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Ken Bannister edited this page Mar 15, 2017 · 34 revisions

These tests exercise a gcoap Observe server. The test infrastructure is based on four components, which are all set up and run within the test scripts:

  1. Server: gcoap CLI
  2. Client: gcoaptest
  3. Remote Client: libcoap example client; sends commands to soscoap stats_reader. For example, commands the reader to deregister. Use of a CoAP client is just a convenience for now to send the commands; CoAP isn't necessary to send the commands. Even better would be to add a CLI to the observer client to send commands.
  4. Remote Server: libcoap example server; receives gcoap CLI requests, which generate Observe notifications. This client doesn't doesn't do anything with the requests. It just receives them so the gcoap server can generate Observe notifications.

Tests are implemented in See the file comments for how to run the tests.

Test Notes
observe See details below.
toomanymemos Try adding more Observe registrations for a single endpoint (address and/or port) than storage allows. Reduce the maximum to 1 for simplicity. If successful, the response will not include an Observe option. Compile gcoap with:
toomany4resource Try registering more than one endpoint (address and/or port) for a resource.
toomanyobs Register two observers, each for a different resource. This test succeeds when gcoap accepts two or more observers and memos. To test failure, compile gcoap with:

observe test internals

Action Outcome
Remote client POSTs /reg to client, which triggers client to send GET for /cli/stats with Observe register option to server. Verify Observe option added to server response.
Send a /cli/stats GET request from the server CLI to the remote server, which updates the count of messages sent. Verify server also sends Observe notification to client.
Send a second /cli/stats GET request within 128 sec. to remote server Verify the Observe value in the notification has a greater serial number.
Remote client POSTs /dereg to client, which triggers client to send GET for /cli/stats with Observe deregister option to server. Verify Observe option not added to server response.
Send a /cli/stats GET request from the server CLI to the remote server, which updates the count of messages sent. Verify server does not send Observe notification to client.

Also run this test with GCOAP_OBS_VALUE_WIDTH values of 2 and 1, and verify Observe notification option values are the expected width in bytes. Compile gcoap with: