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Evaluation Metrics###

Ytk-learn can perform evaluation both in training(training set & testing test) and offline batch prediction. It provides the following evaluation metrics:

  • mae: Mean Absolute Error
  • rmse: Root Mean Square Error
  • confusion_matrix: Confusion matrix. It's used in binary classification and multi-class classification. precision, recall for each class and accuracy are calculated along with confusion matrix. For binary classification, the default classification thredshold is 0.5, and you can provide specified threshold “t” by "confusion_matrix@t". For multi-class classification, providing specified threshold is useless.
  • auc: Area Under Curve for binary classification. It's calculated by multi-thread(or distributed on multiple machines). The precision is 1E-5 by default(auc@100000), which means prediction is rounded to 5 decimal places for AUC calculation. You can specify the precision to “1E-m” by “auc@m".

Notes: If samples are not equal-weighted, ytk-learn calculates both weighted and unweightd evaluation metrics. Otherwise, it only calculates the unweighted. You can see the results in log/master.log for training phase and log/info.log for offline bach prediction. Ytk-learn calculates loss during training and prediction as long as labels exist.

Evaluation in Training Phase

You can perform evaluation in train phase by setting eval_metric in the configuration file, the config value type is a list, where you can put multiple metrics. The default value for just_evaluation is false which means it's in training phase. If you just want to perform the evaluation without saving predicion results for each sample, set just_evaluation to true. It will calculate evalutions by parallel. The script is bin/**

Offline Batch Prediction

The offline batch prediction will save prediction results for each sample in file meanwhile performing evaluation. Evaluation is optional.

Testing data format

Testing data format is almost the same as training data except that you can also provide data without labels for offline batch prediction. e.g:

test data with label: 1###0###1:1.2,9:3.2,19:33,21:1, '0' is the label

test data without label: 1######1:1.2,9:3.2,19:33,21:1

with data format configured as:

delim {
    x_delim : "###",
    y_delim : ",",
    features_delim : ",",
    feature_name_val_delim : ":"

You can also provide each sample with an initial prediction(regression and binary classification) or initial scores(multi-class classification, scores are the origin predict score before softmax). An example is as below:

test data with label: 1###0###1:1.2,9:3.2,19:33,21:1###0.01

test data without label: 1######1:1.2,9:3.2,19:33,21:1###0.01

Prediction mode

If you want to perform evaluation and save predictions offline, you can use the script bin/ There are three modes: PREDICT_RESULT_ONLY, LABEL_AND_PREDICT and PREDICT_AS_FEATURE. Details are listed in the following table.

mode output example
PREDICT_RESULT_ONLY label only 4.397
4.397 is prediction
LABEL_AND_PREDICT label and prediction 3.585###4.397
3.585 is label and 4.397 is prediction
PREDICT_AS_FEATURE origin sample info with prediction as a feature(features) predict_type=value:
1###3.585###1:2.60,2:5.2,3:2.22,4:4.37 is origin sample info
predict_type=leafid: 1###3.585###1:2.60,2:5.2,3:2.22,4:4.37,tree_leaf_0:0.0,tree_leaf_1:6.0,tree_leaf_2:34.0,tree_leaf_3:48.0,tree_leaf_4:88.0
it means there are 5 trees, the leaf indexes of this sample are 0,6,34,48 and 88

Prediction type

predict_type can be set to value for all models. For tree-based models(GBDT, GBMLR, GBSDT, GBHMLR, GBHSDT), you can set predict_type to leafid to get leaf indexes for each sample. Leaf index is the inner tree node number. The prediction results are in the same order as input dataset.


If you provide labels, you can set eval_metric to perform evaluations. Ytk-learn supports multiple evaluation metrics, splitted by comma(empty eval_metric means no evaluation). Loss is calculated by default as long as labels exist.

You can see the details in log/info.log, including evaluations and a file path of prediction results.

The following script is (win_predict.bat for windows).

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "########################################################################"
echo "######          offline predicting "
echo "######  usage: cd ytk-learn & sh bin/"
echo "######  attention : '???' means the value must be filled by user himself"
echo "#########################################################################"

# model name(linear, fm, ffm, gbdt, gbmlr, gbsdt, gbhmlr, gbhsdt)


# data file for predicting

# train/test line python transform switch & script


# max error data format tolerate number
# "value", "leafid"

nohup java -server -Xmx1000m -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -classpath .:lib/*:config -Dlog4j.configuration=file:config/ com.fenbi.ytklearn.predictor.Predicts  \
    "${config_path}" "${model_name}" "${file_dir}" "${transform}" "${transform_script_path}" "${resultSaveMode}" "${resultFileSuffix}" "${max_error_tol}" "${eval_metric}" "${predict_type}">> log/info.log 2>&1 &

Notes: ytk-learn loads model from path configured in config_path, data and model path should be in the same file system because they share the same fs_scheme which is set in config_path, e.g. both in local filesystem or in hdfs.