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Terraform Modules Folder

All the module calls made from this folder from file.

  • This folder contains following files
    • (modules file )
    • ( contains backend configuration of the terraform, which contains terraform state files).
    • ( output's of the resource attributes after terraform apply)
    • ( contains terraform version and cloud provider version)
    • (all the variable which required by the terraform modules.)

What is a module?

A Terraform Module is a canonical, reusable, best-practices definition for how to run a single piece of infrastructure, such as a database or server cluster. Each Module is written using a combination of Terraform and scripts (mostly bash) and include automated tests, documentation, and examples.

  • Every module has:
    • Input variables: to accept values from the calling module.
    • Output values: to return results to the calling module, which it can then use to populate arguments elsewhere.
    • Resources: to define one or more infrastructure objects that the module will manage.
    • Source: A source can be any local folder path or remote module located in source control systems like git.

GKE cluster example module

Usage: The following module call will create GKE cluster and cluster node pool resources. Resources will be configured by using the following input variables on this module.

# Module used for creating a google kubernetes cluster.
module "gke" {
  source             = "../modules/gke"
  environment        = var.environment
  name               = local.prefix
  region             = var.region
  project_id         = var.project_id
  initial_node_count = var.initial_node_count
  machine_type       = var.machine_type
  network_link       = module.vpc.network_selflink
  subnetwork_link    = module.vpc.subnetwork_selflink
  service_account    = module.iam.service_account

IAM example module

Usage: The following module call will create IAM resources. Resources will be configured using the following input variables on this modules.

# Module used for create service account and roles
module "iam" {
  source                           = "../modules/iam"
  name                             = local.prefix
  region                           = var.region
  project_id                       = var.project_id
  service_account_custom_iam_roles = var.service_account_custom_iam_roles
  service_account_iam_roles        = var.service_account_iam_roles

vpc example module

Usage: The following module call will create google compute network(VPC) and Google Compute Subnet resources. Resources will be configured using the following input variables on this module.

# Module used for creating a google compute network.
module "vpc" {
  source           = "../modules/vpc"
  name             = local.prefix
  environment     = var.environment
  region           = var.region
  project_id       = var.project_id
  project_services = var.project_services

gcs example module

Usage: The following module call will create google cloud storage bucket. Resources will be configured using following input variables on this module.

# Module used for create google cloud storage bucket
module "gcs" {
  source          = "../modules/gcs"
  name            = format("%s-storage-bucket", local.prefix)
  region          = var.region
  environment     = var.environment
  project_id      = var.project_id
  service_account = module.iam.service_account


Name Version
terraform >= 0.12
google ~> 3.0


No providers.


Name Source Version
gcs ../modules/gcs
gke ../modules/gke
iam ../modules/iam
vpc ../modules/vpc


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
environment Name of the environment where infrastructure being built. any n/a yes
initial_node_count n/a number 1 no
k8s_namespace The namespace to use for the deployment and workload identity binding string "default" no
machine_type Type of machines which are used by cluster node pool string "e2-highmem-8" no
name Name is the prefix to use for resources that needs to be created. string "k8ssandra" no
project_id The GCP project in which the components are created. string "k8ssandra-testing" no
project_services The GCP APIs that should be enabled in this project. list(string)
region The region in which to create the VPC network string "us-central1" no
service_account_custom_iam_roles List of arbitrary additional IAM roles to attach to the service account on
the GKE nodes.
list(string) [] no
service_account_iam_roles List of the default IAM roles to attach to the service account on the GKE Nodes. list(string)
zone The zone in which to create the Kubernetes cluster. Must match the region string "us-central-1a" no


Name Description
bucket_name The name of the GCS bucket.
connect_cluster Configuring GKE cluster access for kubectl
endpoint Endpoint for the GKE cluster
master_version Master version of GKE cluster
service_account The E-mail id of the service account.
service_account_key The service Account Key to configure Medusa backups to use GCS bucket