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  • classification task data are adapted from natural-instructions
  • we follow the split specified in natural-instructions/splits/default
    • we select classification tasks from train_tasks.txt for our train/validation set
    • we select classification tasks from test_tasks.txt for our test (eval) set

Data sample

First 10 textual entailment tasks: eval/textual_entailment_first10.txt

All textual entailment tasks: eval/textual_entailment.txt

Note: task 463, 464, and 534 are removed because they are non-English.

Read from txt and download tasks to tasks/ folder: python utils/

Run Tk-Instruct predictions

Specify whether to use full textual entailment tasks or first 10 textual entailment tasks in Tk-Instruct/src/

                    # "path": os.path.join(split_dir, "textual_entailment_first10.txt"), 
                    "path": os.path.join(split_dir, "textual_entailment.txt"), 
                    "task_dir": task_dir, 
                    "max_num_instances_per_task": self.config.max_num_instances_per_eval_task,
                    "subset": "test"

Specifiy model configuration (allenai/tk-instruct-small-def-pos or allenai/tk-instruct-base-def-pos) and output directory in scripts/

Run prediction on textual entailment tasks using tkinstruct model:

cd Tk-Instruct/
source scripts/

Predictions and metrics are saved at: Tk-Instruct/output/

Note: it seems that tk-instruct-small-def-pos actually has a better eval exact match accuracy on textual entailment tasks than the larger allenai/tk-instruct-base-def-pos model.

  • dependencies:
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
    • pip install -r Tk-Instruct/requirements.txt

GPT-3 prompt engineering


Run with desired arguments. The script uses paraphrase.prompt as its default template. The generated results have the following signature:

        "orignal_task": "task*.json",
        'engine': GPT-3 generation engine,
        'template': paraphrase.prompt,
        "original_prompt": "",
        "generated_prompts": []

Augment (append choice explanation to the original instruction)

Run with desired arguments. The script uses choice_expl.prompt as its template and stores generated prompts by default at gpt3-augment-results. The generated results share the above signature.

  • dependencies:
    • pip install -r requirements.txt

Run Tk-Instruct with GPT-3 prompts

Generate new tasks using GPT-3 paraphrased/augmented prompts


Run to fetch paraphrased prompts from /gpt3-paraphrase-results-tk-instruct-train, replace original prompts in /tk-instruct-train-classfication-tasks with paraphrased prompts, store each new task in /gpt3-paraphrase-tasks-tk-instruct-train, then return the list of new task names in eval/textual_entailment_gpt3_paraphrase.txt.

Augment (append choice explanation to the original instruction)

Run to fetch paraphrased prompts from /gpt3-augment-results, replace original prompts in /tasks with paraphrased prompts, store each new task in /gpt-augment-tasks, then return the list of new task names in /eval/textual_entailment_gpt3_augment.txt.

Create test references for the new tasks

In /eval/, update tasks_dir, test_path and save to eval/test_references_gpt3_paraphrase.jsonl.

Run Tk-Instruct inference using paraphrased/augmented prompts

Specify paraphrased textual entailment tasks in Tk-Instruct/src/

                    # "path": os.path.join(split_dir, "textual_entailment_first10.txt"), 
                    # "path": os.path.join(split_dir, "textual_entailment.txt"), 
                    "path": os.path.join(split_dir, "textual_entailment_gpt3.txt"), # paraphrase
                    # "path": os.path.join(split_dir, "textual_entailment_gpt3.txt"), # augment
                    "task_dir": task_dir, 
                    "max_num_instances_per_task": self.config.max_num_instances_per_eval_task,
                    "subset": "test"

In scripts/, replace

    --task_dir ../tasks


    --task_dir ../gpt3-tasks

for paraphrased prompts, or

    --task_dir ../gpt3-augment-tasks

for augmented prompts

Specify your own cache location, then run prediction on the paraphrased/augmented textual entailment tasks using tkinstruct model:

cd Tk-Instruct/
source scripts/

Predictions and metrics are saved at: Tk-Instruct/output/ as before.

Run prompt ensemble

Specify whether to find majority vote or find best paraphrase in Tk-Instruct/src/

Specify input/output paths

Then run

cd Tk-Instruct/src

Compute standard deviation of paraphrases

Set find_paraphrase_metrics(args.metrics_path, args.output_path, args.k, best=True, paraphrase_save_file=args.paraphrase_save_file) in the main function of Tk-Instruct/src/

Specify input/paraphrase_save_file paths


cd Tk-Instruct/src

Specify paraphrase_save_file and run

cd ../../
python utils/

Train Tk-Instruct

First experiment

Finetune Tk-Instruct on dataset /gpt3-paraphrase-tasks-tk-instruct.

Run splits/ to split this dataset for training, validation, and testing. A list of task names are saved in files train_tasks.txt, dev_tasks.txt, and test_tasks.txt respectively. Run splits/ if you want to save the train and test datasets to separate folders.

Specify the txt filenames in the _split_generators function in Tk-Instruct/src/

Specifiy model configuration (allenai/tk-instruct-small-def-pos) and output directory in scripts/ The -bfloat16 tag is removed from this script and from the config file due to Nvidia M60 GPU limitations. Argument save_total_limit = 1 is added to to save the last checkpoint only and save disk space.

Fine-tune tkinstruct model on paraphrased prompts:

cd Tk-Instruct/
source scripts/

Training metrics and results are saved at: /output/finetune. Note that some files (e.g., model checkpoints and .jsonl) are too large to save in Github.


The prediction results on test_tasks by the original and finetuned Tk-Instruct model are stored in Tk-Instruct/output/gpt3-paraphrase-tasks-tk-instruct-train-test and Tk-Instruct/output/gpt3-paraphrase-tasks-tk-instruct-train-test-finetuned.

The original model has a predict_exact_match of 48.4846, while the finetuned model has a predict_exact_match of 77.2986 which is a significant improvement.

Also, the finetuned model is less sensitive to different wordings, which is consistent with other experiments. The original model has a standard deviation of 2.1100, while the finetuned model has a standard deviation of 0.4707. The original model has a best predict_exact_match of 54.50 (6% headroom from 48.4846), while the finetuned model has a best predict_exact_match of 77.79% (0.5% headroom from 77.2986%).

Experiment v1

A validation set is added to track the model's performance on unseen tasks. Both training and validation loss for this model are decreasing as training proceeds which is a good sign.

Finetune1_train Finetune1_val

Experiment v2

In the first attempt, the default split was chosen to be 80-10-10 with random sampling. This means that very similar tasks (i.e., same task with different paraphrased prompts) can be present in both the training and test set. To prevent data leakage, it may be beneficial to use completely different tasks for testing. In addition, Tk-Instruct documentation states that "We found it unclear what should be a meaningful validation set, under such cross-task generalization setting." For this purpose, in a second attempt:

Run splits/ to split this dataset for training and testing (no validation). First 80% of tasks are used for training and last 20% of tasks are used for testing. A list of task names are saved in files train_tasks_v2.txt, dev_tasks_v2.txt, and test_tasks_v2.txt respectively. The test set is named gpt3-paraphrase-tasks-tk-instruct-test. Training metrics and results are saved at: /output/finetune_v2.


The prediction results on test_tasks_v2 by the original and finetuned Tk-Instruct model are stored in Tk-Instruct/output/gpt3-paraphrase-tasks-tk-instruct-finetuned-v2 and Tk-Instruct/output/gpt3-paraphrase-tasks-tk-instruct-notfinetuned-v2.

The original model has a predict_exact_match of 48.5091, while the finetuned model has a predict_exact_match of 46.1247 which is slightly lower. Only the predict_exact_match_for_sentiment_analysis is higher than the original model. One hypothesis is that the model has overfit to the training data during finetuning and does not generalize as well to unseen prompts, especially with a small learning rate of 1e-5 and a very large number of training samples of 529836.

Another observation that these evaluation scores are still higher than the predict_exact match from our previous experiments with 16 paraphrased prompts, which was around 40. This may be attributed to the improvement we made when prompting GPT-3 to generate higher-quality paraphrases.

It appears that as we hypothesized, the model becomes less sensitive to different wordings after finetuning. The standard deviation among different paraphrases averaged across all tasks in the test split drops drastically from 5.1135 to 1.4318.

Note that the predictions mentioned above are made on tasks with paraphrased prompts. The predict_exact_match on original, non-paraphrased prompts (splits/test_tasks_v2_original.txt) is 47.0546. These results are saved in Tk-Instruct/output/gpt3-paraphrase-tasks-tk-instruct-finetuned-v2-original-instruction.

Experiment v3

A validation set is added to track the model's performance on unseen tasks. The validation loss keeps increasing which may confirm our hypothesis that the model is overfitting. However, we have to keep in mind that this validation set may not be representative due to the multi-task setting.

Finetune1_train Finetune1_val

Experiment v4

To reduce overfitting, we randomly sample 8 instances for each paraphrase so that each task has 32 * 8 = 256 instances. The training and evaluation data is stored in gpt3-paraphrase-tasks-tk-instruct-train-top8 and gpt3-paraphrase-tasks-tk-instruct-test-top8. The training output is stored in output/finetune_v4 .

The "predict_exact_match" on original prompts (splits/test_tasks_v2_original.txt) is 50.3592 which is a significant improvement from v2 (47.0546) and is slightly higher than the non-finetuned, original model (50.3352). The test results from the finetuned model are stored in Tk-Instruct/output/finetuned-v4-original-instruction. The test results from the original model are saved in Tk-Instruct/output/notfinetuned-original-instruction.

The "predict_exact_match" on paraphrased prompts (gpt3-paraphrase-tasks-tk-instruct-test-top8) is 49.4811 which is slightly worse than the original model (49.5283). The test results from the finetuned model are stored in Tk-Instruct/output/finetuned-v4-paraphrased-instruction-top8. The test results from the original model are saved in Tk-Instruct/output/notfinetuned-v5-paraphrased-instruction.

Experiment v5

To further reduce overfitting, we randomly sample 3 instances for each paraphrase so that each task has 32 * 3 = 96 instances. The training and evaluation data is stored in gpt3-paraphrase-tasks-tk-instruct-train-top3 and gpt3-paraphrase-tasks-tk-instruct-test-top3. The training output is stored in output/finetune_v5.

The "predict_exact_match" on original prompts further improves to 50.4789 which is better than the original model (50.3352)! The test results are stored in Tk-Instruct/output/finetuned-v5-original-instruction.

The "predict_exact_match" on paraphrased prompts (gpt3-paraphrase-tasks-tk-instruct-test-top3) is 49.4591, which is also an improvement from the original model (49.1824). The test results from the finetuned model are stored in Tk-Instruct/output/finetuned-v5-paraphrased-instruction-top3. The test results from the original model are saved in Tk-Instruct/output/notfinetuned-v5-paraphrased-instruction.

This experiment shows that finetuning on paraphrased prompts with a reduced number of instances indeed helps the model make more accurate predictions during text classification without overfitting.

Train prompt quality classification/regression model

Preprocess paraphrases from predict_results.json:

cd Tk-Instruct/src/
python Tk-Instruct/src/

Specify task type (classification or regression) in Load training data from prompt_quality_data/ and run training:


Experiments tracking

Eval set: all 24 English textual entailment tasks (eval/textual_entailment.txt) Note: task 463, 464, and 534 are removed because they are non-English.

Metrics: Average Exact Match over the 24 English textual entailment tasks

Model: allenai/tk-instruct-small-def-pos

Baseline (original instruction) Augmented (choice explanation) Average of 16 paraphrased prompts Majority vote of 16 paraphrased prompts Best of 16 paraphrased prompts Worst of 16 paraphrased prompts
39.5833 41.25 40.2188 40.0833 43.8333 37.2916

Eval set: all text classification tasks in splits/test_tasks_v2.txt

k Best of k random label Baseline Best of k paraphrased prompts Finetuned v2 Best of k paraphrased prompts Finetuned v4 Best of k paraphrased prompts Finetuned v5 Best of k paraphrased prompts
1 41.42 47.79 46.91 51.12 50.48
2 44.04 51.08 47.69 52.41 52.84
4 46.30 53.92 48.50 52.42 54.19
8 47.61 55.39 48.93 53.79 54.84
16 49.54 56.34 49.05 54.37 55.82
32 50.83 56.99 49.29 55.27 56.68

Prompt Quality Model

Evaluation loss of regression and classification model are both diverging, which indicates that there might not exist some rule to tell whether it is a good paraphrase or not.

Screen Shot 2022-11-26 at 3 43 34 PM

Semantic textual similarity between paraphrase and original instruction vs exact match accuracy

Command: python

There is a minor positive correlation of 0.05815013.


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