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KafkaEx 1.0 API

This document describes the design approach and gives an overview of thew new client API. The API itself is documented in KafkaEx.New.KafkaExAPI. The current plan is for KafkaEx.New.KafkaExAPI to replace KafkaEx in the v1.0 release.

The new API is designed to continue to provide a useful Kafka client API foremost, to address some of the limitations and inconveniences of the existing API (both in terms of usage and maintenance). A central goal of the new API is to allow us to support new Kafka features more rapidly than in the past.


The new API is still in very early stages of development. We will try to keep this section up-to-date with respect to what features have been implemented. KafkaEx.New.KafkaExAPI is the source of truth for this summary.

Features implemented:

  • Get latest offset for a partition as {:ok, offset} or {:error, error_code} (no more fishing through the response structs).
  • Get metadata for an arbitrary list of topics

Major Differences from the Legacy API

  • There is currently no supervisor for clients. It is assumed that the user will manage these when not used in a consumer group. (This does not apply to clients started via the legacy create_worker API, which are started under the standard supervision tree.)
  • The client does not automatically fetch metadata for all topics as this can lead to timeouts on large clusters. There should be no observable impact here because the client fetches metadata for specific topics on-demand.
  • A client is no longer "attached" to a specific consumer group. In the legacy implementation this was a consequence of the way autocommit was handled.

Design Philosophy

Two main design principles in the new client are driven by factors that made maintenance of the legacy API difficult:

  1. Delegate and generalize API message version handling

    Kafka API message serialization and deserialization has been externalized to a library (Kayrock) that can easily support new message formats as they are released. Kayrock exposes a generic serialize/deserialize functionality, which means we do not have to write code to handle specific versions of specific messages at a low level in KafkaEx.

  2. Separation of connection state management and API logic

    As much as possible, we avoid putting API logic inside the client GenServer. Instead, we write functions that form Kayrock request structs based on user input, use KafkaEx.New.Client.send_request/3 to perform communication with the cluster, and then act accordingly based on the response.

Example: Fetching Kafka Config Values

Suppose that we wanted to implement a function to retrieve Kafka broker config settings. This is the DescribeConfig API and corresponds to the Kayrock.DescribeConfig namespace. After some research (and trial-and-error using iex and functions like the ones below), we find that to fetch broker settings, we find that we need to set resource_type to 4 and resource_name to the string representation of the broker's id number (e.g., 1 => "1"):

# List all config values for node 1 of the cluster
{:ok, pid} = KafkaEx.start_link_worker(:no_name, server_impl: KafkaEx.New.Client)

# resource type 4 is 'broker'
req = %Kayrock.DescribeConfigs.V0.Request{
    resources: [%{resource_type: 4, resource_name: "1", config_names: nil}]

KafkaEx.New.Client.send_request(pid, req, KafkaEx.New.NodeSelector.node_id(1))  

   correlation_id: 15,
   resources: [
       config_entries: [
           config_name: "",
           config_value: nil,
           is_default: 1,
           is_sensitive: 0,
           read_only: 1
           config_name: "",
           config_value: "0",
           is_default: 1,
           is_sensitive: 0,
           read_only: 1



From the above, we could feasibly write a convenience function to fetch broker configs and doing so would not require us to modify the client code at all. Furthermore, as the DescribeConfigs API changes over time, we can easily support it by changing only that function. The goal of the new API is that most simple functionality can be implemented simply by writing such a function:

alias KafkaEx.New.Client
alias KafkaEx.New.NodeSelector

def get_broker_config_values(client, config_names, broker_id) do
  request = %Kayrock.DescribeConfigs.V0.Request{
      resources: [%{
          resource_type: 4,
          resource_name: "#{broker_id}",
          config_names: config_names

  # note this requires no changes to the client itself
  {:ok, %{
      resources: [
              error_code: 0,
              config_entries: config_entries
  }} = Client.send_request(client, request, NodeSelector.node_id(broker_id))


This implementation only supports version 0 of the DescribeConfigs API. We can achieve some level of forward compatibility by adding an opts keyword list and some code to handle api_version in the opts:

def get_broker_config_values(client, config_names, broker_id, opts \\ []) do
  api_version = Keyword.get(opts, :api_version, 0)
  # a setting in v1+
  include_synonyms = Keyword.get(opts, :include_synonyms, false)

  request = Kayrock.DescribeConfigs.get_request_struct(api_version)

  request = 
    if api_version > 1 do
      %{request | include_synonyms: include_synonyms}

  # rest is the same