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File metadata and controls

202 lines (166 loc) · 5.72 KB


A reusable component for Ex Libris Cloud Apps which provides lazy and eagerly loaded auto-complete functionality. Wraps the mat-autocomplete component. Features include:

  • Lazy loading for large lists
  • Automatic retrieval of options from Alma APIs, including pagination
  • Cache eagerly-loaded data


After installing the component, add the following to app.module.ts:

import { AutoCompleteModule } from 'eca-components';


  imports: [


Eager Loading

In eager-loading mode, the component fetches all the data when loaded. The data is cached as long as the app is loaded (if an id is provided or if using the built-in loading method).


There are two methods for eager loading: built-in and custom. The built-in method uses the Alma APIs and standard paging mechanism to retrieve all the options. The custom method allows you to handle the API calls and provide the data to the component.

To use the built-in method, simply provide the URL of the relevant Alma API:

  [data]='{ request: "/conf/libraries" }'

By default, the name property is used as the display and the entire entity is used as the value. You can customize each:

getProxies: GetAllOptionsSettings = {
  request: '/conf/integration-profiles?type=PROXY_DEFINITION',
  name: i => i.code.concat(i.description ? ` (${i.description})` : ''),
  value: i => i.code

The custom method allows you to control the API calls and pass the result to the component for display. This supports use cases where you wish to limit the results of the raw API. To use custom loading, provide a function which returns an Observable array of options. In this example, we're retrieving libraries and limiting by campus:

getLibraries = campus: Observable<Option[]> => {
    map(results => (results.library || []).filter(l => !!l.campus && l.campus.value==campus)),
    map(results => => ({ value: l.code, name: })))

You can also provide hard-coded data as an Observable array of options:

import { Option } from 'eca-components';

getData(): Observable<Option[]> {
  return of([
    { name: 'One option', value: 'one' },
    { name: 'Twpo options', value: 'two' },
    { name: 'Three options', value: 'three' },
    { name: 'Four options', value: 'four' },
  label="Select some data"

Lazy loading

Lazy loading executes a query when the user adds input in the search field.

Lazy loading

Lazy loaded

For example, to search for a set:

searchSets = (name: string = null, type: string = 'ITEM'): Observable<Option[]> => {
  let params = { 'content_type': type }
  if (name) params['q'] = `name~${name}`;
  return {
    url: '/conf/sets',
    queryParams: params
    map(results => results.set || []),
    map(results => => ({ value: r, name: })))

Or to search users:

searchUsers = (q: string): Observable<Option[]> => {
  return`/users?limit=20&q=ALL~${q.replace(/ /g,'%2b')}`)
    map(results => results.user || []),
    map(results => => ({ value: u.primary_id, name: u.first_name + ' ' + u.last_name })))

All properties

  placeHolder="Type to search..."

id: string Recommended as it allows the data to be cached.

lazy: (val: string) => Observable<Array<Option>> A function which searches a data source and return an array of options. Alternative to data.

data: (() => Observable<Array<Option>>) | GetAllOptionsSettings A function which return an array of options, or GetAllOptionsSettings to use the built-in loading. Alternative to lazy.

control: FormControl A form control which is updated with the value. Can be used in Reactive Forms.

onOptionSelected: EventEmitter Event when a value is selected

selected(val) {
  console.log('optionSelected', val);

label: string A string of text or translation key to be used as the field label. Default "Select one"

placeHolder: string A string of text or translation key to be used as the field place holder. Default "Type to search..."


request: Request | string URL for the API or a full CloudAppRestService Request

name: (obj: any) => string Function which accepts the full entity and returns the name to be used. Default (obj: any) =>

value: (obj: any) => string Function which accepts the full entity and returns the value to be used. Default (obj: any) => obj


clear() Clears component.

<button mat-stroked-button (click)="users.clear()">Clear</button>
<eca-auto-complete #users
  label="Select a user"