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Site Configurations

Jordan Willis edited this page Aug 25, 2014 · 4 revisions

The following are instructions for installing PyIg in various sites that have tricky build systems.


For ACCRE, there is a script called that should be used in lieu of These specify specific local paths that will only work for you because it installs the libraries to your home directory and not the global ACCRE library.

It's a little more difficult, but still doable.

  1. Log into ACCRE

  2. edit your .bashrc script with the following changes -

export PATH=/usr/local/python2/2.7.8/x86_64/gcc46/nonet/bin/:/home/yourusername/bin/:$PATH export PYTHONPATH=/home/yourusername/python_lib/:$PYTHONPATH setpkgs -a gcc_compiler setpkgs -a atlas

  1. Download PyIg from 2.1.1 onward.

  2. Install PyIg with the following command

python install --install-lib ~/python_lib/ --install-scripts ~/bin

  1. Use PyIg - The only difference is, the database will not be in /usr/local/pyig/data_dir, but in /home/yourusername/lib/data_dir. So that must be specified with the -d option when using pyig to point to that location


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