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Beyojar : Landing page

IntroductionFolder structureHow To UseContributing


  • The landing page has been built using Qwik as its perfect for pre-rendered content and offers awesome performance due to its focus on resumability and lazy loading.
  • Tailwind CSS has been used to style the user interface as it provides flexibility to developers by providing simple utility-first CSS classes.
  • Qwik Speak has been used for internationalization as it is easy to be integrated with Qwik.
  • Using Qwik has allowed search engines to easily understand the contents of the page and also reach a Google Lighthouse score of 100.

Folder structure

Following is the folder structure of the landing page workspace

├── public                  # Any static assets, like images, can be placed in the public directory
│   └── fonts               # Language files used in the landing page
│   └── i18n                # Language files for different languages
│   └── images              # Images used throughout the landing page
├── src
│   ├── components          # Recommended directory for components
│   └── routes              # Provides directory based routing
├── .eslintrc               # Contains all the lint rules
├── tailwind.config.js      # Tailwind css config
├── tsconfig.json           # Required compiler options
├── vite.config.ts          # Vite configurations
└── package.json            # All the dependencies & scripts needed to run the landing page

How To Use

Scripts related to building and running the landing page

# Start the landing page in dev mode by running:
$ npm run start

# Build the landing page in production mode by running:
$ npm run build

# Deploy the landing page build files in localhost by running:
$ npx http-server dist
# Can also use alternatives such as Browsersync, lite-server, serve or static-server

# Directly build & run the landing page in production mode by running:
$ npm run preview
# The preview server is only for convenience to locally preview a production build, and it should not be used as a production server.

Scripts related to linting and formatting:

# Check if there are any linting issues by running:
$ npm run lint

# Check & fix fixable linting issues by running:
$ npm run lint:fix


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