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Filter out DX12 spam with PowerShell

cargo run 2>&1 | Out-String -Stream | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch "ID3D12Device::CreateCommittedResource:" -and $_ -notmatch "Live Object at" }


  • Use something to copy dxil.dll and dxcompiler.dll to Windows builds.
  • begin YarnSpinner integration
  • YarnSpinner+LDTK integration
  • sickle_ui

Debugging Keyboard Shortcuts

Action KeyCode
StateInspector (GameState) F10
WorldInspector F11

filesystem_watcher and asset_processor


Default RapierConfiguration

impl RapierConfiguration {
    /// Configures rapier with the specified length unit.
    /// See the documentation of [`IntegrationParameters::length_unit`] for additional details
    /// on that argument.
    /// The default gravity is automatically scaled by that length unit.
    pub fn new(length_unit: Real) -> Self {
        Self {
            gravity: Vect::Y * -9.81 * length_unit,
            physics_pipeline_active: true,
            query_pipeline_active: true,
            timestep_mode: TimestepMode::Variable {
                max_dt: 1.0 / 60.0,
                time_scale: 1.0,
                substeps: 1,
            scaled_shape_subdivision: 10,
            force_update_from_transform_changes: false,

Rust Things 🦀

cargo clippy --workspace --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings

This command runs the clippy linter on all packages in the workspace, for all targets and features. The -D warnings option treats any warnings as errors.

cargo fmt --all

This command formats the code in every package using the default formatting rules provided by rustfmt.

cargo test --no-default-features

This command runs tests in the package, but disables the default features.

cargo test --no-default-features --features="bevy_ui"

This command runs tests with only the bevy_ui feature enabled.

cargo test --all-features

This command runs tests with all features enabled.

cargo +nightly build --all-features

This command builds the package with all features enabled using the nightly version of the Rust compiler. This is typically used for generating documentation on

cargo +nightly doc --all-features --no-deps

This command generates documentation for the package with all features enabled, without including dependencies, using the nightly version of the Rust compiler.


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