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Mind Own Executioner

Correspondence (We are glad to publish the following communication which has been forwarded to us by a psychiatric patient after seeing this film.?Editor.) " MINE OWN EXECUTIONER "

" First and foremost I don't think it should have been publicly shown at all. It gave quite a wrong impression to the public who seem, from what I have heard, somewhat bewildered and nauseated by this subject?bewildered because I don't believe the producers know anything about it. It is a very delicate and obtruse matter to deal with and I feel if it was really necessary for such a film to be shown at all, it should have been prepared by a team of expert doctors, though the trimmings and love scenes could perhaps have been left to the producers ! I went to the film with a reasonably normal person and she came away completely condemning and horrified by it. From my point of view, I was glad I saw it, for it proved to me that I was able to face such a film ; previously I would have left the cinema almost immediately, but I was determined to stay to see what effect it would have on me.

" My own analysis of the film in its detail is a bit difficult, but I will do my best. First, it presented the very worst aspect of the subject to the public so that youths and young girls behind us laughed and giggled at parts that required the deepest sympathy, thereby missing one of the most important points of the whole film and showing that they failed to appreciate in any way the appalling suffering involved. No sympathy for the patient was aroused nor was one good quality in him brought out. He might have been a criminal for all the public cared !

" Nothing was shown of the part played by the doctor in leading the patient back to normality which would have given hope to parents, sweethearts and friends of mental patients in the audience. Instead one came away with the idea that all mental patients were dangerous and very much to be avoided and no suggestion was given that there were many types and degrees of mental illness. To a patient the film would convey the idea that he was a hunted social outcast and that no one had any pity, sympathy, understanding or tolerance towards him.

" If most films end happily why not this one, especially as it is on such an important subject ? I felt it was bad psychology to show the patient committing suicide. What a wonderful chance to show instead, the respect and confidence of the patient in the doctor, and from then onwards, to bring the picture to a happy end with an ultimate cure.

" Again in the scene where he murdered his wife? why not show how the power of love could dominate his mind, and bring that aspect to the surface ? The ladder scene too, gave a great opportunity of showing the power of good over evil, in that the patient must have realized here was his own prop which could help. The instinct of self-preservation would surely have prevented suicide so that he would have surrendered until he could have been helped to stand on his own feet. The scene showing the banalities and trivialities of the psychologist with his girl friend was also bad because of its flippancy. We know doctors require relaxation, but was it necessary to show this ? After all, the public build up unconsciously a certain ideal of the medical profession and their standard ought not to be lowered. If humour is required, surely it should be shown through a patient ?

" Well, these are only random thoughts, and perhaps I am all wrong ; but as I was invited to write, I have done so, although with some fear and trepidation for after all, I am not an expert. I only wish I were, for nothing would give me greater joy than to help my fellow sufferers. May I have the chance to do so." X.