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327 lines (200 loc) · 7.46 KB

File metadata and controls

327 lines (200 loc) · 7.46 KB
  1. File logistics
  2. Useful bash
  3. Handling text files
  4. Handling .fa files
  5. Handling .fq files
  6. Handling .sam files
  7. Handling .vcf files
  8. Server on local Network
  9. Video editing with ffmpeg
  10. Profiling and Singularity
  11. Bits and pieces

File logistics

Check md5sums:

md5sum -c MD5.txt

Compressing directory

tar -zcvf archive-name.tar.gz directory-name
tar -cJf foo.tar.xz foo/
tar cf - paths-to-archive | pigz -9 -p 32 > archive.tar.gz
tar cf - test/ | pxz -T 3 > test.tar.xz

Uncompressing directory

tar -xvf {file.tar}
tar -zxvf {foo.tar.gz}
tar xvjf filename.tar.bz2
tar xvfJ filename.tar.xz

List content of compressed directory

tar -tvf foo.tar.gz

Encrypt/Decrypt a folder

tar -cz phenotypes | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -e > phenotypes.tar.gz.enc
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in phenotypes.tar.gz.enc | tar xz
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in 00_README.tar.xz.enc | tar -xvJ

Useful bash

Check what's going on using htop (kill jobs)

htop # quit by pressing q, needs to be istalled by user

Checking free disk space

df -h ./

List of files/ show the combined size of directory

du -a -h --max-depth=1 | sort -hr
du  -sh

Ommiting terminal standard output

> /dev/null

Make a script executable

chmod 755 <>

Fancy colors

NC='\033[0m' # No Color
echo -e "I ${RED}love${NC} Stack Overflow"

## I �[0;31mlove�[0m Stack Overflow

0-pad numbers

for k in 1 45 142; do
    q=$(printf "%03d\n" $k) ;
    echo "$k: $q";

## 1: 001
## 45: 045
## 142: 142

echo to stderr

(>&2 echo "--- test ---")

## --- test ---

Textfile handling:

Extracting lines from file

sed -n '2,3p' test1.txt > test2.txt

echo -e "1\n2\n3\n4\n5" | sed -n '2,3p'

## 2
## 3

Deleting a character from textfile

sed 's/[|]//g' in_file.txt

echo  "A|BCD|E" | sed 's/[|]//g'


remove every other linebreak

cat in_file.fa | paste - - > out_file.txt

echo -e ">head1\nATGCG\n>head2\nTGCGT" | paste - -

## >head1   ATGCG
## >head2   TGCGT

Remove lines containing pattern

sed '/ PATTERN/d' in_file.txt
grep -v  'PATTERN' in_file.txt

Add linebreack after pattern (Mac)

sed 's/>* /\'$'\n/g'

awk number format

echo -e "1\t3" | \
awk -v OFS="\t" '{print sprintf( "%.0f",($1/$2)),sprintf( "%.3f",$1/$2)}' 

## 0    0.333

Extract text between "textsw{text}"

echo '... analysis was done using \textsw{R} and  \textsw{Nextflow}.' | \
perl -lne 'print $1 while (/textsw\{(.*?)\}/g)'

## R
## Nextflow

Extract lines based on index file

awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1];next}FNR in a' line_index.txt data.txt 

Use awk with multiple output (separate header from body)

awk '{ if (substr($1,1,1) ~ /^[#]/ ){ print $0 > "in_file.rewrite.txt"} else {print $0 > "in_file.body.txt"}}' in_file.txt

fasta handling

Basic stats (using seqkit)

seqkit stat [file.fa/file.fa.gz/file.fq.gz] > stats.txt

Splitting a fastq file

split -l (4*n) in_file.fq segment

Merging fasta files

zcat dat1.fa.gz dat2.fa.gz dat3.fa.gz | \
gzip > dat_combined.fa.gz
# or
zcat dat*.fa.gz | \
gzip > dat_combined.fa.gz

Linebreak every 80 chars (fasta formatting)

fold -w 80 -s in_file.fa > out_file.fa

Unmask fasta files

sed '/[>*]/!s/[atgcn]/\u&/g' in_file.fa

Hard-mask soft-masked fasta

sed '/[>*]/!s/[atgcn]/N/g' in_file.fa

Filter fasta for min seqlength of 500 bp (using samtools & bedtools)

samtools faidx in_file.fa
awk -v OFS='\t' '{if($2 > 500) print $1,"0",$2,$1}' in_file.fa.fai > select_seq.bed
fastaFromBed -fi in_file.fa -bed select_seq.bed -name -fo  select_seq.fa

fastq handling

Get fastq sizes

awk '{if(NR%4==2) print length($1)}' in_file.fq | \
sort -n | \
uniq -c > read_length.txt

Get total bps of fq.gz file

zcat in_file.fq.gz | \
paste - - - - | \
cut -f 2 | \
tr -d '\n' | \
wc -c

fastq -> fasta

gunzip -c in_file.fq.gz | \
paste - - - - | \
cut -f 1,2 | \
sed 's/^@/>/' | \
tr "\t" "\n" | \
gzip > out_file.fa.gz

sam handling

Sort sam (only mapped - unmapped = -f, bam: add -b )

samtools view -F 4 in_file.sam > in_file.mapped.sam

Sort bam

samtools sort in_file.bam in_file.sorted

samtools -filter for mapping quality:

samtools view -b -q 10 in_file.bam > in_file.filtered.bam

sam -> bam (header there)

samtools view -bS in_file.sam > in_file.bam

Directly to sorted bam

samtools view -bS in_file.sam | \
samtools sort -o in_file.sorted

bam to wig (coverage overview with IGV)

samtools depth in_file.bam | \
perl -ne 'BEGIN{ print "track type=print wiggle_0 name=fileName description=fileName\n"}; ($c, $start, $depth) = split; if ($c ne $lastC) { print "variableStep chrom=$c span=10\n"; };$lastC=$c; next unless $. % 10 ==0;print "$start\t$depth\n" unless $depth<3' \
> in_file.wig

vcf handling:

Get sample names from vcf file (alternative using vcflib)

grep "#CHROM" in_file.vcf | \
cut -f 10-
# or quicker
vcfsamplenames in_file.vcf

Index bam file

samtools index in_file.sorted.bam

Serving on local network

Serve current folder acessible to other computers (port 80 requires sudo)

sudo python3 -m http.server 80

Find own IP

hostname -I

Video editing using ffmpeg

Strip audio from mp4 (mute)

ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -map 0:0 -vcodec copy out.mp4

Crop video (start-time - end-time)

ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -ss 00:00:12 -t 00:01:19 -async 1 out.mp4

Crop video (width:height:hoizontal_start:vertical_start)

ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -filter:v "crop=out_w:out_h:x:y" out.mp4

Profiling and Singularity

Simple timing of runtime of command

time sleep 2

Timing and Memory profile

/usr/bin/time -v time sleep 2

Run within Singularity container

singularity run container.sif R --version

Bits and pieces

Reformat vcftools HWE output for R input

cat in_file.hwe | \
tr '/' '\t' > in_file.hwe_t

Merging pdf (using ghost script)

gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=full_signed.pdf pages1-8.pdf page9_signed.pdf pages10-11pdf.pdf

Transforming pdf text into paths (copy-protect)

gs -o file_out_paths.pdf -dNoOutputFonts -sDEVICE=pdfwrite file_in_text.pdf

Collpsing library notes for TOC

grep -A 1 "^#" | sed 's/###\(.*\){\(.*\)}/- [\1](\2):/g;' | grep -v "^--" | paste - - | sed 's/[[:space:]]/ /g; s/\([\(\[]\) /\1/g; s/ \]/]/'