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Contributor's Guide

Sanghwa kim edited this page Jan 6, 2016 · 16 revisions

How to set up developement environment

  1. Pre-requisite

    • Git Client (and git directory must be included in the $PATH variable)
    • Any kind of web server on your laptop (e.g. httpd)
  2. Checkout sources.

$ git clone git://<your_forked_repository>/DaumEditor.git
Cloning into DaumEditor...
remote: Counting objects: 1349, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (849/849), done.
remote: Total 1349 (delta 474), reused 1348 (delta 473)
Receiving objects: 100% (1349/1349), 11.15 MiB | 237 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (474/474), done.
$ cd DaumEditor
$ ls -l
total 56
-rw-r--r--  1 you  staff    482 11 23 13:54 DaumEditor.iml
drwxr-xr-x  7 you  staff    238 11 23 13:54 daumeditor
drwxr-xr-x  7 you  staff    238 11 23 13:54 test

now you have own working copy on your desktop.

  1. Map the working copy on your server
# `httpd.conf`
Alias /DaumEditor <your_working_directory>

and restart your server for applying changes if required.

  1. Open the following pages on your web browser.
    • Test Case : http://<yourhostname>/DaumEditor/test/testrunner.html
    • Sample : http://<yourhostname>/DaumEditor/daumeditor/editor.html

Build & Packaging

  1. Pre-requisite

    • Java
      • Packaging DaumEditor is based on Ant, YUICompressor and Rhino. so you should install JRE to build and packaging.
    • Apache Ant
  2. Build

DaumEditor$ ant
  1. Test

    • Open the following pages on your web browser.
    • http://<yourhostname>/DaumEditor/build/dist/editor.html
    • this page will be loaded with concated, minified JS and CSS
  2. Get the artifacts

    • check out <your_working_copy>/build/dist directory
  3. and more...

DaumEditor$ ant -projecthelp

Build Documents

DaumEditor Documentation is based on doctool.js (from node). So you should install node.js to build documents.

DaumEditor$ ant doc


  • Should I install web server on my desktop?
  • What IDE is preferred?
  • Maintainers :)
    • Jinwoo Choi (maarteti), Daum Corp.
    • Seong-Rak Choi (ragiragi), Daum Corp.
    • Seong-A Kong (simonz), Daum Corp.
    • Sung-jun Kim (azki), Daum Corp.
    • Dong-il Kim (eastkiki), Daum Corp.
  • Former Contributors
    • hopeserver(leh437) -- creator of the DaumEditor. DaumEditor의 어머니 :D
    • rockmkd
    • iamdanielkim
    • janynose
    • joshua
    • karis612
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