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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 1, 2022. It is now read-only.



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JavaScript utilities for the Jupyter frontend.

API Docs

Package Install


npm install --save jupyter-js-utils

Source Build


git clone
cd jupyter-js-utils
npm install


npm run clean
npm run build

Run Tests

Follow the source build instructions first.

# run tests in Firefox
npm test

# run tests in Chrome
npm run test:chrome

# run tests in IE
npm run test:ie

Build Docs

Follow the source build instructions first.

npm run docs

Navigate to docs/index.html.

Supported Runtimes

The runtime versions which are currently known to work are listed below. Earlier versions may also work, but come with no guarantees.

  • Node 0.12.7+
  • IE 11+
  • Firefox 32+
  • Chrome 38+

Note: "requirejs" must be included in a global context for Comm targets.

Usage Examples

Note: This module is fully compatible with Node/Babel/ES6/ES5. Simply omit the type declarations when using a language other than TypeScript.