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File metadata and controls

264 lines (175 loc) · 11.4 KB


Resque UI is a Rails plugin port of the Sinatra app that is included in Chris Wanstrath's resque gem. We love the gem and love the UI, but just didn't want to add Sinatra to our stack and wanted to be able to manage the queues from the UI.


script/plugin install git://

Once installed, you now have a resque controller, so you can get to the ui with: http://your_domain/resque.

If you have your default routes disabled, which you should if you have a RESTful API, then you'll need to add this to the top of your routes.rb file.

# Resque UI
map.connect 'resque/:action/:id', :controller => 'resque'


This plugin requires the resque 1.5 or higher gem and of course the redis gem.

sudo gem install resque

This gem now required the resque-status 0.2.2 or higher gem as well.

sudo gem install resque-status

Times Fixed

The displaying of times is fixed. Some browsers displayed "Nan days ago" for all process times in the original Sinatra app. Fixed the stats/keys page. The page wasn't showing the keys' types, size or values.

Display Process Status

Added the ability to display process status in the worker "Processing" column on the workers and working pages. To do this, yield the status message back in your perform method.

Class YourClass

  ...your code here
  yield "Your status message"
  ...more code
  yield "Another status message"
  ...more code

This is really handy for those long running jobs to give you assurance the the job is really running or not.

Status Messages

Restart Failed Jobs

Added the ability to restart failed jobs, and clear individual failed jobs from the list

Restart Failed Jobs

Remove Items from the Queue

Added the ability to remove jobs, from a queue

Remove Items from the Queue

View Processed Job Info

Resque_ui now incorporates the resque-status gem and replaced the Processed tab with the Status tab. You can read about what you can do with resque-status here.

I've added some additional functionality to the resque-status gem. Namely, I've added a Resque::ChainedJobWithStatusClass. We process alot of data files. Each part of the file's process is handled by a different worker. One worker may convert a file into a differnet format, then another will parse that file and peel each record off the file and put each individual record on a separate queue. A separate worker may then do any post processing when the file is complete.

I wanted all of that to show under a single status. So to do that, the very first worker class inherits from Resque::JobWithStatus, and everything after that inherits from Resque::ChainedJobWithStatus. When you call #create on the chained job from the preceding job, you just need to pass {'uuid' => uuid} as one of the hash arguments.

class DataContributionFile < Resque::JobWithStatus
    @queue = :data_contribution

    def perform
        ...your code here
        tick "Retrieving file."
        ...more code
        tick "Peeling #{file_path}"
        SingleRecordLoader.create({'uuid' => uuid, 'row_data' => hash_of_row_data, 'rows_in_file' => total_rows})

class SingleRecordLoader < Resque::ChainedJobWithStatus
    @queue = :single_record_loader

    def completed(*messages)
        if counter(:processed) >= options[:rows_in_file].to_i
        super("#{options[:rows_in_file]} records processed: Started(#{status.time.to_s(:eastern_time_zone_long)}) Finished(#{})")

    def perform
        ...your code here

        at((self.processed), options[:rows_in_file], "#{(self.processed)} of #{options[:rows_in_file]} completed.")

So now, the data_contribution worker and the single_record_loader workers will update the same status on the status page. You can call tick or set_status to add messages along the way too.

You will want to override the completed method so that it isn't called until the very end of the entire process.

I've also added two more methods, #incr_counter(:counter) and #count(:counter). We have dozens of single_record_loader workers processing records at a time. You encounter a race condition when they are all calling #at at the same time to update the :num attribute. So I created these two methods to atomically increment a dedicated counter. Just call #incr_counter and pass in a symbol for what you want to call the counter. You can create any number of different counters for different purposes. We keep track of different validation issues for each record. Use #counter and pass is the same symbol to read the integer back. The redis entries created by these methods all get cleaned up with a call to Resque::Status.clear(uuid)

When you kill a job on the UI, it will kill all the workers in the chain.

Throttle a Queue

A throttle method has been added. This is useful if you have a queue that tends to have very high volume, for example, the queue that process all the individual records of a file. You don't want to load that queue up with 1 million entries, possibly blowing out the memory of your Redis server.

FasterCSV.foreach(self.file_path, :headers => true, :quote_char => '"') do |row|
    Resque.throttle(:single_record_loader, 10000, 30)
    SingleRecordLoader.create({'uuid' => uuid, 'row_data' => row.to_hash, 'rows_in_file' => total_rows})

Putting the throttle before enqueing the SingleRecordLoader will check the single_record_loader queue to make sure it has less than 10000 entries in it before proceeding. If is has 10000 or more entries, it will sleep for 30 seconds before checking again.

Manage Workers

Added the ability to stop, start, and restart workers from the workers page. This requires capistrano, and capistrano-ext to be installed on all deployed servers.

Manage Workers

The controller calls cap tasks to manage the workers. To include the recipes in your application, add this line to your deploy.rb file:

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../vendor/plugins/resque_ui/lib/resque_ui/cap_recipes'

You will also need to make sure you have your rake path set in the deploy.rb file.

set :rake, "/opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.6-20090421/bin/rake"

You will also need to tell resque_ui where cap is installed. Add this line to your environments.rb file:

ResqueUi::Cap.path           = '/opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.6-20090421/bin/cap'

...using your own path of course.

The cap tasks included are:

cap resque:work          # start a resque worker.
cap resque:workers       # start multiple resque workers.
cap resque:quit_worker   # Gracefully kill a worker.  If the worker is working, it will finish before shutting down.
cap resque:restart_workers # Restart all workers on all servers

Multi-Threaded Workers

With Jruby, you have to specify the amount of memory to allocate when you start up the jvm. This has proven inefficient for us because different workers that require different amounts of memory. We have standardized our jvm configuration for the workers, which means we have to start each worker with the maximum amount of memory needed by the most memory intensive worker. This means we are wasting a lot of resources for the workers that don't require as much memory.

Our answer was to make the workers multi-threaded. Now you can pass multiple workers and queues into the rake task, each worker will be started in separate threads within the same process.

NOTE: The convention to identify which queues are monitored by which worker is to prefix each worker with a '#' in the rake task argument.

rake QUEUE=#file_loader#file_loader,email resque:work

This will start up 2 workers, 1 will work the file_loader queue, and one will work the file_loader and email queue.

Be aware that when you stop a worker, it will stop all the workers within that process.

After Deploy Hooks

The resque:restart_workers cap task can be added as an after deploy task to refresh your workers. Without this, your workers will continue to run your old code base after a deployment.

To make it work: Set one of the servers in your app role as the resque_restart server:

role :app, "your.first.ip.1","your.second.ip"
role :app,  "your.first.ip.1", :resque_restart => true

Then add the callbacks:

after "deploy", "resque:restart_workers"
after "deploy:migrations", "resque:restart_workers"

Resque Scheduler

If resque-scheduler is installed, the Schedule and Delayed tabs will display.

The Schedule tab functionality has been enhanced to be able to add jobs to the scheduler from the UI. This means you don't need to edit a static file that gets loaded on initialization. This also means you don't have to deploy that file every time you edit your schedule.

You can also create different schedules on different servers in your farm. You specify the IP address you want to schedule a job to run on, and it will add the job to the schedule on that server. You can also start and stop the scheduler on each server from the Schedule tab.

Resque Scheduler

The caveat to this is the Arguments value must be entered in the text box as JSON in order for the arguments to get parsed and stored in the schedule correctly. I find the easiest thing to do is to perform a Resque.encode on my parameters list in script/console. If we have a method that takes 3 parameters:

>> Resque.encode([['300'],1,{"start_date"=>"2010-02-01","end_date"=>"2010-02-28"}])
=> "[["300"],1,{"end_date":"2010-02-28","start_date":"2010-02-01"}]"

The first parameter is an array of strings, the second parameter is an integer, and the third parameter is a hash. Remembering that the arguments are stored in an array, all the parameters need to be in an array when there is more than one.

Any string arguments need to be quoted in the text box:

>> Resque.encode("Hello World")
=> ""Hello World""

Additional cap tasks added:

cap resque:quit_scheduler   # Gracefully kill the scheduler on a server.
cap resque:scheduler        # start a resque worker.
cap resque:scheduler_status # Determine if the scheduler is running or not

Delayed Tab

I have not tested or added any functionality to the Delayed tab. I get a RuntimeError: -ERR invalid bulk write count any time I try to do a Resque.enqueue_at. I've spent some time researching, and assume it's something with my version combinations. I believe it's a Redis issue and not a Resque-Scheduler issue. But since I'm not using it, I haven't put a great deal of time into resolving it.

Copyright (c) 2009 Chris Wanstrath Copyright (c) 2010 Ben VandenBos Copyright (c) 2010 Aaron Quint Copyright (c) 2010 Kevin Tyll, released under the MIT license

Much thanks goes to Brian Ketelsen for the ideas for the improved functionality for the UI.