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Gulp plugin to minify HTML using the actively maintained HTMLMinifier fork.


npm i --save-dev gulp-html-minimizer


const gulp = require("gulp");
const htmlMinimizer = require("gulp-html-minimizer");

export function minifyHTML() {
  return gulp
        // Optional option object - See below or HTMLMinifier for options

Options Quick Reference

Most of the options are disabled by default.

Option Description Default
skipInvalidFiles Files with parsing errors will be skipped, rather than returning an error undefined (could be true, false)
caseSensitive Treat attributes in case sensitive manner (useful for custom HTML tags) false
collapseBooleanAttributes Omit attribute values from boolean attributes false
collapseInlineTagWhitespace Don't leave any spaces between display:inline; elements when collapsing. Must be used in conjunction with collapseWhitespace=true false
collapseWhitespace Collapse white space that contributes to text nodes in a document tree false
conservativeCollapse Always collapse to 1 space (never remove it entirely). Must be used in conjunction with collapseWhitespace=true false
continueOnParseError Handle parse errors instead of aborting. false
customAttrAssign Arrays of regex'es that allow to support custom attribute assign expressions (e.g. '<div flex?="{{mode != cover}}"></div>') [ ]
customAttrCollapse Regex that specifies custom attribute to strip newlines from (e.g. /ng-class/)
customAttrSurround Arrays of regex'es that allow to support custom attribute surround expressions (e.g. <input {{#if value}}checked="checked"{{/if}}>) [ ]
customEventAttributes Arrays of regex'es that allow to support custom event attributes for minifyJS (e.g. ng-click) [ /^on[a-z]{3,}$/ ]
decodeEntities Use direct Unicode characters whenever possible false
html5 Parse input according to HTML5 specifications true
ignoreCustomComments Array of regex'es that allow to ignore certain comments, when matched [ /^!/, /^\s*#/ ]
ignoreCustomFragments Array of regex'es that allow to ignore certain fragments, when matched (e.g. <?php ... ?>, {{ ... }}, etc.) [ /<%[\s\S]*?%>/, /<\?[\s\S]*?\?>/ ]
includeAutoGeneratedTags Insert tags generated by HTML parser true
keepClosingSlash Keep the trailing slash on singleton elements false
maxLineLength Specify a maximum line length. Compressed output will be split by newlines at valid HTML split-points
minifyCSS Minify CSS in style elements and style attributes (uses clean-css) false (could be true, Object, Function(text, type))
minifyJS Minify JavaScript in script elements and event attributes (uses Terser) false (could be true, Object, Function(text, inline))
minifyURLs Minify URLs in various attributes (uses relateurl) false (could be String, Object, Function(text))
preserveLineBreaks Always collapse to 1 line break (never remove it entirely) when whitespace between tags include a line break. Must be used in conjunction with collapseWhitespace=true false
preventAttributesEscaping Prevents the escaping of the values of attributes false
processConditionalComments Process contents of conditional comments through minifier false
processScripts Array of strings corresponding to types of script elements to process through minifier (e.g. text/ng-template, text/x-handlebars-template, etc.) [ ]
quoteCharacter Type of quote to use for attribute values (' or ")
removeAttributeQuotes Remove quotes around attributes when possible false
removeComments Strip HTML comments false
removeEmptyAttributes Remove all attributes with whitespace-only values false (could be true, Function(attrName, tag))
removeEmptyElements Remove all elements with empty contents false
removeOptionalTags Remove optional tags false
removeRedundantAttributes Remove attributes when value matches default. false
removeScriptTypeAttributes Remove type="text/javascript" from script tags. Other type attribute values are left intact false
removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes Remove type="text/css" from style and link tags. Other type attribute values are left intact false
removeTagWhitespace Remove space between attributes whenever possible. Note that this will result in invalid HTML! false
sortAttributes Sort attributes by frequency false
sortClassName Sort style classes by frequency false
trimCustomFragments Trim white space around ignoreCustomFragments. false
useShortDoctype Replaces the doctype with the short (HTML5) doctype false

Additional info

For information regarding sorting attributes / style classes, ignoring chunks of markup, preserving SVG tags & working with invalid markup see HTMLMinifier fork