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karpathy committed Nov 20, 2015
0 parents commit a0d35c3
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Showing 21 changed files with 2,568 additions and 0 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
141 changes: 141 additions & 0 deletions DataLoader.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
require 'hdf5'
local utils = require 'utils'

local DataLoader = torch.class('DataLoader')

function DataLoader:__init(opt)

-- load the json file which contains additional information about the dataset
print('DataLoader loading json file: ', opt.json_file) = utils.read_json(opt.json_file)
self.ix_to_word =
self.vocab_size = utils.count_keys(self.ix_to_word)
print('vocab size is ' .. self.vocab_size)

-- open the hdf5 file
print('DataLoader loading h5 file: ', opt.h5_file)
self.h5_file =, 'r')

-- extract image size from dataset
local images_size = self.h5_file:read('/images'):dataspaceSize()
assert(#images_size == 4, '/images should be a 4D tensor')
assert(images_size[3] == images_size[4], 'width and height must match')
self.num_images = images_size[1]
self.num_channels = images_size[2]
self.max_image_size = images_size[3]
print(string.format('read %d images of size %dx%dx%d', self.num_images,
self.num_channels, self.max_image_size, self.max_image_size))

-- load in the sequence data
local seq_size = self.h5_file:read('/labels'):dataspaceSize()
self.seq_length = seq_size[2]
print('max sequence length in data is ' .. self.seq_length)
-- load the pointers in full to RAM (should be small enough)
self.label_start_ix = self.h5_file:read('/label_start_ix'):all()
self.label_end_ix = self.h5_file:read('/label_end_ix'):all()

-- separate out indexes for each of the provided splits
self.split_ix = {}
self.iterators = {}
for i,img in pairs( do
local split = img.split
if not self.split_ix[split] then
-- initialize new split
self.split_ix[split] = {}
self.iterators[split] = 1
table.insert(self.split_ix[split], i)
for k,v in pairs(self.split_ix) do
print(string.format('assigned %d images to split %s', #v, k))

function DataLoader:resetIterator(split)
self.iterators[split] = 1

function DataLoader:getVocabSize()
return self.vocab_size

function DataLoader:getVocab()
return self.ix_to_word

function DataLoader:getSeqLength()
return self.seq_length

Split is a string identifier (e.g. train|val|test)
Returns a batch of data:
- X (N,3,H,W) containing the images
- y (L,M) containing the captions as columns (which is better for contiguous memory during training)
- info table of length N, containing additional information
The data is iterated linearly in order. Iterators for any split can be reset manually with resetIterator()
function DataLoader:getBatch(opt)
local split = utils.getopt(opt, 'split') -- lets require that user passes this in, for safety
local batch_size = utils.getopt(opt, 'batch_size', 5) -- how many images get returned at one time (to go through CNN)
local seq_per_img = utils.getopt(opt, 'seq_per_img', 5) -- number of sequences to return per image
local split_ix = self.split_ix[split]
assert(split_ix, 'split ' .. split .. ' not found.')
-- pick an index of the datapoint to load next
local img_batch_raw = torch.ByteTensor(batch_size, 3, 256, 256)
local label_batch = torch.LongTensor(batch_size * seq_per_img, self.seq_length)
local max_index = #split_ix
local wrapped = false
local infos = {}
for i=1,batch_size do
local ri = self.iterators[split] -- get next index from iterator
local ri_next = ri + 1 -- increment iterator
if ri_next > max_index then ri_next = 1; wrapped = true end -- wrap back around
self.iterators[split] = ri_next
ix = split_ix[ri]
assert(ix ~= nil, 'bug: split ' .. split .. ' was accessed out of bounds with ' .. ri)
-- fetch the image from h5
local img = self.h5_file:read('/images'):partial({ix,ix},{1,self.num_channels},
img_batch_raw[i] = img
-- fetch the sequence labels
local ix1 = self.label_start_ix[ix]
local ix2 = self.label_end_ix[ix]
local ncap = ix2 - ix1 + 1 -- number of captions available for this image
assert(ncap > 0, 'an image does not have any label. this can be handled but right now isn\'t')
local seq
if ncap < seq_per_img then
-- we need to subsample (with replacement)
seq = torch.LongTensor(seq_per_img, self.seq_length)
for q=1,5 do
local ixl = torch.random(ix1,ix2)
seq[{ {q,q} }] = self.h5_file:read('/labels'):partial({ixl, ixl}, {1,self.seq_length})
-- there is enough data to read a contiguous chunk, but subsample the chunk position
local ixl = torch.random(ix1, ix2 - seq_per_img + 1) -- generates integer in the range
seq = self.h5_file:read('/labels'):partial({ixl, ixl+seq_per_img-1}, {1,self.seq_length})
local il = (i-1)*seq_per_img+1
label_batch[{ {il,il+seq_per_img-1} }] = seq
-- and record associated info as well
local info_struct = {} =[ix].id
info_struct.file_path =[ix].file_path
table.insert(infos, info_struct)
local data = {}
data.images = img_batch_raw
data.labels = label_batch:transpose(1,2):contiguous() -- note: make label sequences go down as columns
data.bounds = {it_pos_now = self.iterators[split], it_max = #split_ix, wrapped = wrapped}
data.infos = infos
return data
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions DataLoaderRaw.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
Same as DataLoader but only requires a folder of images.
Does not have an h5 dependency.
Only used at test time.

local utils = require 'utils'
require 'lfs'
require 'image'

local DataLoaderRaw = torch.class('DataLoaderRaw')

function DataLoaderRaw:__init(opt)
local coco_json = utils.getopt(opt, 'coco_json', '')

-- load the json file which contains additional information about the dataset
print('DataLoaderRaw loading images from folder: ', opt.folder_path)

self.files = {}
self.ids = {}
if string.len(opt.coco_json) > 0 then
print('reading from ' .. opt.coco_json)
-- read in filenames from the coco-style json file
self.coco_annotation = utils.read_json(opt.coco_json)
for k,v in pairs(self.coco_annotation.images) do
local fullpath = path.join(opt.folder_path, v.file_name)
table.insert(self.files, fullpath)
-- read in all the filenames from the folder
print('listing all images in directory ' .. opt.folder_path)
local n = 1
for file in lfs.dir(opt.folder_path) do
local fullpath = path.join(opt.folder_path, file)
if lfs.attributes(fullpath,"mode") == "file" then
table.insert(self.files, fullpath)
table.insert(self.ids, tostring(n)) -- just order them sequentially

self.N = #self.files
print('DataLoaderRaw found ' .. self.N .. ' images')

self.iterator = 1

function DataLoaderRaw:resetIterator()
self.iterator = 1

Returns a batch of data:
- X (N,3,256,256) containing the images as uint8 ByteTensor
- info table of length N, containing additional information
The data is iterated linearly in order
function DataLoaderRaw:getBatch(opt)
local batch_size = utils.getopt(opt, 'batch_size', 5) -- how many images get returned at one time (to go through CNN)
-- pick an index of the datapoint to load next
local img_batch_raw = torch.ByteTensor(batch_size, 3, 256, 256)
local max_index = self.N
local wrapped = false
local infos = {}
for i=1,batch_size do
local ri = self.iterator
local ri_next = ri + 1 -- increment iterator
if ri_next > max_index then ri_next = 1; wrapped = true end -- wrap back around
self.iterator = ri_next
-- load the image
local img = image.load(self.files[ri], 3, 'byte')
img_batch_raw[i] = image.scale(img, 256, 256)
-- and record associated info as well
local info_struct = {} = self.ids[ri]
info_struct.file_path = self.files[ri]
table.insert(infos, info_struct)
local data = {}
data.images = img_batch_raw
data.bounds = {it_pos_now = self.iterator, it_max = self.N, wrapped = wrapped}
data.infos = infos
return data

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