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338 lines (191 loc) · 6.68 KB

File metadata and controls

338 lines (191 loc) · 6.68 KB


Represents a collection of resources.



Adds labels to the selection components (checkboxes and radio buttons) as follows:

  • itemSelectionLabel ((SelectionState, Item) => string) - Determines the label for an item.
  • selectionGroupLabel (string) - Specifies the label for the group selection control. You can use the first arguments of type SelectionState to access the current selection state of the component (for example, the selectedItems list). The label function for individual items also receives the corresponding Item object. You can use the group label to add a meaningful description to the whole selection.


CardsProps.AriaLabels {
  itemSelectionLabel: (
    data: CardsProps.SelectionState<T>,
    row: T
  ) => string
  selectionGroupLabel: string

Required: No


Defines what to display in each card. It has the following properties:

  • header ((item) => ReactNode) - Responsible for displaying the card header. You receive the current item as an argument. Use fontSize="heading-m" on link components inside card header.
  • sections (array) - Responsible for displaying the card content. Cards can have many sections in their body. Each entry in the array is responsible for displaying a section. An entry has the following properties:
    • id: (string) - A unique identifier for the section. The property is used as a keys source for React rendering, and to match entries in the visibleSections property (if it's defined).
    • header: (ReactNode) - Responsible for displaying the section header.
    • content: ((item) => ReactNode) - Responsible for displaying the section content. You receive the current item as an argument.
    • width: (number) - Specifies the width of the card section in percent. Use this to display multiple sections in the same row. The default value is 100%. All of the above properties are optional.


CardsProps.CardDefinition {
  sections?: ReadonlyArray<
  header?: (item: T) => React.ReactNode

Required: Yes


Determines the number of cards per row for any interval of container width. It's an array whose entries are objects containing the following:

  • cards (number) - Specifies the number of cards per row.
  • minWidth (number) - Specifies the minimum container width (in pixels) for which this configuration object should apply. For example, with this configuration:
  cards: 1
}, {
  minWidth: 500,
  cards: 2
}, {
  minWidth: 800,
  cards: 3

the cards component displays:

  • 1 card per row when the container width is below 500px.
  • 2 cards per row when the container width is between 500px and 799px.
  • 3 cards per row when the container width is 800px or wider.

The number of cards per row can't be greater than 20.

Default value:

  cards: 1
}, {
  minWidth: 768,
  cards: 2
}, {
  minWidth: 992,
  cards: 3
}, {
  minWidth: 1200,
  cards: 4
}, {
  minWidth: 1400,
  cards: 5
}, {
  minWidth: 1920,
  cards: 6

Type: ReadonlyArray<CardsProps.CardsLayout>

Default: []

Required: No


Adds the specified classes to the root element of the component.

Type: String

Required: No


Adds the specified ID to the root element of the component.

Type: String

Required: No


Determines which items are disabled. If an item is disabled, users can't select it.

Type: (item: T) => boolean

Required: No


Specifies the items that serve as data source for a card. The cardDefinition property handles the display of this data.

Type: ReadonlyArray

Default: []

Required: Yes


Renders the cards in a loading state. We recommend that you also set a loadingText.

Type: Boolean

Default: false

Valid values: true | false

Required: No


Specifies the text to display when in loading state.

Type: String

Required: No


Specifies the list of selected items.

Type: ReadonlyArray

Required: No


Specifies the selection mode. It can be either single or multi.

Type: String

Valid values: single | multi

Required: No


If set to true, the cards header remains visible when the user scrolls down.

Type: Boolean

Default: false

Valid values: true | false

Required: No


Optionally provide a vertical offset (in pixels) for the sticky header, for example if you need to position the sticky header below other fixed position elements on the page.

Type: Number

Required: No


Specifies the property inside items that uniquely identifies them. When it's set, it's used to provide keys for React for performance optimizations. It's also used for connecting items and selectedItems values when they don't reference the same object.

Type: CardsProps.TrackBy

Valid values: string | (item: T) => string

Required: No


Specifies an array containing the id of each visible section. If not set, all sections are displayed. Use it in conjunction with the visible content preference of the collection preferences component.

The order of ids doesn't influence the order of display of sections, which is controlled by the cardDefinition property.

Type: ReadonlyArray

Required: No



Displayed only when the list of items is empty.


Use this slot to add filtering controls to the component.


Heading element of the table container. Use the header component.


Use this slot to add the pagination component to the component.


Use this slot to add collection preferences to the component.



Called when a user interaction causes a change in the list of selected items. The event detail contains the current list of selectedItems.

Detail type:

CardsProps.SelectionChangeDetail {
  selectedItems: Array<T>

Cancelable: No

Ref functions


When the sticky header is enabled, calling this function scrolls cards's scroll parent up to reveal the first card or row of cards.

License Summary

The documentation is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. See the LICENSE file.