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⏳ React Timed Renderer

React component that re-renders at the interval provided.

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A component that re-renders at regular intervals.

Just provide the interval in milliseconds and a render prop.

Features include:

  • 🙌 Simple and easy
    • Render components at timed intervals with ease.
  • 🎯 Straightforward
    • Dead simple and straightforward timed component.
  • 🧰 Versatile
    • A useful tool to have in your React toolkit.


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Table of Contents


npm i react-timed-renderer

Quick Start

import { TimedRenderer } from "react-timed-renderer";
  render={(time) => <div>Rendered at: {time}</div>}

Provide an interval in milliseconds and a render prop.

The render prop receives a single argument, which is the time (in Unix milliseconds) at which the render occurred, in case that's useful to you.

See the demo for an example using CSS transitions.


Type definitions have been included for TypeScript support.

Icon Attribution

Favicon by Twemoji.


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