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Persistent and portable serialized data store.

A Python dict object that has been dump-ed can be load-ed or retrieved in the future.

To secure the data, it is using the base64 package when encoding it in Base64, which is the default encoding, and pycryptodome package when encoding it in AES. Then, pickle to serialize the dict object.


This requires Python >=3.5, <3.10.

Python Packages


Install the package through PyPI:

pip install pyDataStore


As this will be using Python 3, we have to set the shebang to the appropriate executable.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

To use pyDataStore, we have to import it first.

from pyDataStore import Cipher, DataStore

Then, we can use this sample dict object.

# Sample dict object.
objDict = {"object": "test_datastore", "data": {"user": "dummy-user", "pass": "123qwe456asd789zxc"}}

There is a required format for the dict object.

    "object": "OBJECT_NAME",
    "data": {
        "DATA_KEY": "DATA_VALUE",
        "DATA_KEY": "DATA_VALUE",

Otherwise, this will throw an Exception.

Exception: This dict object has an invalid format.

Base64 Encoding

  • Using the default data store file.

    print(f"Raw: {objDict}")
    # Create an instance that will store the data in a file named (default).
    # Default encoding is set to Base64.
    ds64 = pyDataStore()
    # This is the same as the above.
    # ds64 = pyDataStore(fileDataStore="", cipher=Cipher.Base64)
    # Dump or store the dictionary object.
    # At this point, the objDict dict object is already encoded.
    # Based64 Encoded.
    print(f"Base64: {objDict}")
    # Retrieve the stored encoded dict object.
    data64 = ds64.load("test_datastore")
    print(f"Decoded: {data64}")

AES Encoding

  • Using a custom data store file.

    print(f"Raw: {objDict}")
    # Create an instance that will store the data in a file named
    # Encoding is set to AES.
    dsAES = pyDataStore(fileDataStore="", cipher=Cipher.AES, aesKey="SPECIFY_AN_AES_KEY_HERE")
    # Dump or store the dictionary object.
    # At this point, the objDict dict object is already encoded.
    # AES Encoded.
    print(f"AES: {objDict}")
    # Retrieve the stored encoded dict object.
    dataAES = dsAES.load("test_datastore")
    print(f"Decoded: {dataAES}")


Community contributions are encouraged! Feel free to report bugs and feature requests to the issue tracker provided by GitHub.


pyDataStore is an Open-Source Software (OSS) and is available for use under the GNU GPL v3 license.