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Blacklisting and Whitelisting

Joey edited this page Dec 14, 2016 · 1 revision

Blacklisting and whitelisting can now be done on the export page. Blacklists are applied first, and then whitelists. This means you can blacklist a directory but whitelist a file within that directory. In the GUI, patterns are separated by lines. In command line mode, patterns are separated using commas (,).

To blacklist/whitelist a directory or file called "project_files" recursively, put this into the new blacklist/whitelist field:


You can also exclude a directory in the root of your project directory like so:


There is also support for simple patterns. To match files and filed, you can do:


In the GUI, a file tree on the right of the new fields shows which files will be included in the build. This will show all files including hidden ones if they are allowed with the blacklist/whitelist patterns.

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