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Detecting Allocating Functions

The key to the correct use of the PROTECT macros is knowing which functions may allocate and thus trigger garbage collection. Except for few obvious cases this is hard to find out.

The csfpcheck tool does the job automatically:

csfpcheck src/main/R.bin.bc >lines

produces a list of source files with line numbers where allocation may happen. This script puts a comment at the end of each such line:

cat lines | while read F L ; do echo "sed -i '$L,$L"'s/$/ \/* GC *\//g'\'" $F" ; done | bash

There is a shell script which generates annotations using csfpcheck for the core R and packages included in the R distribution. The script generates two textual files, a list of annotations and a script to annotate the sources: path_to_R

where path_to_R includes the build three of R with the bitcode files, e.g. path_to_R/src/main/R.bin.bc. The generated script is just a sequence of sed in-place text insertions.

The tool errs on the safe side, which is saying that a function may allocate. It may be that in fact the function won't allocate for the given inputs. The tool, however, takes some function arguments into account: e.g. it can detect that getAttrib(,R_ClassSymbol) will not allocate, but getAttrib(,R_NamesSymbol) might. In the following snippet from eval.c,

SEXP attribute_hidden do_enablejit(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
    int old = R_jit_enabled, new;
    checkArity(op, args);
    new = asInteger(CAR(args)); /* GC */
    if (new > 0)
        loadCompilerNamespace(); /* GC */
    R_jit_enabled = new;
    return ScalarInteger(old); /* GC */

ScalarInteger indeed allocates and it would be obvious to any developer, loadCompilerNamespace really allocates but perhaps it is less obvious, and the detected allocation in asInteger is surprising. But it is correct! The function will allocate when displaying a warning, e.g. when the conversion loses accuracy or produces NAs.

A patch for the R-devel version 67741 with the generated "GC" comments by the tool is available in the examples directory for convenience. To get the annotated sources, one just needs to

cd examples
svn checkout -r 67741
cd trunk
zcat ../csfpcheck.67741.patch.gz | patch -p0

Having such annotated sources may be useful when manually looking for protection bugs or when checking the reports of other bug finding tools, and perhaps also when diagnosing errors found by runtime checking (valgrind, gctorture, the barrier, etc).

Note that sometimes the tool can give surprising annotations. A particular case is that it conservatively assumes that any call to external code may allocate from the R heap, which is often not the case.

Detecting Multiple-Allocating-Arguments Bugs

The maacheck tools for a very special but common bug pattern, like here:

PROTECT( expr = lang5(install("gsub"), ScalarLogical(1), pattern, replacement, x) );

I've learned about these bugs from Radford Neal who fixed a number of them manually in pqR and I've ported those fixes to R-devel. In the example above, ScalarLogical indeed allocates and returns the allocated object. install may also allocate and return the allocated object, but it would also protect it implicitly by putting it into the symbol table. The lang5 function is callee-protect, it protects (all) its arguments. If ScalarLogical is executed before install, install may allocate and kill the object allocated by ScalarLogical. In C, the order of execution of install and ScalarLogical is undefined, so this can happen.

The tool looks for similar errors, not necessarily only those including install, even though such are most common. To check the RGtk2 package from CRAN, run

maacheck src/main/R.bin.bc RGtk2.Rcheck/00_pkg_src/RGtk2/src/

This will produce a number of suspected errors, including

WARNING Suspicious call (two or more unprotected arguments) to retByVal
  at S_pango_layout_get_size RGtk2.Rcheck/00_pkg_src/RGtk2/src/pangoFuncs.c:3596

This is a real error:

_result = retByVal(_result, "width", asRInteger(width), "height", asRInteger(height), NULL);

asRInteger is just an alias for ScalarInteger, so if the call to asRInteger that executes second allocates, it will kill the object allocated by the previous call to asRInteger.

The maacheck by design can have false alarms. It looks for multiple allocating expressions passed to a function, where at least one of the expressions may return a newly allocated object. The tool, however, does not detect if a function implicitly protects an object before returning it (e.g. install or getPrimitive are such functions). The install calls are built-in exceptions in the tool. Experience with the tool so far suggests that it has very few false alarms in practice (and much less than the following tools). It should be said that running the tools on recent versions of the R core is not a good way to assess the rate of false alarms, because we're fixing the errors as we find them.

ueacheck is a more general variant of maacheck. It looks also for errors where some of the allocating expressions is given as local variable:

SEXP pa = allocVector(INTSXP, 1);
INTEGER(pa)[0] = ci->pid;
setAttrib(rv, install("pid"), pa);

In the example, install may allocate and kill the object pointed to from pa, allocated earlier by allocVector. The tool is internally based on a number of heuristics and has more false alarms than maacheck (but can also detect more errors). A typical example of a false alarm with this tool is implicit protection, such as linking a newly allocated object to an object already protected: the tool does not detect this an may think the newly allocated object is still ``fresh''.

Detecting Error Functions

Non-local returns (setjmp/longjmp) are used in R to handle errors. It is a good practice to annotate functions that never return normally (that is via the return statement or through reaching the end of a void function). The annotation helps the compiler generate better (faster) code and more precise warnings. In R, such functions are annotated using NORETURN macro, but this macro is sometimes forgotten. The errcheck tool detects functions that should be marked NORETURN but are not, as well as functions that are marked but shouldn't (yet I didn't find such case). E.g. checking CRAN package mets:

errcheck src/main/R.bin.bc mets.Rcheck/00_pkg_src/mets/src/

reports also

UNMARKED error function void arma::arma_stop<std::string>(std::string const&) RcppArmadillo/include/armadillo:94

this is a correct report, this function should be marked NORETURN.

This tool should be precise by design. The tool is a byproduct of the detection of error functions that had to be implemented for the memory checking tools: error paths often include allocation (at least allocating the error message), and they can easily be the only allocation a function does. So, by design, all error functions (and error paths within a function) have been excluded from the checking for memory errors.

Detecting Protection Stack Imbalance

A function has pointer protection stack imbalance if the pointer protection stack depth at function exit is not the same as at function entry. This is sometimes the correct/intended behavior (e.g. in generated parsers), but commonly it is an error. Pointer protection imbalance is sometimes checked and reported at runtime, but with the bcheck tool, one can detect it also in rarely executed branches (and without tests with a good coverage):

PROTECT(sa = coerceVector(CAR(args), CPLXSXP));
PROTECT(sb = coerceVector(CADR(args), CPLXSXP));
na = XLENGTH(sa); nb = XLENGTH(sb);
if ((na == 0) || (nb == 0)) return(allocVector(CPLXSXP, 0));

In the example above, if the then-branch is taken, the the pointers added to the pointer protection stack just above will remain there after the function exits. It is a common pattern of such errors - one forgets that an (exceptional) function return also has to release pointers from the protection stack, or releases the wrong number of such pointers. The tool can handle different versions of the protect calls, a single protection counter per function (commonly named nprotect), certain kinds of loops, saving and restoring the pointer protection stack explicitly, and also some forms of conditionals (e.g. ``if (nprotect) UNPROTECT(nprotect)''). There are still some false alarms and bailouts for code that is still too complicated, and indeed there are not-useful reports for functions that have protection stack imbalance by design.

To check the CRAN BMN package, run

bcheck ./src/main/R.bin.bc BMN.Rcheck/00_pkg_src/BMN/src/

the report also includes

Function runJTAlgSecMomVec
  has negative depth BMN.Rcheck/00_pkg_src/BMN/src/
  has possible protection stack imbalance BMN.Rcheck/00_pkg_src/BMN/src/

The reported function is shown below

SEXP runJTAlgSecMomVec(SEXP adjMat, SEXP thetaMat, SEXP varR, SEXP maxRuntime)
    // protect the items
    int size = INTEGER(GET_DIM(adjMat))[0];
    int var = INTEGER(varR)[0];
    time_t quittingTime = time(NULL) + INTEGER(maxRuntime)[0];

    // get space for the expectation and covariance matrix
    SEXP covVec, expec;
    PROTECT(covVec = allocVector(REALSXP, size));
    PROTECT(expec = allocVector(REALSXP, size));

    double *covVecPtr = REAL(covVec);
    double *expecPtr = REAL(expec);

    // get the probgraph object
        ProbGraph graph(size, INTEGER(adjMat), REAL(thetaMat), quittingTime);
        graph.getExpectSecMomSingleVar(var,expecPtr, covVecPtr);
    catch(char const* errorMsg)
    // generate a list for the return values
    SEXP retList, dimnames;
    PROTECT(retList = allocVector(VECSXP,2));
    PROTECT(dimnames = allocVector(STRSXP,2));
    SET_STRING_ELT(dimnames, 0, mkChar("Expectation"));
    SET_STRING_ELT(dimnames, 1, mkChar("SecondMomentVector"));
    setAttrib(retList,R_NamesSymbol, dimnames); 

    // unprotect them again
    UNPROTECT(8);    // <========================= line 152
    return(retList); // <========================= line 153

It is easy to see that the tool is right, only 7 pointers have been protected, but 8 are being unprotected.

The tool gets confused by wrappers (functions) for the standard protection/unprotection functions, reporting then false alarms. Also, the tools is confused when a switch statement handles all cases that can happen in practice (and part of that handling is pointer unprotection), but there is no default statement - the tool does not know that all cases have been handled. Also, some code uses patterns such as UNPROTECT(nprotect + 2), which are not supported by the tool.

Currently the bcheck tool also checks for unprotected pointers at calls (described below). Even though these two kinds of bugs are unrelated, the underlying working of the tool is the same (interpreting the guards, conditions, etc).

Detecting Unprotected Objects At Allocating Calls

The tool attempts to detect unprotected (live) objects at allocating calls. Live objects means objects that will still be used after the call. This is a hard problem in the general case, but the bcheck code can do this in many common situations, such as

SEXP attribute_hidden do_gctorture2(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
    int gap, wait;
    Rboolean inhibit;
    SEXP old = ScalarInteger(gc_force_gap); /* GC */

    checkArity(op, args);
    gap = asInteger(CAR(args)); /* GC */
    wait = asInteger(CADR(args)); /* GC */
    inhibit = asLogical(CADDR(args));
    R_gc_torture(gap, wait, inhibit);

    return old;

the example has ''GC'' annotations created using csfpcheck. The old variable is the only pointer to a live, unprotected object. At calls to asInteger, this object can be erroneously collected. The tool attempts to detect errors in more complicated cases, such as when an object is protected, later unprotected, then an allocation function is called, and later the object is used again. But, with non-trivial uses of UNPROTECT the tool gets confused and produces false alarms. The tool produces a warning when it gets confused.

The tool also detects when an allocating function is called with an allocating argument, which is often an error (by convention, most R functions should be called with arguments protected by callers), but there are many exceptions - functions that protect their arguments (callee-protect) or functions that protect their argument as long as they need them, but expose them to a GC after they don't (callee-safe). In fact, a function may treat some arguments as callee-protect, while other as callee-safe. The tool can detect callee-safe and callee-protect functions (not all, but many, and there is a hardcoded list of important callee-protect functions that the tool can't detect). The automated detection is per-argument, so functions with mixed semantics are supported as well.

One source of false alarms is when the tool thinks that some function returns a newly allocated object, but in fact it does not in the particular context. The experience is that the tool finds many errors, but the false alarms rate is rather high. A common source of true errors is a failure to protect the result of getAttrib when retrieving an attribute that may be automatically generated/converted (e.g. names, dimnames).

The tool also tries to detect implicit protection, when a pointer is stored into an object already protected, such as

PROTECT(klass = allocVector(STRSXP, 2)); /* GC */
SET_STRING_ELT(klass, 0, mkChar("POSIXlt")); /* GC */
SET_STRING_ELT(klass, 1, mkChar("POSIXt")); /* GC */

where the strings allocated by mkChar are implicitly protected by SET_STRING_ELT, which connects them into the string vector klass, which is already protected (so, there is no protection error in the example). In order to do this, the tool has a hard-coded set of implicitly protecting functions like SET_STRING_ELT.

Sometimes, the errors are very unsophisticated. Checking the CRAN ccgarch package also generates this report.

Function uni_vola_sim
  unprotected variable el2 while calling allocating function 
    Rf_allocVector ccgarch.Rcheck/00_pkg_src/ccgarch/src/R_uni_vola_sim.c:16
PROTECT(z = allocVector(REALSXP, nobs));
PROTECT(output = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
el2 = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
hl = allocVector(REALSXP,1); <===================== line 16
rh = REAL(h);

This report is indeed a true error, the call to allocVector may trigger GC and kill the object pointed to by el2.

Bizarre False Alarms and Approximations at LLVM Bitcode Level

Most false alarms are due to approximations sketched in this text so far. But some false alarms, in practice it seems very few, may seem rather bizarre. This may be caused by approximation at the level of intepretting the LLVM bitcode - phi nodes are often not supported or their semantics is simplified. Also, the tool only maintains some state for local variables, but not for other LLVM bitcode registers; this can lead to errors when the compiler generates unusual code (e.g. an outdated value of a local variable is read from an LLVM register); note the CLANG compiler has to be run with all optimizations disabled.

To reduce the risks of missing true errors due to these limitations of the tools, one can make all value transfers between basic blocks go through local variables ("memory") using LLVM's opt tool:

opt -reg2mem R.bin.bc > R.bin.reg2mem.bc

This also happens to reduce the number of phi nodes (or eliminates them). On the other hand, the resulting bitcode is harder to check as it has indeed more local variables, so one may need a lot of RAM for the checking. Using the tool does not eliminate these errors entirely. It may not remove all phi nodes (even in practice it seems to), and it will not remove unusual code (e.g. the use of an outdated variable value) that happens within a single basic block.