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I&M Bank Android Take Home Assignment

Writing MoneySwiftTest App using Android Architecture Components, in 100% Kotlin, using Android Jetpack Components, and in Compose 🚀


To run the project in your local environment, you need

  • Go to the Android studio and create a new project using the 'Get from version control' option.
  • Paste this link
  • Build the project and run it
  • Ready app APK can be downloaded from here


On its launch MoneySwift will:

  • First show a splash screen
  • Then the MoneySwift Products that are available for sale
  • onClick of one of the item's cards, we shall be navigated to the respective item's details screen
  • onClick on the Buy Now button, our app shall launch a dialog that expects us to key in our payment Details
  • After we successfully enter our correct payment details, another dialogs launches with a successful payment message
  • N/B, for our payment to be successful, the payment details dialog expects a 16 digit CardNumber, a 3 digits CVC and in our MM/YY textfield, the Month has to be between 1-12 and all these payment details have to be filled otherwise the app shall show an error.


  • Tech-stack

    • Kotlin - a modern, cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language with type inference.
    • Coroutines - lightweight threads to perform asynchronous tasks.
    • Room Database - lightweight library used to locally store our data.
    • Flow - a stream of data that emits multiple values sequentially.
    • StateFlow - Flow APIs that enable flows to emit updated state and emit values to multiple consumers optimally.
    • Dagger Hilt - a dependency injection library for Android built on top of Dagger that reduces the boilerplate of doing manual injection.
    • Gson A Java and Kotlin serialization/deserialization library to convert Kotlin/Java Objects into JSON and back
    • Jetpack
      • Jetpack Compose - A modern toolkit for building native Android UI
      • Lifecycle - perform actions in response to a change in the lifecycle state.
      • ViewModel - store and manage UI-related data lifecycle in a conscious manner and survive configuration change.
  • Tests

  • Architecture

    • MVVM—Model View ViewModel pattern with layer-based modularization.
    • N/B This is a small project, hence Modularization is overkill, but it is implemented to demonstrate how layer-based modularization can be implemented in a large-scale complex project
  • Gradle

    • Gradle Kotlin DSL - An alternative syntax for writing Gradle build scripts using Koltin.
  • CI/CD

App Preview

Let's take a look at our MoneySwift app:

Splash Products Product Details Payment Details

Error Handling UI with Custom Error Displays 🚀🚀

Error on blank TextField CVC Error Card Number Error Correct Details Example Payment Success


The screenshots below show test results for tests done on this repo

Unit Tests