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hwms committed Apr 7, 2016
1 parent 89f0352 commit fc4f18d
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Showing 3 changed files with 885 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions noscrapy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from .selector import Selector
from .selectors import *
from .sitemap import Sitemap
from .utils import json
377 changes: 377 additions & 0 deletions noscrapy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
import re
from collections import MutableSequence
from itertools import zip_longest, chain

from noscrapy.utils import Field, json, Type

from .selector import Selector

START_URLS_RE = re.compile(r'^(.*?)\[(\d+)\-(\d+)(:(\d+))?\](.*)$')

class Sitemap(MutableSequence, metaclass=Type):
id = Field(None)
ids = Field(fget='_ids', ro=True)
possible_parent_ids = Field(fget='_possible_parent_ids', ro=True)
columns = Field(fget='_columns', ro=True)
has_recursive_selectors = Field(fget='_has_recursive_selectors', ro=True)
start_urls = Field(fget='_get_start_urls', ro=True)

parent_id = Field('_root')
parent_item = Field(None)

def __init__(self, *args, **features):
self.selectors = []
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, str):
features['id'] = arg
if isinstance(arg, Selector):
features['selectors'] = [arg]
elif isinstance(arg, Sitemap):
features = dict(arg.__getstate__(), **features)
elif isinstance(arg, dict):
features = dict(arg, **features)
features['selectors'] = list(arg)
start_urls = features.pop('start_urls', ())
start_urls = [start_urls] if isinstance(start_urls, str) else start_urls
self._start_urls = list(start_urls)
for value in features.pop('selectors', ()):
except ValueError:
for attr, value in features.items():
setattr(self, attr, value.strip() if isinstance(value, str) else value)

def __delitem__(self, value):
unlinked_ids = []
index = value if isinstance(value, (int, slice)) else self.selectors.index(value)
selector_id = self.selectors[index].id
for selector in self.selectors:
if not selector.parents and selector_id !=
del self.selectors[index]
for unlinked_id in unlinked_ids:
del self[unlinked_id]

def __getitem__(self, index):
index = index if isinstance(index, (int, slice)) else self.selectors.index(index)
return self.selectors[index]

def get(self, index, default=None):
return self[index]
except ValueError:
return default

def __setitem__(self, index, value):
index = index if isinstance(index, (int, slice)) else self.selectors.index(index)
current = self.selectors[index]
selector = Selector(value)
if !=
if in self.selectors:
raise ValueError('Id %r is already taken' %
self.selectors[index] = selector
if !=

def insert(self, index, value):
selector = Selector(value)
if in self.selectors:
raise ValueError('Id %r is already taken' %
self.selectors.insert(index, selector)

def __len__(self):
return len(self.selectors)

def __eq__(self, other):
marker = object()
for a, b in zip_longest(self, other, fillvalue=marker):
if a != b:
return False
return True

def __repr__(self):
reprs = [repr(o) for o in self]
return '%s(%r, [%s])' % (type(self).__name__,, ', '.join(reprs))

def __getstate__(self):
return {'id':, 'selectors': self.selectors}

__setstate__ = __init__

def copy(self):
return self.__class__(self.__getstate__())

def concat(self, *other_lists):
result = self.copy()
for other_list in other_lists:
return result

def _ids(self):
return ('_root',) + tuple( for s in self)

def _possible_parent_ids(self):
return ('_root',) + tuple( for s in self if s.can_have_childs)

def _columns(self):
return tuple(chain.from_iterable(s.columns for s in self))

def get_all(self, parent_id=None):
"""Returns all or recursively all childs of a parent."""
if not parent_id:
yield from self.selectors

results = set()
def get_childs(parent_id):
for pos, selector in enumerate(self):
if pos not in results and selector.has_parent(parent_id):
for pos in sorted(results):
yield self[pos]

def get_direct_childs(self, parent_id):
"""Returns only selectors that are directly under a parent."""
for selector in self:
if selector.has_parent(parent_id):
yield selector

def get_one_page_selectors(self, selector_id):
selector = self.get(selector_id)
results = [selector]
# recursively find all parents that could lead to the page where selector_id is used.
def find_parents(selector):
for parent_id in selector.parents:
if parent_id == '_root':
parent = self.get(parent_id)
if parent not in results and parent.will_return_items:
results += self.get_one_page_childs(
results = sorted(self.index(s) for s in results)
for pos in sorted(results):
yield self[pos]

def get_one_page_childs(self, parent_id):
"""Returns all child selectors of a selector which can be used within one page."""
results = []
def add_childs(parent):
if not parent.will_return_items:
for child in self.get_direct_childs(
results = sorted(self.index(s) for s in results)
for pos in sorted(results):
yield self[pos]

def will_return_many(self, selector_id):
selector = self.get(selector_id)
if selector.will_return_many:
return True
for child_selector in self.get_all(selector_id):
if child_selector.will_return_many:
return True
return False

def get_one_page_css(self, selector_id, parent_ids):
"""Return css selector for a given element which includes all parent element selectors.
parent_ids: array of parent selector ids from devtools Breadcumb."""
css = self.get(selector_id).css
parent_css = self.get_one_page_parent_css(parent_ids)
return ' '.join(s for s in (parent_css, css) if s)

def get_one_page_parent_css(self, parent_ids):
"""Return css selector for parent selectors that are within one page.
parent_ids: array of parent selector ids from devtools Breadcumb."""
css_deque = []
for parent_id in parent_ids:
parent_selector = self.get(parent_id)
if parent_selector and parent_selector.will_return_items:
return ' '.join(s for s in css_deque if s)

def _has_recursive_selectors(self):
recursion_found = [False]
for top_selector in self:
visited = []
def check_recursion(parent_selector):
if parent_selector in visited:
recursion_found[0] = True
elif parent_selector.will_return_items:
for child in self.get_direct_childs(
return recursion_found[0]

def _rename_parents(self, current_id, new_id):
for selector in self:
selector.rename_parent(current_id, new_id)

def _get_start_urls(self):
for url in self._start_urls:
matches = START_URLS_RE.match(url)
matches = matches.groups() if matches else None
if matches:
step = int(matches[4] or 1)
start_str, stop_str = matches[1], matches[2]
start, stop = int(start_str), int(stop_str) + step
lpad = len(start_str) if len(start_str) == len(stop_str) else 1
fmt = '%s%%0%dd%s' % (matches[0], lpad, matches[5])
for i in range(start, stop, step):
yield fmt % i
yield url

def get_csv_rows(self, row_dicts):
headers = self.columns
yield headers
for row_dict in row_dicts:
csv_row = []
for header in headers:
cell = row_dict.get(header, '')
if not isinstance(cell, str):
cell = json.dumps(cell)
yield tuple(csv_row)

def get_data(self):
for tree in self.trees:
print(tree, self.parent_id, self.parent_item)
for results in self.get_selector_tree_data(tree, self.parent_id, self.parent_item):
yield results

def trees(self):
"""List of independent selector lists. follow=true splits selectors in trees.
Two side by side type=multiple selectors split trees."""
return self._find_trees(self.parent_id, [])

def _find_trees(self, parent_id, common_selectors_from_parent):
common_selectors = common_selectors_from_parent[:]
common_selectors += self.get_selectors_common_to_all_trees(parent_id)

# find selectors that will be making a selector tree
trees = []
childs = list(self.get_direct_childs(parent_id))
for selector in childs:
if self.selector_is_common_to_all_trees(selector):
# this selector will be making a new selector tree.
# But this selector might contain some child selectors that are making more trees,
# so here should be a some kind of seperation for that
tree = Sitemap(common_selectors + [selector])
if selector.can_have_local_childs:
# find selector tree within this selector
trees.extend(self._find_trees(, tree))

# it there were not any selectors that make a separate tree then all common selectors make up a single selector tree
return trees or [Sitemap(common_selectors)]

def get_selector_tree_data(self, tree, parent_id, parent_item, common_data=None):
child_common_data = self.get_selector_tree_common_data(tree, parent_id, parent_item)
common_data = dict(common_data or {}, **child_common_data)
yielded = False
for selector in tree.get_direct_childs(parent_id):
if tree.will_return_many(
new_common_data = dict(common_data)
for responses in self.get_many_selector_data(tree, selector, parent_item, new_common_data):
yield responses
yielded = True
if not yielded and common_data:
yield common_data

def get_selectors_common_to_all_trees(self, parent_id):
common_selectors = []
for selector in self.get_direct_childs(parent_id):
if self.selector_is_common_to_all_trees(selector):
# also add all childs which. Childs were also checked
for child in self.get_all(
if child not in common_selectors:
return common_selectors

def selector_is_common_to_all_trees(self, selector):
"""The selector cannot return multiple records and it also cannot create new jobs.
Also all of its child selectors must have the same features."""
if selector.will_return_many:
return False
# Link selectors which will follow to a new page also cannot be common to all selectors
if selector.can_create_new_jobs and self.get_direct_childs(
return False
# also all child selectors must have the same features
for child in self.get_all(
if not self.selector_is_common_to_all_trees(child):
return False
return True

def get_selector_tree_common_data(self, tree, parent_id, parent_item):
common_data = {}
for child in tree.get_direct_childs(parent_id):
if tree.will_return_many(
for results in self.get_selector_common_data(tree, child, parent_item):
return common_data

def get_selector_common_data(self, tree, selector, parent_item):
for data in selector.get_data(parent_item):
if selector.will_return_items:
yield self.get_selector_tree_common_data(tree,, data[0])
yield data

def get_many_selector_data(self, tree, selector, parent_item, common_data):
"""Returns all data records for a selector that can return multiple records."""
# if the selector is not an Item selector then its fetched data is the result.
if selector.will_return_items:
# handle situation when this selector is an Item Selector
for item in selector.get_data(parent_item):
new_common_data = dict(common_data)
for responses in self.get_selector_tree_data(tree,, item, new_common_data):
yield responses
new_common_data = dict(common_data)
for record in selector.get_data(parent_item):
yield record

def get_single_selector_data(self, parent_ids, selector_id): # pragma: no cover
# to fetch only single selectors data we will create a sitemap that only contains this
# selector, his parents and all child selectors
sitemap = self.sitemap.copy()
selector = sitemap[selector_id]
childs = sitemap.get_all(selector_id)
parents = [sitemap[i] for i in parent_ids]
for parent_id in parent_ids[::-1]:
if parent_id == '_root':

# merge all needed selectors together
sitemap.extend(parents + childs + [selector])

# find the parent that leaded to the page where required selector is being used
for parent_id in parent_ids[::-1]:
if parent_id == '_root':
parent = self.sitemap[parent_id]
if parent.will_return_items:
sitemap.parent_id = parent_id
yield from sitemap.get_data()

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