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What is Jupyter?

"Jupyter" can mean a lot of things, so let's start from the beginning, and break it down:

First and foremost, "Project Jupyter" is a large umbrella project that covers many different software offerings and tools. That includes "Jupyter Notebook" and "JupyterLab", which are both popular web-based notebook editor programs. The Jupyter project, and its subprojects, all center around providing tools (and standards) for interactive computing with computational notebooks. Each of these will be explored further below.

The term "Jupyter" is often used as a shorthand to refer to one of those products or ideas, which sometimes leads to confusion. Let's take a look at each of those, one-by-one.

What is a "Computational Notebook" anyway?

A famous computer programmer (Donald Knuth) popularized the idea to combine explanatory plain english text with computer code, which is commonly called "literate programming". By adopting this practice, computer programs, as well as other complex information and ideas, could be better explained to a wide range of people.

A program written in this way could be printed on paper and shared by hand as an actual "notebook", but in modern times, they are shared digitally as "notebook files", and can contain additional rich media like images, 3D models and interactive figures, along with data and other program outputs.

By opening a notebook with an editor program like JupyterLab, you can also run the code inside the notebook. Since a notebook can contain code that does virtually anything, you can do nearly anything regular software can do inside a notebook. For example, a notebook file might be used to:

  • Read spreadsheets (or create them) to build reports about your household spending
  • Show proof of a graduate student's thesis with interactive graphs and source data
  • CHECK_AND_LINK: Generate an image of a black hole by processing telescope data
  • CHECK_AND_LINK: Calculate the presence of gravitational waves from observatory data
  • CHECK_AND_LINK: Process astronomical data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)

Those last three are real world examples that demonstrate the scientific community's usage of computational notebooks (CHECK). Because scientists, engineers, and other technical people so often need to perform and communicate sophisticated calculations to describe their work, these "computational notebooks" became a very popular way to share their work and ideas.

[LAB does much more than just run the code, its a whole interactive workflow blah BLAH BLAH]

When someone uses the term "notebook", they might be referring to:

  • A notebook file on their computer
  • The idea of combining computer code, explanatory text, images and more into the "notebook format"
  • The "Jupyter Notebook" application, used to author and edit digital notebook files
  • Jupyter's .ipynb notebook file format, interpreted by the nbformat software library

And the term "Jupyter" might refer to:

  • "Project Jupyter", the overarching umbrella project
  • The "Jupyter Notebook" or "JupyterLab" editing programs

The name Jupyter comes from the three programming languages the project originally supported: Julia (ju), Python (pyt) and R (r).

How do the Jupyter notebook-editor programs work?

It is common for notebook editor programs like JupyterLab, or Jupyter Notebook, to share some features and workflows, because they are influenced by a common set of ideas about computational notebooks, their advantages, and how best to work with them effectively.

Let's break down some of those ideas.

Interactive programming (the REPL)

In the past, writing programs, running them, and seeing results was commonly a slower and more deliberative process than it is today.

Languages like Python were later introduced that offered some unique advantages over older languages, and new techniques were discovered that sped up the process between writing code, running it, and seeing results.

For instance, Python is an interpreted language, so it does not need to be compiled (LINK) before it can be run (saving programmers steps and time). It is also a dynamically-typed language that does not require the programmer to specify the type of their data ahead of time before using it, which can sometimes save time and reduce the complexity of code (particularly for smaller, simpler programs).

Another programming technique (which is key to the Jupyter notebook-editing programs) is the Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL), which allows a programmer to interactively write code, run it, keep their data and variables intact, then rewrite, re-run, and refine their code on-the-fly (without losing data after the program finishes running).

A REPL is so named because the programmer writes snippets of code that are first read (R), then Evaluated (E) or in other words executed, the results are printed (P) to some kind of display or output, and that process happens repeatedly in a loop (L), where the REPL waits until the programmer has another snippet of code to execute.

New snippets of code can refer to variables defined in previous Eval steps, because the REPL keeps objects that were created (by previous runs of the loop) in-memory, until the user closes their REPL.


Notebook editor programs like JupyterLab create a REPL (read more about those above) for each of your open notebook files, in a language of your choice. In the Jupyter ecosystem, each of these REPL's is called a kernel, and it holds the data and objects you create with your notebook code in a long-running program on your computer (the management and creation of these kernels is orchestrated by the Jupyter Server (LINK), more on that later).

This is why you don't lose your data and variables when you execute multiple notebook cells in a row, they stay alive inside the REPL so that you can continue to use them to explore the data and problem you are investigating (though if you shut down the Jupyter server that holds the kernels, you will lose those variables).

The kernels that run in the background for each of your notebooks are what power the fast, exploratory programming workflows that Jupyter notebook editor programs excel at.

Multiple programs, one experience (client-server architecture)

Most Notebook editor programs in Project Jupyter, like JupyterLab, may seem like a single experience, but when you run JupyterLab on your laptop, there are actually several programs running independently that all coordinate with each other to offer you the notebook editing experience you may already be familiar with.

This might seem like an unnecessary background detail, but some clarity on the inner workings can help demystify your notebook authoring experience, and open up new features, ideas and workflows that you can take advantage of.

A many-pieces (modular) approach also has advantages for people using Jupyter software, and to the people who write it.

Let's break down some of the pieces.

JupyterLab's interface is a web app that you open in a browser program like FireFox or Google Chrome (websites themselves commonly have code that defines their behavior, and JupyterLab's interface is no exception).

Jupyter Server (LINK) runs in the background, and it orchestrates the creation, management of, and communication with, your notebook kernels while you're running your notebooks.

Jupyter kernels themselves are independent programs (operating system processes), and each one is its own REPL in whatever language you requested (commonly Python, though hundreds of other languages and kernels are also available LINK_HERE).

With this design, any program (that you enable) can talk to your kernels using common internet communication technologies like HTTP. This gives you the power to edit, view, share, and manipulate your data across many different programs.

Project Jupyter actually defines a standard (LINK) that other programs can follow that will allow them to hook into your kernels in virtually any way you can imagine. You can invent new editing and viewing experiences for your data this way, using the interactive computing capabilities provided by the kernels.

Benefits of a many-piece design

By breaking up a program like JupyterLab into multiple component pieces, you can customize the software to meet your needs. If one piece is missing something, you can replace it with a custom version made by yourself or another person to add whatever features you would like to see.

You can also invent completely new experiences using those pieces that the designers may not have imagined when they started, and they can often inter- operate seamlessly with existing Jupyter software.

Because Jupyter Server provides kernel communication and management features in a cohesive, self-contained package, for instance, new notebook editor programs can focus solely on adding new interface and editing experiences, leaving the task of creating and managing new kernels completely up to the Jupyter Server.





COVER -the idea of kernels -REPL -client server arch, why does it run in a browser etc -multiple python processes, multiple programs -each notebook has N processes/kernels -anything remotely confusing or ambiguous to newcomers

tools to help you write

What else should I know about Project Jupyter?

Jupyter software is free and open-source, developed by a global community of volunteers and contributors, available for the benefit of all.

Project Jupyter welcomes people from all backgrounds and with many types of skills (not just software!) so we encourage you to join us!

You can share feedback about your experiences directly with the people who make Jupyter software, or volunteer and contribute to help Jupyter in many different ways, like:

  • Writing tutorials
  • Testing newly released versions
  • Adding software features
  • Hosting the weekly video meetings (LINK)
  • Helping others in the community
  • ...and more!

The project is split into largely independent subprojects which handle different aspects of Jupyter software and the community. A central council, the Jupyter Executive Council (LINK), makes decisions about project-wide goals and policies, while different subprojects handle the actual development of the various software components.

Some subprojects take care of broader topics, such as the Accessibility, Security, and documentation (LINK) projects.

A (Partial) Tour of Project Jupyter

In the following sections, we are going to look at some popular components of the Jupyter ecosystem. This is not a comprehensive reference of every aspect of Jupyter, but rather a big-picture summary that should help illustrate some important parts that were discussed earlier.

If you are completely new to Jupyter, the project's About page is good reading that will introduce you to many of the different subprojects.

If you want to know more about the organizational structure, check out the Governance pages.

And if you would like to contribute to the project, have a look at the Get Involved page.

The graph below presents the best known software components of the Project.

Connections and groups in this diagram are not formal relationships but simple indicators to help us draw the big picture in the next sections.

graph TD
        click IPython href "" _blank

    subgraph source/code
        Nbformat[["Notebook file format (.ipynb)"]]
            click Nbformat href "" _blank

            click JupyterWidgets href "" _blank

    subgraph frontends
        direction LR

            click JupyterLab href "" _blank

            click JupyterNotebook href "" _blank

    subgraph viewers
        direction LR

            click Binder href "" _blank

            click Voila href "" _blank

            click Nbviewer href "" _blank

            click Nbconvert href "" _blank

        click JupyterHub href "" _blank

    JupyterHub --> frontends
    IPython ~~~ source/code
    frontends --> source/code
    viewers --> source/code

Notebook vs notebook

Probably the most overloaded term within the community is "notebook".

Formally, "notebook" has two meanings: the notebook file format -- the .ipynb files -- where data/content are stored (ie, the digital document); And the Jupyter-Notebook application for editing and running notebook files.

Jupyter-Notebook -- the application -- may be referred simply as "Notebook". As in many situations in life, discerning between the (notebook) file/document and the (Notebook) application should be clear from the context.

In Jupyter official documentation we refer to the application as Jupyter-Notebook or simply Notebook with capital "N". The digital file/document is written as a common name (ie, lower-case) notebook.

You can find detailed information about notebook file format, nbformat, and the frontend application in their respective official documentation:

Notebook and Lab

There are two applications (aka, frontends) to edit and run notebooks: Jupyter-Notebook and Jupyter-Lab. Jupyter-Lab is an evolution of Jupyter-Notebook, it provides a more concise and customizable user interface.

It is mostly a matter of preference which application/interface to use, they both provide pretty much the same functionalities on what regards editing and running notebook documents. The Lab provides a richer graphical user interface (GUI), whereas Notebook provides a simpler GUI.

Personally, I like to use Jupyter-Lab on my daily work as a data analyst, and Jupyter-Notebook while teaching so we can all focus on the notebook's content.

Regarding ambiguous use of terms, sometimes people will refer to Jupyter-Lab as "Notebook"; This is certainly the case among old practitioners, that used the Notebook application extensively in a time prior to Jupyter-Lab.

What about Hub?

Jupyter-Hub is a manager of Jupyter-Lab and Jupyter-Notebook instances in multi-user settings.

In a Jupyter-Hub setup editing and running notebook files is still performed by Lab and Notebook, the Hub is responsible for authenticating users and handling them their corresponding Lab/Notebook instance connection.

Jupyter-Hub can be set up in different system configurations: in a single computer, in a cluster of computers, in containers in the cloud. The Hub is quite flexible and easy to extend for specific multi-user scenarios.

For details:

IPython, Jupyter-Widgets and IPyWidgets

Once upon a time, there was only IPython, and among many other things (see the History of Jupyter) ipywidgets as the library providing interactive widgets (buttons, sliders, etc) to be used in Jupyter notebooks.

It took some time for IPyWidgets to be renamed after "Jupyter", but it eventually happened (or is happening). To not break compatibility with older code-bases, the software library is still called ipywidgets. The subproject and high-level references to the widgets were renamed to Jupyter-Widgets. By all means, Jupyter-Widgets and IPyWidgets are the very same thing.

Going back to IPython... The IPython project is responsible for many important packages, some are fundamental and some are just very helpful. For the readers of this document, I want to highlight IPython's:

For more details on IPython features check > Projects > IPython.

Jupyter is developed completely in the open, by the community, but there is a personnel structure guiding the developments and taking care of the resources. The actual development of the software components are done in the scope of Jupyter (sub)projects.

While some subprojects take care of the development of a specific software component, other projects will take care of broader discussions, such as the Accessibility and Security projects.

  • If you are completely new to Jupyter, the project's About page is a good reading.

  • If you want to know more about the organizational structure: Governance pages.

  • And if you would like to contribute to the project, have a look at the Get Involved page.

This may be a background detail for some people, but it's helpful for understanding what's going on when you are working with notebooks in the editor. There are advantages to people using Jupyter software, and to the people who write it, by using this approach.

This might seem like an unnecessary background detail, but it can make you a faster and more effective notebook author by opening up new features, ideas and workflows to you that may have previously been a mystery.

but it can help demystify your notebook authoring experiences, and open up new new features, ideas and workflows that may have previously been a mystery.

that you can take advantage of. This might seem like an unnecessary background detail, but some clarity on the inner workings can help demystify your notebook authoring experience, and open up new features, ideas and workflows that you can take advantage of.

This many-pieces approach also has advantages for people using Jupyter software, and to the people who write it.

but some clarity on the inner workings can help demystify your notebook authoring experience, and open up new features, ideas and workflows that you can take advantage of.

demystify parts of the program that demystify features that may not make sense,

easier faster new but it can help demystify parts of the program and make your editing

but it can help demystify the experience of authoring your notebooks, and open up new features, ideas and workflows that may have previousliy been a mystery.

This might seem like an unnecessary background detail, but it can make you a faster and more effective notebook author by opening up new features, ideas and workflows to you that may have previously been a mystery.

but knowing how the program works can open up new ideas, workflows and features to you, when you're authoring notebooks,

but more clarity about how the program works can open up new

but more clarity can open up new ideas, workflows and features to you, when you're authoring notebooks,