-config.php file with your companies values and timezone.
  10. Test it in Slack!

Config.php setup

See below for list of variables and what they need to be.

  • $slacktoken: Set this to the slack token generated in Step 7 above.

  • $ltuser: Set this to the user account Slack will use for LT lookups and scripts. Must have permissions to any client/computer that you want to work with as well as the ability to run scripts if you want to use that.

  • $ltpassword: Password for above user

  • $labtech: Labtech domain, no slash. Example: https://lt.domain.tld

  • $timezone: Your current timezone in PHP timezone format. List here:

  • $timeoutfix: Keep it at true unless you're having issues, at which point set to false and it will show error codes

  • $usedatabase: When set to 1, it will log all script executions to the specified database below. All fields below required if this is set to 1.

  • $dbhost: Database host/IP

  • $dbusername: Your database username, must have add rights, and ideally create database rights unless you create the database yourself.

  • $dbpassword: Password for above MySQL user

  • $dbdatabase: Database name, so you can use on an existing MySQL install

  • $helpurl: Set to a command list. Defaults to this page