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Integrate hyper SDK to your Kotlin App using hyperswitch-node

Kotlin with Node Backend

{% hint style="info" %} In this section, you will get detailed instructions for integrating the Hyperswitch native Android SDK for your Android app {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} Use this guide to integrate hyper SDK to your Android app. You can use this as a reference with your Hyperswitch credentials to test the setup. You can also checkout the App on Google Play Store to test the payment flow. {% endhint %}


1. Setup the server

1.1 Install the hyperswitch-node library

Install the package and import it in your code

$ npm install @juspay-tech/hyperswitch-node

1.2 Create a payment

Before creating a payment, import the hyperswitch-node dependencies and initialize it with your API key.

const hyper = require("@juspay-tech/hyperwitch-node")(‘YOUR_API_KEY’);

Add an endpoint on your server that creates a Payment. Creating a Payment helps to establish the intent of the customer to start a payment. It also helps to track the customer’s payment lifecycle, keeping track of failed payment attempts and ensuring the customer is only charged once. Return the client_secret obtained in the response to securely complete the payment on the client.

// Create a Payment with the order amount and currency"/create-payment", async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const paymentIntent = await hyper.paymentIntents.create({
      currency: "USD",
      amount: 100,
    // Send publishable key and PaymentIntent details to client
      clientSecret: paymentIntent.client_secret,
  } catch (err) {
    return res.status(400).send({
      error: {
        message: err.message,

2. Build checkout page on your app

2.1 Configure your repository with Hyperswitch dependency

Add the following maven repository to the settings.gradle file

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
           maven {
            url ""

2.2 Add the Hyperswitch dependency

Add hyperswitch-android to the dependencies block of your build.gradle file to install the SDK

dependencies {

    // Hyperswitch Android SDK
    implementation 'io.hyperswitch:hyperswitch-android:+'

2.3 Implement the HyperInterface

Implement the HyperInterface to your CheckoutActivity

class CheckoutActivity : AppCompatActivity(), HyperInterface {

    // ...

2.4 Setup the SDK and fetch a Payment

Setup the SDK with your publishable key

PaymentConfiguration.init(applicationContext, "YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY");

{% hint style="warning" %} Note: For Open Source Setup, initialise PaymentConfiguration as:

PaymentConfiguration.initWithBackend(applicationContext, "YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY", "YOUR_SERVER_URL");

{% endhint %}

Fetch a payment by requesting your server for a payment as soon as your view is loaded. Store a reference to the client_secret returned by the server; the Payment Sheet will use this secret to complete the payment later.

3. Complete the payment on your app

Create a PaymentSheet instance using the client_secret retrieved from the previous step. Present the payment page from your view controller and use the PaymentSheet.Configuration struct for customising your payment page.

val configuration = PaymentSheet.Configuration("Your_app, Inc.")

// Present Payment Page
paymentSheet.presentWithPaymentIntent(paymentIntentClientSecret, configuration)

Handle the payment result in the completion block and display appropriate messages to your customer based on whether the payment fails with an error or succeeds.

private fun onPaymentSheetResult(paymentResult: PaymentSheetResult) {
        when (paymentResult) {
            is PaymentSheetResult.Completed -> {
                showToast("Payment complete!")
            is PaymentSheetResult.Canceled -> {
                Log.i(TAG, "Payment canceled!")
            is PaymentSheetResult.Failed -> {
                showAlert("Payment failed", paymentResult.error.localizedMessage)

Congratulations! Now that you have integrated the Android SDK, you can customise the payment sheet to blend with the rest of your app.

Next step:

{% content-ref url="../../payment-methods-setup/" %} payment-methods-setup {% endcontent-ref %}