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Spotify file-based Client



(1) Download Spotify playlist information locally.

  • Songs are represented as text files.
  • Playlists are represented as folders.

(2) Backup, move songs, add songs, etc.
(can be done in Explorer, etc.)

(3) Transfer folder, text file status to Spotify.

Example of a text file of a song
id 4B0JvthVoAAuygILe3n4Bs
name What Do You Mean?
artist Justin Bieber
album Purpose (Deluxe)
seconds 205680
isrc USUM71511919
file_name What Do You Mean .txt

How to use

(1) Download

You can download Windows and Linux versions from here.

After downloading, it is recommended to rename it to spotify-fbc.
(spotify-fbc.exe on Windows)

Run the following command in the file where spotify-fbc exists and make sure that help is displayed.

$ spotify-fbc help
Spotify file-based client:
Edit your playlists by moving directories and file locations

  spotify-fbc [command]

Available Commands:
  clean       Clean up unused playlist entity txt
  compare     Compare local playlists with your spotify account and print the difference
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  login       Perform login process
  logout      Logout from your spotify account excluding API keys
  pull        Download playlists that your spotify account has. All of your existing local playlists will be overwritten
  push        Synchronize your local files and directories with your spotify account
  reset       Delete user-specific data such as OAuth token and Client ID excluding music txt
  version     Print the version number of spotify-fbc

  -h, --help   help for spotify-fbc

(2) Preparation (API key creation)

  1. Go to and click the CREATE AN APP button.
  2. Decide App name and App description as you like.
  3. Check Client ID.
  4. Click SHOW CLIENT SECRET button and check the Client Secret.
  5. Click EDIT SETTINGS button, enter http://localhost:8080/callback in Redirect URIs and click ADD.
    Then click SAVE to save the file.

(3) Login

Execute the following command.

$ spotify-fbc-0.1-linux-amd64 login

Follow the output on the screen.
If you see token cache was saved to ~~~, you have succeeded.

(4) Download Spotify song information

Execute the following command.

$ spotify-fbc pull

The directory spotify-fbc will be created and the songs and playlists will be stored in it.

(5) Compare difference information

Once you have made the necessary edits to the spotify-fbc directory, check the differences before push!

$ spotify-fbc compare
+ new playlist
  + What Do You Mean?
- deleted playlist

You will see that the new playlist playlist and the song What Do You Mean? are added, and the deleted playlist is removed,

(6) Upload Spotify song information

Execute the following command.

$ spotify-fbc push

Your existing Spotify playlists will be completely replaced in the spotify-fbc directory. Run carefully!

(7) Searching for songs

A song info text file consists of several properties.

For example, if you create a new file like the following and do spotify-fbc push,

name What Do You Mean?
artist Justin Bieber

The search will be performed with the song title as What Do You Mean? and the artist name as Justin Bieber.

Other properties such as id, name, artist, album, and isrc are also supported.
(Other properties are for system administration.)


For building package on your own, run this command.

 $ GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o spotify-fbc-0.1-windows-amd64.exe .
 $ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o spotify-fbc-0.1-linux-amd64 .


Spotifyのプレイリストをディレクトリ, 曲をファイルで表現し同期できるようにするアプリケーション







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