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File metadata and controls

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There are two main components of django-pghistory:

  1. Event. Events are configured to track various historical events that happen in an application. django-pghistory has several utilities for automatically tracking events based off of changes in the database. Events range from snapshotting all model changes, tracking specific events based on changes in the database, and still allowing users to manually track events that cannot be expressed at a database level. Users have flexibility in how event models are structured.
  2. Context. An application can track as many events across as many models as desired, which can result in multiple tables and events for even a single request. django-pghistory provides the ability to contextualize all of these events and group them under the same context. Along with this, the application can also add as much free-form metadata to the context of events as desired. django-pghistory comes with middleware that will automatically group events in a request under the same context and annotate additional information about the events (e.g. the URL and the authenticated user).

These two concepts, along with advanced usage examples, will be covered in more detail over the tutorial.

Tracking Snapshots of Models When Fields Change

We dive into django-pghistory's event tracking by first showing how to configure it to track any changes to relevant models. After these examples, we'll dive deeper into how to configure django-pghistory to automatically track custom events and also show examples of how to manually track events in an application.

The pghistory.track decorator is the primary interface for configuring event tracking. Using this decorator not only configures event tracking for a model, but it will also create another tracking model dynamically that tracks all changes.

For example, let's say that we have a TestModel like so:

from django.db import models

class TestModel(models.Model):
    int_field = models.IntegerField()
    char_field = models.CharField(max_length=16)

Tracking model changes can be configured with:

import pghistory

class TestModel(models.Model):

Here's an overview of what's going on above:

  1. We've registered the test_model.snapshot event to be tracked. This is a pghistory.Snapshot event that will snapshot the model when it is created and anytime a field is updated.
  2. Tracking happens automatically at the database level via Postgres Triggers. Triggers are installed when migrations run.
  3. The tracked changes are stored in an automatically-generated tracking model. By default, the tracking model has a nearly identical structure as the model being tracked, along with some additional metadata inserted by django-pghistory. These models will appear when calling makemigrations, and other parameters to pghistory.track can be configured to limit which fields are tracked among other things. Every event tracked in this table will have a label of test_model.snapshot.

For this particular scenario, the automatically-generated event model looks like this:

class TestModelEvent(pghistory.models.Event):
    pgh_obj = models.ForeignKey(TestModel, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='event')
    pgh_label = models.TextField()
    pgh_context = models.ForeignKey('pghistory.Context', null=True, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='+')
    pgh_created_at = models.DatetimeField(auto_now_add=True)

    id = models.IntegerField()
    int_field = models.IntegerField()
    char_field = models.CharField(max_length=16)

When TestModel is inserted or updated, a TestModelEvent is created with the new values of the TestModel object. Events fire only when fields change, so no event will be stored if any empty update happens. This provides a complete history of all of the values of that particular model. One can query all updates to the model with test_model_instance.event.all().

The pgh_obj is a foreign key that references the original object. This foreign key can be modified via the fk_obj parameter to pghistory.track. See pghistory.track for more information.

The pgh_context is a foreign key that points to context about the historical event. The context object, along with tracking free-form metadata from the app, allows grouping of similar events. More on this later.

Since the event model is automatically tracking fields, it will also be migrated whenever the original model is changed. It is up to the user to write appropriate data migrations for these circumstances.


You may have noticed the use of DO_NOTHING on the deletion of foreign keys. By default, all django-pghistory event models create foreign keys that are unconstrained, even for the foreign keys of the tracked model. This helps ensure the tracked values are accurate for the point in time at which they were tracked and that Django does not try to modify them during deletions. It is up to the user to handle referential integrity errors from tracking models as a result or to override the generated tracking models if referential integrity is important. More on this in a later section.

django-pghistory provides the ability to specify tracking for only a subset of fields, or even potentially having different event models for different field updates. For example, this will create two different event models: one for changes to int_field and one for changes to char_field:

@pghistory.track(pghistory.Snapshot('test_model.int_field_snapshot'), fields=['int_field'])
@pghistory.track(pghistory.Snapshot('test_model.char_field_snapshot'), fields=['char_field'])
class TestModel(models.Model):

In the above, two different tracking models would be created with the following structure:

class TestModelIntFieldEvent(pghistory.models.Event):
    pgh_obj = models.ForeignKey(TestModel, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='int_field_event')
    pgh_label = models.TextField()
    pgh_context = models.ForeignKey('pghistory.Context', null=True, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='+')
    pgh_created_at = models.DatetimeField(auto_now_add=True)

    int_field = models.IntegerField()

class TestModelCharFieldEvent(pghistory.models.Snapshot):
    pgh_obj = models.ForeignKey(TestModel, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='char_field_event')
    pgh_label = models.TextField()
    pgh_context = models.ForeignKey('pghistory.Context', null=True, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='+')
    pgh_created_at = models.DatetimeField(auto_now_add=True)

    char_field = models.CharField(max_length=16)

The fields argument to pghistory.track can take any combination of fields that should be snapshot when any field in the group is changed.

Tracking Specific Model Events

Oftentimes changes of specific fields to specific values directly corresponds to events in an application. For example, the creation of a new user could mean that a new user has signed up. The change of a status field of a model might indicate a model has progressed to a new stage.

Similar to the pghistory.Snapshot event, django-pghistory comes with some utilities for automatically storing events based on conditional changes in the database. For example, let's take our previous example of storing an event when a user is created:

class User(models.Model):
    username = models.CharField(max_length=64)

In the above, we've registered a pghistory.AfterInsert event. When an insert happens, an event will be created with the label of user.create.

The event model is generated in an identical way to the previous snapshot examples. By default, every value of the model will be snapshot alongside the event label. If it isn't important to have all of this additional information alongside the event, one can override this behavior with the fields argument. For example, the following will only track the username field when a user.create event happens:

class User(models.Model):
    username = models.CharField(max_length=64)
    password = models.PasswordField()

django-pghistory comes with five utility classes for automatically creating events based on changes in rows:

  1. pghistory.AfterInsert: For creating an event based on the fields after an insert. Values from the NEW row (from the Postgres trigger) will be stored.
  2. pghistory.BeforeUpdate: For creating an event based on the fields before the update. Values from the OLD row will be stored.
  3. pghistory.AfterUpdate: For creating an event based on the fields after an update. Values from the NEW row will be stored.
  4. pghistory.BeforeDelete: For creating an event based on the fields before a delete. Values from the OLD row will be stored.
  5. pghistory.AfterInsertOrUpdate: A helper to create an event after an insert or an update based on the rows after the operation. Values from the NEW row will be stored.

Similar to snapshots, these five event types directly map to Postgres triggers that are installed in the database, meaning that they all can be given a condition argument to specify when they should be fired. It is up to the application developer to understand when it makes sense to snapshot the OLD or the NEW row when using pghistory.BeforeUpdate or pghistory.AfterUpdate.

Manually Tracking Events

Sometimes it is not possible to express an event based on a series of changes to a model. pghistory.create_event can be used for circumstances where the event needs to be manually instrumented. These events must still be declared with the model though, for example:

class User(models.Model):
    username = models.CharField(max_length=64)
    password = models.PasswordField()

In the above, we have defined the user.create event like before, but it will not automatically be created. We will have to instrument our code to create the event before a user is created:

user = User.objects.create(...)
pghistory.create_event(user, label='user.create')


Manually-created events will still be linked with context if context tracking has been enabled. More on context tracking in a later section.

Creating a Custom Event Model

django-pghistory also provides the ability for the user to create a custom event model if one needs to override field declarations or add custom attributes to fields (e.g. an index). pghistory.get_event_model is used like so:

class TestModel(models.Model):

class MySnapshotModel(pghistory.get_event_model(

The call signature for pghistory.get_event_model is almost identical to pghistory.track with the exception that the tracked model is the first argument.

Grouping Changes and Metadata

By default, all django-pghistory event models come with a pgh_context foreign key that points to the pghistory.models.Context object associated with the event. The pghistory.models.Context model has a UUID id primary key field and a metadata JSON field. In order to group changes under the same context, use pghistory.context:

with pghistory.context(key='val'):
    # Do changes here...

When using pghistory.context, all contained changes will point to the same Context object. The Context object in this example will also have {"key": "val"} in its metadata.

Context can be added anywhere in an application. For example, imagine one has a core system of their application that imports data and they want to add context about a file that was imported to any change that happens. This can be done by entering pghistory.context(additional='metadata') before the import happens and attaching additional metadata. The metadata will be accumulated into the shared Context object associated with all changes since the root pghistory.context call happened.

Normally an application will group changes together at the following levels of granularity:

  1. Request. Changes for an entire POST request can be grouped together by using the middleware in pghistory.middleware.HistoryMiddleware. The default middleware attaches the authenticated user and the URL of the request to the context metadata. Note: be sure to add the middleware after django.contrib.auth in order to track the correct user.
  2. Management Command. If users run a management command outside of a request, one can instrument with pghistory.context to apply the same context for all changes in the management command.
  3. Task. When running periodic or asynchronous tasks, one can instrument the core task objects to contextualize all changes in the same task run.


If one does not wrap database changes in pghistory.context, the associated events will have a pgh_context set to None. If one directly connects to the database and runs raw SQL, for example, the changes would still be tracked, but there would be missing context as to why the change happened.

django-pghistory context is meant to group together events and bring more clarity around why a particular event happened in an application. It is ultimately up to the application developers to decide what core sets of free-form metadata should be tracked alongside structured events.

Advanced Usage Examples

Tracking Third-Party Model Changes

django-pghistory can track changes to third-party models like Django's User model. There are only two things to keep in mind when tracking events to a model outside of your application:

  1. You must register the tracking in the .ready() of an app config in your project.
  2. You must specify the app label of one of your internal project apps to be the app label of the generated event model. This is required to ensure that migrations for the event model are created inside of your project and not in a folder of a third-party app.

Here's an example of configuring events for the Django User model:

import django.apps
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model

import pghistory

class MyAppConfig(django.apps.AppConfig):
    name = 'my_app'

    def ready(self):
        User = get_user_model()
        # Snapshot the user model and exclude password updates

Tracking Many-To-Many Events

Events in many-to-many fields, such as user groups or permissions, can be configured by tracking the "through" model of the many-to-many relationship. When creating a many-to-many relationship, Django automatically generates a "through" model that is populated based on changes to the many-to-many field (and one can override this behavior with their own custom "through" model).

django-pghistory's tracking functions can be called manually on the "through" model or used as a decorator on any custom "through" models. Here we show an example of how to track group "add" and "remove" events for Django's User model.

As discussed in the previous section, we need to set up a .ready() handler in an app config of our project to track third-party model changes and pass it a custom app_label to use. Here we reference the "through" model with User.groups.through:

import django.apps
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.db import models

class MyAppConfig(django.apps.AppConfig):
    name = 'my_app'

    def ready(self):
        User = get_user_model()
        # Track events to user group relationships

Two events are set up to track additions and deletions to the "through" model, which will in turn track every time a user is added or removed from a group.


Django does not allow foreign keys to auto-generated "through" models. Setting obj_fk=None will create an event model that does not contain a reference to the original "through" model.

Assuming one has created and executed migrations, the following code will show tracked changes to user group relationships:

# Note: this is pseudo-code
>>> user = User.objects.create_user('username')
>>> group = Group.objects.create(name='group')
>>> user.groups.add(group)
>>> user.groups.remove(group)
>>> print(my_app_models.UserGroupsEvent.objects.values('pgh_label', 'user', 'group'))

  {'user':, 'group':, 'pgh_label': 'group.add'},
  {'user':, 'group':, 'pgh_label': 'group.remove'},

Configuring Context Collection

When using pghistory.middleware.HistoryMiddleware, all POST, PUT, and PATCH requests will automatically be tracked with pghistory.context and events will reference the same context object in their associated models (i.e. the pgh_context foreign key). By default, the authenticated user is added as the user key and the URL is added as the url key.


Packages like django-rest-framework add the user to the request object in the view layer. pghistory.middleware.HistoryMiddleware modifies the Django request object so that any changes to request.user in the view lifecycle will be captured.

Users, however, can enter pghistory.context at any point in their application code to attach more information to the context.

For example, this will attach an is_import flag whenever an import of data is triggered:

import pghistory

def import_data():

Note that is_import=True is attached to the current context. Events will be grouped together under the same context based on the highest level at which pghistory.context was started. So, for example, if an import is issued in a request and the middleware is configured, all changes in the request will have an is_import flag in their context. If the middleware was not enabled and this was the first time the application entered pghistory.context, only changes inside of this function would be grouped under the same context.

If one desires to only add context if a parent function has already entered pghistory.context (e.g. the middleware), one can call pghistory.context directly:


The context from the above example will not be added if a parent process has not entered pghistory.context.

It is up to the application developer to determine the levels of granularity at which history should be grouped together and how this will be used in their application. A general rule of thumb is to group changes by web requests. Things outside of web requests, such as Celery tasks or management commands, can be instrumented at their own levels individually.

Celery Tasks

One can override the Celery base task like so to group all task events under the same context with the same task name:

import celery
import pghistory

class Task(celery.Task):
  def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
      with pghistory.context(
          return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)

# Override the celery task decorator for your application
app = create_celery_app('my-app')
task = app.task(base=Task)

Management Commands

To capture all events issued under a management command, one can instrument like so:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import contextlib
import sys

import pghistory

if __name__ == "__main__":

    if (
        len(sys.argv) > 1
        and not sys.argv[1].startswith('runserver')
        # Group history context under the same management command if
        # we aren't running a server.
        history_context = pghistory.context(command=sys.argv[1])
        # Otherwise, history will be grouped together every request
        # in the middleware
        history_context = contextlib.ExitStack()


    with history_context:

In the above, we ignore tracking context for runserver commands. Otherwise every single change in a development session would be grouped under the same context.


This example uses django-configurations for settings management. The default generated by Django will look different, but pghistory instrumentation will be the same.