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83 lines (49 loc) · 4.65 KB

File metadata and controls

83 lines (49 loc) · 4.65 KB

Notes App Backend

Welcome to the backend repository for the Notes App project! This repository provides the server-side functionality for managing files, user authentication, and course creation. We encourage developers to contribute to this open-source project and be part of its growth and improvement.

Project Description

The Notes App Backend is built using Node.js and Express.js, making it a powerful and scalable solution for handling API requests and managing data. It utilizes MongoDB as a NoSQL database for storing files and course information. The project also integrates with external services like Amazon S3 for file uploads and storage, and Firebase for user authentication.

Getting Started

To contribute to the Notes App Backend, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: Start by cloning the backend repository to your local machine using the following command:
   git clone
  1. Install dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and install the project dependencies by running the following command:
npm install
  1. Set up environment variables: Create a .env file in the root of the project and provide the necessary environment variables. This includes configuration details for your MongoDB database, Amazon S3 credentials, and Firebase authentication.

  2. Explore the codebase: Familiarize yourself with the project structure and key files:

  • config/: Contains configuration files for the project, including environment variables and database connections.
  • controller/: Implements the application logic and handles requests from the client.
  • middleware/: Contains middleware functions for handling authentication and authorization.
  • models/: Defines the data models used in the application, such as files and courses.
  • routes/: Defines the API routes and their corresponding controller methods.
  • services/: Implements the business logic and interacts with the database.
  • .gitignore: Specifies the files and directories to be ignored by Git.
  • package.json: Contains the project's dependencies and scripts.
  • server.js: The entry point of the application, responsible for starting the server and initializing the routes.
  1. Pick an area to contribute: Identify an area within the project that you would like to work on or improve. It could be adding new features, enhancing existing functionality, fixing bugs, or optimizing performance.

  2. Create a new branch: Before making any changes, create a new branch to work on. Use a descriptive name that reflects the nature of your contribution. For example:

git checkout -b feature/file-upload
  1. Make your changes: Implement your changes or additions in the designated files. Ensure that your code follows the project's coding style and adheres to best practices.

  2. Test your changes: Run the project locally and test your changes to ensure they function as expected. Write appropriate test cases if applicable.

  3. Commit and push: Once you are satisfied with your changes, commit them with a meaningful commit message. Then, push your changes to the remote repository.

git commit -m "Add file upload functionality"
git push origin feature/file-upload
  1. Create a pull request: Go to the repository on GitHub and create a new pull request. Provide a clear description of the changes you made, the problem you solved, or the feature you added. Discuss and address any feedback or suggestions provided by the maintainers.

  2. Collaborate and iterate: Work with the maintainers and other contributors to refine and enhance your contribution. Be open to feedback and suggestions, and actively participate in discussions.

Community and Communication

We believe in fostering a supportive and collaborative open-source community. If you have any questions, ideas, or need assistance, you can:

  • Open an issue on GitHub to report bugs, suggest enhancements, or discuss ideas.
  • Join our community on GitHub Discussions to share your thoughts, ask questions, and connect with other contributors.

Code of Conduct

We expect all contributors to adhere to our Code of Conduct when participating in this project. It ensures a respectful and inclusive environment for everyone involved.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. By contributing to this project, you agree to release your contributions under this license.

Thank you for considering contributing to the Notes App Backend! We appreciate your valuable contributions and look forward to building an amazing open-source community together.