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301 lines (272 loc) · 18.5 KB

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301 lines (272 loc) · 18.5 KB


A supports chained calls tool for React/RN projects.





    npm install link-style


    import React from 'react';
    import linkcss from 'link-style';

    const someComponent = ( props )=>{

    const commonStyle  = linkcss.w( "100%" )
                                .h(somecondition ? 200 : 300 )
                                .fontS( 20 )
                                .mt( 20 )

      * 生成的结果为:
        commonStyle ==> {
                          width: '100%',
                          height: 200,
                          fontSize: 20,
                          marginTop: 20,
                          display: 'flex',
                          position: 'relative'
        return (
             <div style={commonStyle}>
                {/* 还可以在组件内部编写 */}
                <div style={ linkcss.w(200).displayF.alignI("center").justifyC("space-between").end }>
                        <div style={ someCondition ? aStyleObject : orlinkcssCode  } >balabala...</div>
                        <div style={ { ...(linkcss.w(200).displayF.alignI("center").end), ...anotherStyleObject } }>balabala...</div>




api-name 对应样式名称 默认值
alignC alignContent stretch
alignI alignItems stretch
alignS alignSelf auto
all all none
ani animation none 0 ease 0 1 normal
aniD animationDelay 0
aniDir animationDirection normal
aniDur animationDuration 0
aniFM animationFillMode none
aniIC animationIterationCount 1
aniN animationName none
aniPS animationPlayState running
aniTF animationTimingfn ease
bfV backfaceVisibility visible
bg background null
bgA backgroundAttachment scroll
bgBM backgroundBlendMode normal
bgClip backgroundClip border-box
bgColor backgroundColor transparent
bgI backgroundImage none
bgO backgroundOrigin padding-box
bgP backgroundPosition 0% 0%
bgR backgroundRepeat repeat
bgS backgroundSize auto
border border null
borderB borderBottom null
borderBC borderBottomColor null
borderBLR borderBottomLeftRadius 0
borderBRR borderBottomRightRadius 0
borderBS borderBottomStyle null
borderBW borderBottomWidth medium
borderC borderCollapse separate
borderColor borderColor null
borderI borderImage none 100% 1 0 stretch
borderIO borderImageOutset 0
borderIR borderImageRepeat stretch
borderISli borderImageSlice 100%
borderIS borderImageSource none
borderIW borderImageWidth none
borderL borderLeft null
borderLC borderLeftColor null
borderLS borderLeftStyle null
borderLW borderLeftWidth medium
borderR borderRadius 0
borderRt borderRight null
birderRC borderRightColor null
borderRS borderRightStyle null
borderRW borderRightWidth medium
borderSpacing borderSpacing null
borderS borderStyle null
borderT borderTop null
borderTC borderTopColor null
borderTLR borderTopLeftRadius 0
borderTRR borderTopRightRadius 0
borderTS borderTopStyle null
borderTW borderTopWidth medium
borderW borderWidth medium
b bottom auto
boxS boxShadow none
boxSz boxSizing content-box
breakA breakAfter auto
breakB breakBefore auto
breakI breakInside auto
captionS captionSide top
caretC caretColor auto
clear clear none
clip clip auto
clipP clipPath none
color color null
columnC columnCount auto
columnF columnFill balance
columnG columnGap normal
columnR columnRule medium none black
columnRC columnRuleColor black
columnRS columnRuleStyle none
columnRW columnRuleWidth medium
columnS columnSpan 1
columnW columnWidth auto
columns columns auto auto
content content normal
counterI counterIncrement none
counterR counterReset none
cursor cursor auto
direction direction ltr
display display inline
emptyC emptyCells show
filter filter none
flex flex 0 1 auto
flexB flexBasis auto
flexD flexDirection row
flexF flexFlow row nowrap
flexG flexGrow 0
flexS flexShrink 1
flexW flexWrap nowrap
float cssFloat none
ft font null
fontF fontFamily null
fontFS fontFeatureSettings normal
fontK fontKerning auto
fontS fontSize medium
fontSA fontSizeAdjust none
fontStretch fontStretch normal
fontStyle fontStyle normal
fontV fontVariant normal
fontVC fontVariantCaps normal
fontw fontWeight normal
grid grid none none none auto auto row
gridA gridArea auto / auto / auto / auto
gridAC gridAutoColumns auto
gridAF gridAutoFlow row
gridAR gridAutoRows auto
gridC gridColumn auto / auto
gridCE gridColumnEnd auto
gridCG gridColumnGap 0
gridCS gridColumnStart auto
gridG gridGap 0 0
gridR gridRow auto / auto
gridRE gridRowEnd auto
gridRG gridRowGap 0
gridRS gridRowStart auto
gridT gridTemplate none none none
gridTA gridTemplateAreas none
gridTC gridTemplateColumns none
gridTR gridTemplateRows none
hangingP hangingPunctuation none
h height auto
hyphens hyphens manual
isolation isolation auto
justifyC justifyContent flex-start
l left auto
letterS letterSpacing normal
lineH lineHeight normal
listS listStyle disc outside none
listSI listStyleImage none
listSP listStylePosition outside
listST listStyleType disc
m margin 0
mb marginBottom 0
ml marginLeft 0
mr marginRight 0
mt marginTop 0
maxH maxHeight none
maxW maxWidth none
minH minHeight 0
minW minWidth none
mixBM mixBlendMode normal
objectF objectFit see individual properties
objectP objectPosition 50% 50%
op opacity 1
order order 0
outline outline invert none medium
outlineC outlineColor invert
outlineO outlineOffset 0
outlineS outlineStyle none
outlineW outlineWidth medium
overflow overflow visible
overflowX overflowX visible
overflowY overflowY visible
padding padding 0
pb paddingBottom 0
pl paddingLeft 0
pr paddingRight 0
pt paddingTop 0
pageBA pageBreakAfter auto
pBB pageBreakBefore auto
pBI pageBreakInside auto
perspective perspective none
perspectiveO perspectiveOrigin 50% 50%
pointerE pointerEvents auto
position position static
quotes quotes null
resize resize none
r right auto
scrollB scrollBehavior auto
tabSize tabSize 8
tableL tableLayout auto
textA textAlign
textAL textAlignLast auto
textD textDecoration none
textDC textDecorationColor currentColor
textDL textDecorationLine none
textDS textDecorationStyle solid
textI textIndent null
textJ textJustify auto
textO textOverflow clip
textS textShadow none
textT textTransform none
t top auto
tf transform none
tfO transformOrigin 50% 50% 0
tfS transformStyle flat
trans transition all 0 ease 0
transDe transitionDelay 0
transDur transitionDuration 0
transP transitionProperty all
transT transitionTimingfn ease
unicodeBidi unicodeBidi normal
userS userSelect auto
verticalA verticalAlign baseline
v visibility visible
whiteS whiteSpace normal
w width auto
wordB wordBreak normal
wordS wordSpacing normal
wordW wordWrap normal
writingM writingMode horizontal-tb
zIndex zIndex auto
displayF null { display:"flex" }


link-style 从w3cShool的 css参考手册 爬取了css的基础属性,如果这些属性还不能满足日常开发的话,还可以自定义配置link-style的方法:

     import linkcss from 'link-style';
     linkcss.customStyle( {  type:"fn" ,callName:"marginL", styleName:"marginLeft"  } ) 
     linkcss.customStyle( {  type:"sd" ,callName:"colorRed",styleValue:{ color:"red"}  } )  
     linkcss.customStyle( {  type:"sd" ,callName:"midInParent",styleValue:{ positon:"absolute",left:"50%",top:"50%" ,transform:"translate(-50%,-50%)"  }  } )  
     const someStyle =  linkcss.w(200).colorRed.marginL(30).fontS(18).end;
       *  someStyle ==> { width: 200, color: 'red', marginLeft: 20, fontSize: 18 }