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File metadata and controls

97 lines (67 loc) · 3.46 KB

Getting Package Version at Runtime

Automatically setting your project's version is all well and good, but you usually also want to expose that version at runtime, usually via a __version__ variable. There are three options for doing this:

  1. Use the ~importlib.metadata.version() function from importlib.metadata to get your package's version, like so:

    from importlib.metadata import version
    __version__ = version("mypackage")

    Note that importlib.metadata was only added to Python in version 3.8. If you wish to support older Python versions, use the importlib-metadata backport available on PyPI for those versions, e.g.:

    import sys
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
        from importlib.metadata import version
        from importlib_metadata import version
    __version__ = version("mypackage")

    If relying on the backport, don't forget to include importlib-metadata; python_version < "3.8" in your project's install_requires!

  2. Fill out the [tool.versioningit.write] subtable in pyproject.toml so that the project version will be written to a file in your Python package which you can then import or read. For example, if your package is named mypackage and is stored in a src/ directory, you can write the version to a Python file src/mypackage/ like so:

    file = "src/mypackage/"

    Then, within mypackage/, you can import the version like so:

    from ._version import __version__

    Alternatively, you can write the version to a text file, say, src/mypackage/VERSION:

    file = "src/mypackage/VERSION"

    and then read the version in at runtime with:

    from pathlib import Path
    __version__ = Path(__file__).with_name("VERSION").read_text().strip()
  3. (New in version 1.1.0) Use the onbuild step <onbuild> and its custom hooks to create sdists & wheels in which some file has been modified to contain the line __version__ = "<project version>" or similar while leaving your repository's contents alone.


Wondering which of write and onbuild is right for your project? See this table for a comparison:

\ write onbuild
Should affected file be under version control? No Yes
Affected file must already exist? No Yes
Modifies working tree? Yes No
Run when installing in editable mode? Yes No