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A Special School Evacuation Unit Some Observation on its Value

  1. BARKER, Headmaster, Hunslet Lane Special School, Leeds

(evacuated to One Oak, Ilkley).

Note Here n a Previous issue (July 1941) we published an article on this subject by an L.C.C. Headmaster. ls ?nother testimony from a different part of the country which provides useful additional evidence. ? When, in the early days of 1939, gXaSldren ^acuation were being made, it was felt {92X certified under Part V of the Education Act ^ should not be evacuated except as a g tQ herefore local arrangements were ma under ^ dealt with in temporary residential s tely m heir own teachers and not blllete P P 'vate families. (Subsequent expe ^ few Sfed the wisdom of this dec^ion tQ be children who were sent by their _p brothers ^eted i? the ordinary, way witt. normal b?>m s?ters all quickly returned home, g tSf foster-Parents were unwilling to Ke P Residential Schools were set up for all types of " special " children, including separate schools for the feeble-minded group. The boys (with whom this article exclusively deals) were evacuated first to a hutted camp in beautiful surroundings, and subsequently to a large house in Ilkley. The party originally consisted of 86 boys, but. this number quickly dropped to 62, and at the time of writing is 46. During the two years which have elapsed, 33 new entrants have been received and 49 boys have left, of whom 31 returned to Leeds schools and 18 were allowed to leave altogether. Of these 18, 4 were de-certified, 7 were given leave on licence, and 7 were notified to the Mental Health Committee. Nineteen boys have been with us the whole time, and a large proportion of the others for periods ranging from one to two years. There have therefore been ample opportunities of studying the effects of evacuation upon them.

In spite of obvious disadvantages?mainly because the scheme is only a wartime measure?both myself and my staff are satisfied that the residential school brings great gains and that these gains could be made still more effective in a properly constituted post-war programme.

The first great advantage is the improvement in physical health. Whilst the bracing moorland air has played its part in achieving this, we must not overlook three other very fundamental factors: (1) Regularity of meals and a carefully planned diet, with the disappearance of " bits and pieces " and chance meals, and of fads and fancies about food. The boys eat with relish and waste is unknown. We grow a good proportion of our own vegetables so that fresh garden produce is available.

(2) Personal cleanliness, both of body and clothing. This needs no amplification. Our freedom from disease tells its own story. It is a rare thing for a boy to miss school and our attendance at lessons reaches 98 per cent. (3) Regularity of sleep. Lights out at 8.30 p.m. Waking-up time, 7.30 a.m. Eleven hours sleep each night with consequent fitness for the new day's tasks.

The effect of these three gains shows itself in the capacity of the boys to enjoy the long, healthful walks on the moors. Even after a short stay, the improvement in their stamina is marked. In summer we visit the open air baths and it is a rare thing to have a boy wishing to be excused. We have played football matches against local teams and although the boys have each time been beaten, they play manfully to the end and even ask for more. If nothing else had been achieved, this physical improvement alone would have been worth while. But it has other repercussions. Instead of the back street, the boys have the wide open spaces. They are nearer to nature and like all other natural things they seek to express them- selves. They are no longer tongue-tied and speak more freely. They can be given greater responsi- bility and are adapting themselves more successfully to life.

If all this is true, it should have some effect on educational standards. How far is this borne out ? At random, I put three boys through the Ballard test and found that in each case from 10 to 12 months' improvement had been made for each year of evacuation. I venture to suggest that if a similar test was made of the whole school this would be the general average. The fact that four boys have been de-certified and that others are under consideration for de-certification, bears out this statement.

There is still another advantage which must not be overlooked. In the past, these boys used to spend six hours in school each day and the rest the time outside its discipline, often with disastro^ results. Now they are living a communal ^ under the friendly supervision of the teaching sta"' both for work and play. Dual control has go$ and the parents themselves are noticing the' improvement. We are often congratulated 0 the boys' happy appearance and quiet behavio^; whether on the moors, at the local cinema or2 church.

In time of stress, boys have been loaned to vario^ people in the district to help in gardening wor and not only have they been well paid for this wo1* but many expressions of appreciation for the ^ it has been tackled, have been received. Just one more point?our boys are not ov^ burdened with pocket money but the eagerne-- with which they buy National Savings Stamps ^ very cheering. No compulsion is put upon theIJ in this matter and they are proud as can be vvh^ they manage to get a certificate book. A training in thrift ! ,

These are just a few of the gains I have observe^ Are we going to learn from our experience and s, plan our Post-War programme that they sW be spread over a wider area and made more co# plete and lasting ? Our job in Special Schools to help lame dogs over stiles. Here is a way to d it, and to do it very effectively. The following notes are appended by members '? Mr. Barker's staff-? Mr. Pull an writes :

Evacuation to a Residential School has elifl^ ated the bogey of " Home Conditions " & response is improved. The boys are more al#; physically and mentally. In sport, they want J play and they have greater staying power. V class, they are eager to answer when they can & they listen and watch more attentively. They hav' more centres of interest which results in an increa* of vocabulary and an increased desire to talk. Mr. Sumption writes :'

Many of the boys suffered from bad habits to parental training and outlook. They brought up in an atmosphere of " you can't he* it?its not your fault ". The teacher's duty is1' correct this viewpoint by changing the negate, outlook for a positive one. Other boys hav previously spent long periods in hospitals. Th^1 educational training has suffered and they hav got into a lazy way, both mentally and physical" In a residential school these things can be read1; corrected. Another type?and probably the difficult?is the spoiled lad in whom the ego 1 paramount. Here again the communal life of residential school with its " one-Control " discipl^ is of immense help. A boy has to wash and drf himself?attend to his own personal appearand

do a thousand and one jobs which previously ?:ere done for him. He learns to take his own part Sames, and his character is encouraged to develop 0n nght lines.

^r' Br?adbent writes:

, 0rtage of material has resulted in the making of ?jailer pieces of work?black-out screens, garden P ements, household repairs, etc. Every boy now has a metal gas mask case made out of old material. Smaller classes and more time have resulted in greater progress, and hobby work has been done out of school hours. Increased physical stamina has made it possible for boys to begin handicraft lessons at 10 years of age and to work through the scheme. Amongst the older boys, I find there is quicker execution and the work is better finished.