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In this section, we describe how to use the Go API of sherpa-onnx.

The Go API of sherpa-onnx supports both streaming and non-streaming speech recognition.

The following table lists some Go API examples:

Description URL
Decode a file with non-streaming models
Decode a file with streaming models
Real-time speech recognition from a microphone

One thing to note is that we have provided pre-built libraries for Go so that you don't need to build sherpa-onnx by yourself when using the Go API.

To make supporting multiple platforms easier, we split the Go API of sherpa-onnx into multiple packages, as listed in the following table:

OS Package name Supported Arch Doc
Linux sherpa-onnx-go-linux x86_64, aarch64, arm
macOS sherpa-onnx-go-macos x86_64, aarch64
Windows sherpa-onnx-go-windows x86_64, x86

To simplify the usage, we have provided a single Go package for sherpa-onnx that supports multiple operating systems. It can be found at


Such a design is insipred by the following article:

Cross platform Go modules for giants.

You can use the following import to import sherpa-onnx-go into your Go project:

import (
  sherpa ""

In the following, we describe how to run our provided Go API examples.


Before you continue, please make sure you have installed Go. If not, please follow to install Go.


You need to enable cgo to build sherpa-onnx-go.

Decode files with non-streaming models

First, let us build the example:

git clone
cd sherpa-onnx/go-api-examples/non-streaming-decode-files
go mod tidy
go build
./non-streaming-decode-files --help

You will find the following output:

Usage of ./non-streaming-decode-files:
      --debug int                Whether to show debug message
      --decoder string           Path to the decoder model
      --decoding-method string   Decoding method. Possible values: greedy_search, modified_beam_search (default "greedy_search")
      --encoder string           Path to the encoder model
      --joiner string            Path to the joiner model
      --lm-model string          Optional. Path to the LM model
      --lm-scale float32         Optional. Scale for the LM model (default 1)
      --max-active-paths int     Used only when --decoding-method is modified_beam_search (default 4)
      --model-type string        Optional. Used for loading the model in a faster way
      --nemo-ctc string          Path to the NeMo CTC model
      --num-threads int          Number of threads for computing (default 1)
      --paraformer string        Path to the paraformer model
      --provider string          Provider to use (default "cpu")
      --tokens string            Path to the tokens file
pflag: help requested

Congratulations! You have successfully built your first Go API example for speech recognition.


If you are using Windows and don't see any output after running ./non-streaming-decode-files --help, please copy *.dll from (for Win64) or (for Win32) to the directory sherpa-onnx/go-api-examples/non-streaming-decode-files.

Now let us refer to sherpa-onnx-pre-trained-models to download a non-streaming model.

We give several examples below for demonstration.

Non-streaming transducer

We will use sherpa-onnx-zipformer-en-2023-06-26-english as an example.

First, let us download it:

cd sherpa-onnx/go-api-examples/non-streaming-decode-files
cd sherpa-onnx-zipformer-en-2023-06-26
git lfs pull --include "*.onnx"
cd ..

Now we can use:

./non-streaming-decode-files \
  --encoder ./sherpa-onnx-zipformer-en-2023-06-26/encoder-epoch-99-avg-1.onnx \
  --decoder ./sherpa-onnx-zipformer-en-2023-06-26/decoder-epoch-99-avg-1.onnx \
  --joiner ./sherpa-onnx-zipformer-en-2023-06-26/joiner-epoch-99-avg-1.onnx \
  --tokens ./sherpa-onnx-zipformer-en-2023-06-26/tokens.txt \
  --model-type transducer \

It should give you the following output:

2023/08/10 14:52:48.723098 Reading ./sherpa-onnx-zipformer-en-2023-06-26/test_wavs/0.wav
2023/08/10 14:52:48.741042 Initializing recognizer (may take several seconds)
2023/08/10 14:52:51.998848 Recognizer created!
2023/08/10 14:52:51.998870 Start decoding!
2023/08/10 14:52:52.258818 Decoding done!
2023/08/10 14:52:52.258847  after early nightfall the yellow lamps would light up here and there the squalid quarter of the brothels
2023/08/10 14:52:52.258952 Wave duration: 6.625 seconds

Non-streaming paraformer

We will use sherpa_onnx_offline_paraformer_zh_2023_03_28_chinese as an example.

First, let us download it:

cd sherpa-onnx/go-api-examples/non-streaming-decode-files
cd sherpa-onnx-paraformer-zh-2023-03-28
git lfs pull --include "*.onnx"
cd ..

Now we can use:

./non-streaming-decode-files \
  --paraformer ./sherpa-onnx-paraformer-zh-2023-03-28/model.int8.onnx \
  --tokens ./sherpa-onnx-paraformer-zh-2023-03-28/tokens.txt \
  --model-type paraformer \

It should give you the following output:

2023/08/10 15:07:10.745412 Reading ./sherpa-onnx-paraformer-zh-2023-03-28/test_wavs/0.wav
2023/08/10 15:07:10.758414 Initializing recognizer (may take several seconds)
2023/08/10 15:07:13.992424 Recognizer created!
2023/08/10 15:07:13.992441 Start decoding!
2023/08/10 15:07:14.382157 Decoding done!
2023/08/10 15:07:14.382847 对我做了介绍啊那么我想说的是呢大家如果对我的研究感兴趣呢你
2023/08/10 15:07:14.382898 Wave duration: 5.614625 seconds

Non-streaming CTC model from NeMo

We will use stt-en-conformer-ctc-medium-nemo-sherpa-onnx as an example.

First, let us download it:

cd sherpa-onnx/go-api-examples/non-streaming-decode-files
cd sherpa-onnx-nemo-ctc-en-conformer-medium
git lfs pull --include "*.onnx"
cd ..

Now we can use:

./non-streaming-decode-files \
  --nemo-ctc ./sherpa-onnx-nemo-ctc-en-conformer-medium/model.onnx \
  --tokens ./sherpa-onnx-nemo-ctc-en-conformer-medium/tokens.txt \
  --model-type nemo_ctc \

It should give you the following output:

2023/08/10 15:11:48.667693 Reading ./sherpa-onnx-nemo-ctc-en-conformer-medium/test_wavs/0.wav
2023/08/10 15:11:48.680855 Initializing recognizer (may take several seconds)
2023/08/10 15:11:51.900852 Recognizer created!
2023/08/10 15:11:51.900869 Start decoding!
2023/08/10 15:11:52.125605 Decoding done!
2023/08/10 15:11:52.125630  after early nightfall the yellow lamps would light up here and there the squalid quarter of the brothels
2023/08/10 15:11:52.125645 Wave duration: 6.625 seconds

Decode files with streaming models

First, let us build the example:

git clone
cd sherpa-onnx/go-api-examples/streaming-decode-files
go mod tidy
go build
./streaming-decode-files --help

You will find the following output:

Usage of ./streaming-decode-files:
      --debug int                Whether to show debug message
      --decoder string           Path to the decoder model
      --decoding-method string   Decoding method. Possible values: greedy_search, modified_beam_search (default "greedy_search")
      --encoder string           Path to the encoder model
      --joiner string            Path to the joiner model
      --max-active-paths int     Used only when --decoding-method is modified_beam_search (default 4)
      --model-type string        Optional. Used for loading the model in a faster way
      --num-threads int          Number of threads for computing (default 1)
      --provider string          Provider to use (default "cpu")
      --tokens string            Path to the tokens file
pflag: help requested


If you are using Windows and don't see any output after running ./streaming-decode-files --help, please copy *.dll from (for Win64) or (for Win32) to the directory sherpa-onnx/go-api-examples/streaming-decode-files.

Now let us refer to sherpa-onnx-pre-trained-models to download a streaming model.

We give one example below for demonstration.

Streaming transducer

We will use sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-en-2023-06-26-english as an example.

First, let us download it:

cd sherpa-onnx/go-api-examples/streaming-decode-files
cd sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-en-2023-06-26
git lfs pull --include "*.onnx"
cd ..

Now we can use:

./streaming-decode-files \
  --encoder ./sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-en-2023-06-26/encoder-epoch-99-avg-1-chunk-16-left-128.onnx \
  --decoder ./sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-en-2023-06-26/decoder-epoch-99-avg-1-chunk-16-left-128.onnx \
  --joiner ./sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-en-2023-06-26/joiner-epoch-99-avg-1-chunk-16-left-128.onnx \
  --tokens ./sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-en-2023-06-26/tokens.txt \
  --model-type zipformer2 \

It should give you the following output:

2023/08/10 15:17:00.226228 Reading ./sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-en-2023-06-26/test_wavs/0.wav
2023/08/10 15:17:00.241024 Initializing recognizer (may take several seconds)
2023/08/10 15:17:03.352697 Recognizer created!
2023/08/10 15:17:03.352711 Start decoding!
2023/08/10 15:17:04.057130 Decoding done!
2023/08/10 15:17:04.057215  after early nightfall the yellow lamps would light up here and there the squalid quarter of the brothels
2023/08/10 15:17:04.057235 Wave duration: 6.625 seconds

Real-time speech recognition from microphone


You need to install portaudio for this example.

# for macOS
brew install portaudio
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/portaudio/19.7.0

# for Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libasound-dev portaudio19-dev libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0

To check that you have installed portaudio successfully, please run:

pkg-config --cflags --libs portaudio-2.0

It should give you something like below:

# for macOS
-I/usr/local/Cellar/portaudio/19.7.0/include -L/usr/local/Cellar/portaudio/19.7.0/lib -lportaudio -framework CoreAudio -framework AudioToolbox -framework AudioUnit -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreServices

# for Ubuntu
-pthread -lportaudio -lasound -lm -lpthread

First, let us build the example:

git clone
cd sherpa-onnx/go-api-examples/real-time-speech-recognition-from-microphone
go mod tidy
go build
./real-time-speech-recognition-from-microphone --help

You will find the following output:

Select default input device: MacBook Pro Microphone
Usage of ./real-time-speech-recognition-from-microphone:
      --debug int                            Whether to show debug message
      --decoder string                       Path to the decoder model
      --decoding-method string               Decoding method. Possible values: greedy_search, modified_beam_search (default "greedy_search")
      --enable-endpoint int                  Whether to enable endpoint (default 1)
      --encoder string                       Path to the encoder model
      --joiner string                        Path to the joiner model
      --max-active-paths int                 Used only when --decoding-method is modified_beam_search (default 4)
      --model-type string                    Optional. Used for loading the model in a faster way
      --num-threads int                      Number of threads for computing (default 1)
      --provider string                      Provider to use (default "cpu")
      --rule1-min-trailing-silence float32   Threshold for rule1 (default 2.4)
      --rule2-min-trailing-silence float32   Threshold for rule2 (default 1.2)
      --rule3-min-utterance-length float32   Threshold for rule3 (default 20)
      --tokens string                        Path to the tokens file
pflag: help requested

Now let us refer to sherpa-onnx-pre-trained-models to download a streaming model.

We give one example below for demonstration.

Streaming transducer

We will use sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-en-2023-06-26-english as an example.

First, let us download it:

cd sherpa-onnx/go-api-examples/real-time-speech-recognition-from-microphone
cd sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-en-2023-06-26
git lfs pull --include "*.onnx"
cd ..

Now we can use:

./real-time-speech-recognition-from-microphone \
  --encoder ./sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-en-2023-06-26/encoder-epoch-99-avg-1-chunk-16-left-128.onnx \
  --decoder ./sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-en-2023-06-26/decoder-epoch-99-avg-1-chunk-16-left-128.onnx \
  --joiner ./sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-en-2023-06-26/joiner-epoch-99-avg-1-chunk-16-left-128.onnx \
  --tokens ./sherpa-onnx-streaming-zipformer-en-2023-06-26/tokens.txt \
  --model-type zipformer2

It should give you the following output:

Select default input device: MacBook Pro Microphone
2023/08/10 15:22:00 Initializing recognizer (may take several seconds)
2023/08/10 15:22:03 Recognizer created!
Started! Please speak
0:  this is the first test
1:  this is the second


We provide a colab notebook Sherpa-onnx go api example colab notebook for you to try the Go API examples of sherpa-onnx.