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graphio documentation

Graphio is a Python library for bulk loading data to Neo4j. Graphio collects multiple sets of nodes and relationships and loads them to Neo4j. A common example is parsing a set of Excel files to create a Neo4j prototype. Graphio only loads data, it is not meant for querying Neo4j and returning data.

Graphio can serialize data to JSON and CSV files. This is useful for debugging and for storing graph ready data sets.

The primary interface are ~graphio.NodeSet and ~graphio.RelationshipSet classes which are groups of nodes and relationships with similiar properties. Graphio can load these data sets to Neo4j using CREATE or MERGE operations.

Graphio uses the official Neo4j Python driver to connect to Neo4j.


Graphio was initially built on top of py2neo which is not actively maintained anymore. The most recent version of py2neo still works with graphio but this is not supported anymore. Please switch to the official Neo4j Python driver.




Use pip to install:

pip install -U graphio


Iterate over a file that contains people and the movies they like and extract nodes and relationships. Contents of example file 'people.tsv':

Alice; Matrix,Titanic
Peter; Matrix,Forrest Gump
John; Forrest Gump,Titanic

The goal is to create the follwing data in Neo4j:

  • (Person) nodes
  • (Movie) nodes
  • (Person)-[:LIKES]->(Movie) relationships
# the official Neo4j driver is used to connect to Neo4j
# you always need a Driver instance
from neo4j import GraphDatabase

driver = GraphDatabase.driver('neo4j://localhost:7687', auth=('neo4j', 'password'))

from graphio import NodeSet, RelationshipSet

# define data sets
people = NodeSet(['Person'], merge_keys=['name'])
movies = NodeSet(['Movie'], merge_keys=['title'])
person_likes_movie = RelationshipSet('LIKES', ['Person'], ['Movie'], ['name'], ['title'])

with open('people.tsv') as my_file:
   for line in my_file:
      # prepare data from the line
      name, titles = line.split(';')
      # split up the movies
      titles = titles.strip().split(',')

      # add one (Person) node per line
      people.add_node({'name': name})

      # add (Movie) nodes and :LIKES relationships
      for title in titles:
         movies.add_node({'title': title})
         person_likes_movie.add_relationship({'name': name}, {'title': title}, {'source': 'my_file'})

# create the nodes in NodeSet, needs a py2neo.Graph instance

The code in the example should be easy to understand:

  1. Define the data sets you want to add.
  2. Iterate over a data source, transform the data and add to the data sets.
  3. Store data in Neo4j.


The example does create mulitple nodes with the same properties. You have to take care of uniqueness yourself.

Continue with the Basic Workflow section <basic_workflow>.


basic_workflow serialize objects model

Indices and tables

  • genindex
  • modindex
  • search