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User Guide

Understanding the Config Dataclass

yacmmal uses a Config dataclass to load different types of machine learning configurations, this object is created as a composition of the following dataclasses:

  • paths: it's intended to store different paths that are used in the project, e.g., source data paths, experiments folders, directories to save the models.
  • database: you can place here databases' related configurations like host name, port, table names.
  • hyperparameters: this attribute groups the hyperparameters that are typically used in the models, for instance activation functions, number of units per layer, regularization constant, kernel functions, among others.
  • experiment: this stores experiment-related configurations, like train-test proportions, number of folds for k-fold cross-validation, number of trials, class weights, among others.
  • training: the training configuration determines the parameter's estimation process, this includes number of epochs, batch size, verbosity, among others.
  • evaluation: this can contain testing configurations such as thresholds, evaluation metrics, significance levels, among others.
  • optimization: in some cases (like tensorflow or pytorch), the model's optimization can be configured, this attribute can be used to store parameters like the optimizer kind, learning rate, burndown rate, among others.
  • deploy: it's related to the deployment used in the ML application, e.g., routes and ports in an API, computational resources (maximum RAM and jobs), among others.

The Autoconfig Decorator

The decorator mode allows to extract configurations in a single function. For instance, suppose that you have a project in which you must define a Neural Network and evaluate it, something similar to the following structure:

├── config
│   ├── ep_file.yaml
│   └── hp_file.yaml
  • hp_file.yaml contains the hyperparameters for your model:
activation: "relu"
  - 32
  - 64
dropout: 0.2
  • ep_file.yaml contains the experiment parameters:
test_size: 0.3
k_fold: 5

You can easily load these parameters into a single Config object using a decorated function:

from yacmmal import autoconfig, BaseModel
from typing import List

class HyperParams(BaseModel):
    activation: str
    hidden_units: List[int]
    dropout: float

class ExperimentParams(BaseModel):
    test_size: float
    k_fold: int

        config=[("hp_file", "hyperparameters", HyperParams),
                ("ep_file", "experiment", ExperimentParams)],
def load_cfg(cfg):

The autoconfig decorator defines:

  • base_path: for the root path of the config files.
  • config: a sequence of tuples, such that each tuple contains three elements (file_name, config_type, dataclass). The config_type must be one of the yacmmal.types.config.ConfigAttrs
  • format: the file format of the config files, must be one of the yacmmal.types.formats.ConfigFormat.

You can find this example here.

Building a Config Object

The builder API allows to dynamically build a Config object, using the yacmmal's loaders. For instance, suppose that you have a project in which you fetch information from MySQL and train a SVM model, you could have the following configuration files:

└── config
    ├── db.json
    └── hp_file.json
  • The db.json file contains the configurations for the database:

        "hostname": "localhost",
        "port": 3306,
        "user": "root",
        "password": "root",
        "database": "test"
  • The hp_file.json contains the model's hyperparameters:

        "kernel": "rbf",
        "gamma": 0.1,
        "C": 1.0

You can load this configurations using the builder mode, as follows:

from yacmmal import BaseModel
from yacmmal.load.json import JSONLoader
from typing import List

class DBParams(BaseModel):
    hostname: str
    port: int
    user: str
    password: str
    database: str

class HyperParams(BaseModel):
    kernel: str
    gamma: float
    C: float

loader = JSONLoader(base_path="config/")
cfg = (
        .add_path("hp_file", "hyperparameters", HyperParams)
        .add_path("db", "database", DBParams)
print(f"Config: {cfg}")
  • The yacmmal.load.base.Loader is initialized with the base_path of the configuration files.
  • The add_path method receives:
    • path: file name for the configuration.
    • name: a configuration attribute defined at yacmmal.types.config.ConfigAttrs
    • dclass: dataclass used to extract the configurations.
  • The extract method generates a Config object with the consolidated configurations.

You can find this example here.

Nested Configurations

There are some cases in which you are working in a complex application that contains several configurations for the same attribute. For example, suppose that you need to collect data from multiple databases and you want to define several models. You can address this using dataclasses in composition as We'll show. First, suppose that you have the following configurations:

└── config
    ├── database.toml
    └── hparams.toml
  • database.toml contains the configurations for two databases:

    host = "localhost"
    port = 3306
    user = "root"
    database = "test"
    host = "localhost2"
    port = 5432
    user = "postgres"
    database = "test"
  • hparams.toml contains the configurations for two models:

    activation = "relu"
    hidden_units = [64, 32]
    dropout = 0.5
    kernel = "rbf"
    gamma = 0.1
    C = 1.0

If you use composition in the dataclasses, you can load the configurations with yacmmal:

from yacmmal import autoconfig, BaseModel
from yacmmal.types.config import Config
from typing import List

class NNParams(BaseModel):
    activation: str
    hidden_units: List[int]
    dropout: float

class SVMParams(BaseModel):
    kernel: str
    gamma: float
    C: float

class HyperParams(BaseModel):
    neural_network: NNParams
    svm: SVMParams

class MySQL(BaseModel):
    host: str
    port: int
    user: str
    database: str

class PostgreSQL(BaseModel):
    host: str
    port: int
    user: str
    database: str

class DBParams(BaseModel):
    mysql: MySQL
    postgresql: PostgreSQL

class Config(BaseModel):
    hyperparams: HyperParams
    database: DBParams

            ("hparams", "hyperparameters", HyperParams),
            ("database", "database", DBParams)
def main(cfg: Config):

In this example, We defined a custom Config object to leverage from Python's duck typing, this allows code linting, type checking and autocompletion in the main function.

You can find this example here.