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The easiest way to parse and validate Discord prefix commands


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¡Discord Prefix Parser!

Easily parse and validate prefix commands in Discord


  • 👀 Parse messages into JS variables

    • 👩‍💻 .parse('!rate @kangabru 10 Kang is pog --public')
    • 🤖 >> ['72657579', 10, 'Kang is pog', true]
  • 👮‍♂️ Validate inputs

    • 👩‍💻 .parse('!rate @kangabru 100 Kang is pog --public')
    • 🤖 >> "Rating value '100' cannot be greater than '10'"
  • 🧠 Automatic command help

    • 👩‍💻 .parse('!rate --help')

    • 🤖 !rate Rate your friends!

      Usage: !rate User {@user} Rating {int} {0-10} Reason {text} Is Public {-p/--public}

      Example: !rate @user 6 lorem ipsum --public

🚀 Get started

Using node or discord.js? Install with:

npm i prefix-parser

Using Autocode? Install with:

const prefix = require('prefix-parser')

A green 'Installed Dependency' should popup to confirm the installation

📚 Usage

Create commands in 3 simple steps:

1. Create the command

const prefix = require('prefix-parser')

const command = prefix("!rate", "Rate your friends!")
    .int('Rating', { min: 0, max: 10 })
    .flag('Is Public', '--public')

2. Parse a message

const content = '!rate @kangabru 10 Kang is pog --public' // use 'message.content' in prod
const [args, infoOrError] = command.parse(content)

console.log(args) // ['72657579', 10, 'Kang is pog', true]
console.log(infoOrError) // null

3. Handle results

if (infoOrError)
    // Send `infoOrError` as a message back to Discord.
    // It's populated for --help and errors otherwise 'null'
else if (args)
    // Your command logic goes here
    // It's populated when parsed successfully otherwise 'null'

All together:

Combining steps 1-3 looks like this:

const prefix = require('prefix-parser')

const content = '!rate @kangabru 10 Kang is pog --public' // use 'message.content' in prod
const [args, infoOrError] = prefix("!rate")
    .int('Rating', { min: 0, max: 10 })
    .flag('Is Public', '--public')

if (infoOrError)
    // Send `infoOrError` as a message back to Discord.
else if (args)
    // Your command logic goes here
    handleRateCommand(args); // ['72657579', 10, 'Kang is pog', true]
See Example (Discord.js)
const prefix = require('prefix-parser')

client.on('messageCreate', message => {
    const [args, infoOrError] = prefix("!rate", , "Rate your friends!")
        .int('Rating', { min: 0, max: 10 })
        .flag('Is Public', '--public')

    if (infoOrError) {
    else if (args) {
        return handleRateCommand(args) // Replace with Rate command logic

    // Handle other commands below...
See Example (Autocode)

Endpoint: message.create

const lib = require('lib')({token: process.env.STDLIB_SECRET_TOKEN});
const prefix = require('prefix-parser')
const { channel_id, content } = context.params.event;

const [args, infoOrError] = prefix("!rate", "Rate your friends!")
    .int('Rating', { min: 0, max: 10 })
    .flag('Is Public', '--public')

if (infoOrError) {
    return lib.discord.channels['@0.1.2'].messages.create({ channel_id, content: infoOrError })
else if (args) {
    return handleRateCommand(args) // Replace with Rate command logic

// Handle other commands below...

Explained: args

These are the parsed arguments (args) for the command the user entered.

  • It's always an array [...] of values when parsing was successful and null otherwise.
  • Args are returned in the same order they were defined in code.
  • Args are validated so the user can only enter valid values.
  • Arg values are returned as a suitable JS value. E.g. int and float args return numbers.
const [args, infoOrError] = command.parse('!rate @kangabru 10 Kang is pog --public')
console.log(args) // ['72657579', 10, 'Kang is pog', true]

Explained: infoOrError

This is a descriptive message that should be shown to the end user.

  • It's always a string "..." if an info or error occurred and null otherwise.
  • Info about the command is returned if -h or --help was used on the command.
  • An error is returned if the user didn't use the command correctly. Args are automatically validated and users get descriptive messages about them. Errors are user friendly and render nicely in Discord.
const [args, infoOrError] = command.parse('!rate @kangabru 10') // Omit 'reason'
console.log(infoOrError) // 'Reason' not found

Explained: --help

All commands include a help flag -h or --help which explain what the command is and the arguments it accepts.

const [args, infoOrError] = command.parse('!rate --help')
console.log(infoOrError) // !rate <User {@user}> <Rating {int 0~10}> <Reason {text}> <Is Public {--public}>

📖 Examples

Here are some real world examples to showcase the various features.


Uses: int

// !purge 25
const [args, infoOrError] = prefix("!purge")

const [messageCount] = args // [25]


Uses: user

// -slap @user
const [args, infoOrError] = prefix("-slap")

const [user] = args // ['12345']


Uses: rest

// *math 2+2
const [args, infoOrError] = prefix("*math")

const [equation] = args // ['2+2']


Uses: int rest

// %giveaway 60 Win a jetski! 🚤
const [args, infoOrError] = prefix("%giveaway")
    .int('Seconds', { min: 20, max: 300 }) // 20s - 5mins

const [seconds, prize] = args // [60, 'Win a jetski! 🚤']


Uses: user role

// >assign @user @role
const [args, infoOrError] = prefix(">assign")

const [user, role] = args // ['12345', '12345']


Uses: channel text

// !announce #announcements I love you all!
const [args, infoOrError] = prefix("!announce")
    .channel('Post to')

const [channel, message] = args // ['12345', 'I love you all']


Uses: words regex

// !invite Elon Musk
const [args, infoOrError] = prefix("!invite")
    .words('Name', 2)
    .regex('Email', /\w+@\w+\.\w+/, '')

const [name, email] = args // ['Elon Musk', '']


Uses: int word text

// ?asl 18 f Cali
const [args, infoOrError] = prefix("?asl")

const [age, gender, location] = args // [18, 'f', 'Cali']


Uses: channel int text flag

// remind me #general 2 Organise a team game --public
const [args, infoOrError] = prefix("remind me")
    .int('Days', { min: 1, max: 7 })
    .flag('Is Public', '--public')

const [where, days, reminder, isPublic] = args // ['12345', 2, 'Organise a team game', 'true']


Uses: user text channel int

// !mute @user Talking too fast #mute-jail 15
const [args, infoOrError] = prefix("!mute")

const [where, reason, channel, days] = args // ['12345', 'Talking too fast', '12345', 15]

Send $

Uses: user, float, regex, rest

// $send @user 123.45 doge_01 Buying 100 dogecoins
const [args, infoOrError] = prefix("$send")
    .regex('Item ID', /\w{4}_\d{2}/, 'abcd_01')

const [vendor, amount, itemId, notes] = args // ['12345', 123.45, 'doge_01', 'Buying 100 dogecoins']

⚡ Arguments

Arguments are the building blocks that give your commands power. Here's every single one of them and how you can make your own.

Note that every argument must specify a name (string) as the first argument to be used in help and error messages.


Match 1 or more words that include characters a-z, 0-9, and _.

  • word(name) matches 1 word only
  • words(name, words=1) matches 1 or more words

Returns string

const cmd = prefix('!cmd')
const msg = '!cmd this is a sentence'

cmd.word('Word').parse(msg) // >> ['this']
cmd.words('Words', 2).parse(msg) // >> ['this is']
cmd.words('Words', 5).parse(msg) // >> Error: There are only 4 words


Match text within or at the end of the command:

  • text(name) will look for as much text as it can that include characters a-z, space, and _.
  • rest(name) will match all remaining text and must be the last argument.

Returns string

const cmd = prefix('!cmd')
const msg = '!cmd Pigs can fly. Monkeys cannot.'

cmd.text('Text').parse(msg) // >> ['Pigs can fly']'Rest').parse(msg) // >> ['Pigs can fly. Monkeys cannot.']


Match numbers like 123 and 12.34:

  • int(name, options={}) will match numbers and convert them to integers.
  • float(name, options={}) will match numbers and convert them to floats.


  • min (number) - The minimum value a user can enter.
  • max (number) - The maximum value a user can enter.

Returns: number

const cmd = prefix('!cmd')
    .int('Num 1')
    .int('Num 2', { max: 100 }) // max of 100
    .float('Num 3', { min: 0 }) // min of 0

cmd.parse('!cmd 8 12.34 56.78') // >> [8, 12, 56.78]


Match time args like 30s, 5m, 2h, 1d, and returns the value in seconds.

  • time(name, options={}) will match times and convert them to seconds.


  • min (string) - The minimum time a user can enter e.g. 10s
  • max (string) - The maximum time a user can enter e.g. 2h

Returns number

Note: s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days

const cmd = prefix('!cmd')
    .time('Time 1')
    .time('Time 2', { min: '5m' })
    .time('Time 3', { max: '1d' })

cmd.parse('!cmd 30s 10m 2h') // >> [30, 600, 7200]


Match emoji args like 🙂 and <:custom:789123>.

  • emoji(name) will match emojis.

Returns string

const cmd = prefix('!cmd')

cmd.parse('!cmd 🔥') // >> ["🔥"]


Match Discord mention types and extract their ID numbers.

  • user(name) matches a mention like '@user' or a raw ID like '12345'.
  • role(name) matches a mention like '@role' or a raw ID like '12345'.
  • channel(name) matches a mention like '#channel' or a raw ID like '12345'.

Returns string

const cmd = prefix('!cmd')

// User types: !cmd @kangabru @admin #general
cmd.parse('!cmd <@12345> <@&67890> <#24680>') // >> ['12345', '67890', '24680']

Discord sends mention IDs like <@!12345> and the ID '12345' is extracted.


Match optional flags like --flag which can be placed anywhere by the user.

  • flag(name, command, options={})
    • name (string) The name of the argument uses in help messages.
    • command (string) A command like --abc that must start with -- and have at least 3 characters.


  • short (string) The short version of the command like -h that must start with - and have 1-3 characters.
  • storeFalse (boolean) Make the parser return false instead of true when the flag is set by the user.

Returns boolean

const cmd = prefix('!cmd')
    .flag('Allow', '--yes', { short: '-y' }) // Returns 'true' when set
    .flag('Deny', '--no', { short: '-n', storeFalse: true }) // Returns 'false' when set

// When set
cmd.parse('!cmd --yes --no') // >> [true, false]
cmd.parse('!cmd -y -n') // >> [true, false]

// When unset
cmd.parse('!cmd') // >> [false, true]


Match urls.

Returns string

const cmd = prefix('!cmd')

cmd.parse('!cmd') // >> ['']


Default args not enough for you? Match custom text with regex.

  • regex(name, regexp, example, options={})
    • regexp (RegExp) The regular expression like /\w+/.
    • example (string) An example of what the regex will match. This is used in error messages and must match the regex provided or an error will be thrownm when .regex(...) is called.


  • group (number) The regex group index to return from the <text>.match(<regexp>) call. Defaults to 0 (the entire match).

Returns string

const simpleEmail = /\w+@\w+\.\w+/
const cmd = prefix('!cmd').regex('Email', simpleEmail, '')

cmd.parse('!cmd') // >> ['']
cmd.parse('!cmd user.example@com') // >> Error: Email not found

Advanced: Still not enough? Create your own parser! See the various src/ files to see how to inherit the BaseArg and other args. You just need to implement the parse and help functions and it'll plug and play with everything nicely. Highly recommended to use Typescript to check input and return types.

❗ Prefix

The prefix function is the starting point for defining commands. Under the hood it stores your arguments and can use them to provide cool features like the --help function, infoOrError messages, and of course parsing values.

Use with Javascript like this:

const prefix = require('prefix-parser')
const cmd = prefix('!cmd')

Command Description

The prefix function also accepts an optional description field which is used in the --help command.

const cmd = prefix('!cmd', 'Best Command')
cmd.parse(`!cmd --help`) // >> `!cmd` Best Command ...

Args Fluent Interface

The easiest way to add arguments is via the fluent interface:

    .parse("!cmd 20 1.8 Jim Bob") // >> [20, 1.8, 'Jim Bob']

Args Array

Sick of the fluent interface or want dynamic args? Provide them via an array instead:

        new IntegerArg("Age"),
        new FloatArg("Height"),
        new RestArg("Name"),
    .parse("!cmd 20 1.8 Jim Bob") // >> [20, 1.8, 'Jim Bob']

💻 Development

Issues and PRs are welcome!

The quickest way to code is via a test. Follow the examples in the test/ dir and run npm run test to run them. For even faster deving use the VSCode 'jest' extension to test automatically on code changes.

📄 About

Copyright 2021 Kangabru

MIT license baby


The easiest way to parse and validate Discord prefix commands







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