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So_long - My 1337 Project Journey 🎮


"So_long" is an engaging project undertaken during my time at 1337 FIL, focusing on developing a simple 2D game using the MiniLibX (MLX) graphic library. This project challenged me to apply my knowledge of graphics programming and game development concepts to create an interactive game environment.

Project Overview

The "So_long" project involves designing and implementing a basic game scenario where the player navigates through a map, collects items, and reaches a goal while. The project emphasizes efficient rendering, collision detection, and user interaction using the MiniLibX library.

Key Features

  1. Map Rendering: Render the game map with different textures for walls, floor, player, collectibles, using MiniLibX.
  2. Player Movement: Implement player movement using keyboard controls, allowing the player to navigate through the game environment.
  3. Collision Detection: Detect collisions between the player and collectibles, handling interactions accordingly.
  4. Item Collection: Allow the player to collect items scattered throughout the map and track the player's score.
  5. Game Loop: Implement a game loop to update the game state, handle user input, and render the game continuously using MiniLibX.

Challenges Faced

During the development of "So_long," I encountered challenges with:

  1. Graphics Rendering: Understanding and utilizing the MiniLibX library for graphics rendering and manipulation.
  2. Collision Detection: Implementing efficient collision detection algorithms to detect intersections between game entities.
  3. Game Logic: Designing and implementing game logic for player movement, item collection, and win/lose conditions using MiniLibX.


The "So_long" project provided an excellent opportunity to explore game development concepts and graphics programming techniques using the MiniLibX library. It allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge to practical game design and implementation, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills.


"So_long" served as an engaging and rewarding project that expanded my skills in graphics programming and game development using MiniLibX. It provided valuable hands-on experience and insights into the complexities of creating interactive game environments. This project laid the foundation for further exploration and specialization in the field of game development and software engineering.