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Change Log

0.8.35 (2018-08-06)

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0.8.34 (2018-08-04)

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  • [sqs] Messages should not allow empty bodies #435

  • Use the auto-tagging feature for e.g. processors #405

  • [simple-client] sqs: DSN not working #483

  • Adding a signal handler to the consumer #485

  • Problem with SQS DSN string with + in secret #481

  • Monitoring interface #476

  • simple client dsn issue #486 (makasim)

  • Update SQS DSN doc sample with mention urlencode #484 (dgoujard)

  • Prevent SqsProducer from sending messages with empty bodies #478 (elazar)

0.8.33 (2018-07-26)

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  • [consumption] process niceness extension #449

  • [Symfony] AsyncListener does not use TraceableProducer #392

  • Fix call debug method on null #480 (makasim)

  • Support MQTT #477

  • Bugs in RabbitMqDelayPluginDelayStrategy #455

  • [sqs] Support using a pre-configured SqsClient #443

  • IronMQ ( provider ? #415

  • Fix AMQPContext::unsubscribe #479 (adrienbrault)

  • Add Localstack Docker container for SQS functional tests #473 (elazar)

  • [consumption] add process niceness extension #467 (ramunasd)

0.8.32 (2018-07-10)

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  • [Bundle] auto-tag services #409

  • Add autoconfigure for services extending PsrProcess interface #452 (mnavarrocarter)

  • Add documentation the processor services need to be public #406

  • Is it possible to read messages in batch? #472

  • Batch publishing #463

  • populating, missing messages and supervisor #460

  • Processor was not found. processorName: "enqueue.client.router_processor" #451

  • [Bundle] Enqueue\Symfony\Client\ContainerAwareProcessorRegistry expects processors to be public #410

  • Update of "back to index" link #468 (N-M)

  • PHP_URL_SCHEME doesn't support underscores #453 (coudenysj)

  • WIP: Add support for using a pre-configured client with the SQS driver #444 (elazar)

0.8.31 (2018-05-24)

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  • Improve exception messages for topic-subscribers #441 (thePanz)

  • Gracefull shutdown? #440

  • Allow newer version of bunny #446 (enumag)

  • Fix mistype at async_events docs #445 (diimpp)

0.8.30 (2018-05-08)

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0.8.29 (2018-05-08)

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0.8.28 (2018-05-03)

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  • Mongodb transport #430 (turboboy88)

  • Should enqueue/enqueue also be added to "require" in composer.json for DBAL package? #433

  • RouterProcessor "acknowledges" commands and events without a registered processor #423

  • [Symfony][Documentation] Migrate from JMSJobQueueBundle #421

  • remove enqueue core dependency #434 (ASKozienko)

0.8.27 (2018-05-01)

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  • Kafka symfony transport #432 (dheineman)

  • Drop PHP5 support, Drop Symfony 2.X support. #419 (makasim)

  • How can I use the Symfony Bundle with Kafka? #428

0.8.26 (2018-04-19)

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0.8.25 (2018-04-13)

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  • gearmand queue library can't not use for php7 #270

  • [bundle] Make TraceableProducer service public #422 (sbacelic)

  • Why no packagist support #424

  • [DbalDriver] does not convert Message::$expire to DbalMessage::$timeToLive #391

  • [skip ci] Update doc block. return value should be "self" #425 (makasim)

  • Fix a tiny little typo in documentation #416 (bobey)

0.8.24 (2018-03-27)

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  • [fs] Escape special symbols #390

  • [fs] Escape delimiter symbols. #402 (makasim)

  • Laravel Usage #408

  • [JobRunner] Uncaught exceptions leave jobs in "running" state #385

  • [Feature Request] Closure message body. #366

  • [bundle] Don't ping DBAL connection if it wasn't opened #414 (ramunasd)

  • Fix AMQP(s) code in #413 (xdbas)

  • Fixed typos #412 (pborreli)

  • Fixed typo #411 (pborreli)

  • Update sqs transport factory with missing endpoint parameter #404 (asilgalis)

0.8.23 (2018-03-06)

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0.8.22 (2018-03-01)

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  • Runtime exception "__construct()" references interface "Enqueue\Client\ProducerInterface" but no such service exists #376

  • [bundle] add producer interface alias. #382 (makasim)

  • [Simple Client] The simple client requires amqp-ext even if you use another brokers #386

  • [symfony bundle] EnqueueExtension. Transport factory with such name already added. Name stomp #383

  • Problem registering SQS transport using DSN string #380

  • [client] Simple Client should not depend on amqp-ext. #389 (makasim)

  • [bundle] fix for "Transport factory with such name already added" #388 (makasim)

  • Close Connection #384

  • Outdated bundle documentation #381

  • [RFC] Throttle/debounce #378

0.8.21 (2018-02-16)

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  • [symfony] Print command name #374 (makasim)

  • Delayed-message doesn't work on my project ! #373

  • [Symfony] Command name misses in profiler #355

0.8.20 (2018-02-15)

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  • [Redis] Add ability to pass Redis instance to connection factory #372 (makasim)

  • Pass options to predis client when using redis transport #367

  • Authentication Support for Redis #349

  • Does redis factory supports sentinel or cluster? #341

0.8.19 (2018-02-14)

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  • [Docs] Describe difference between command and event messages #351

  • Fix typo #369 (kubk)

  • [client][skip ci] Explain meaning of sendEvent, sendCommand methods. #365 (makasim)

  • Modify grammar #364 (ddproxy)

  • Fix wrong argument type #361 (olix21)

  • Minor grammatical changes to documentation #363

  • [DbalConsumer] Issue with id type #360

  • [dbal] Sort priority messages by published at date too. #371 (makasim)

0.8.18 (2018-02-07)

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  • [SQS] Allow custom aws endpoint configuration #352

  • Added endpoint configuration and updated the tests #353 (gitis)

  • Transport is not enabled: amqp: #356

  • [bundle] DefaultTransportFactory should accept DSN like foo: #358 (makasim)

  • [dbal] Consumer never fetches messages ordered by published time #343 (f7h)

  • [SQS] Unable to connect to FIFO queue #342

  • [dbal] Consumer never fetches messages ordered by published time #340

  • Moved symfony/framework-bundle to require-dev #348 (prisis)

  • Gearman PHP 7 support #347 (Jawshua)

0.8.17 (2018-01-18)

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  • QueueConsumer should be final #311

  • [consumption] Make QueueConsumer final #336 (makasim)

  • [bundle][dx] Add a message that suggest installing a pkg to use the transport. #335 (makasim)

  • [0.9][BC break][dbal] Store UUIDs as binary data. Improves performance #280 (makasim)

  • Unrecognized option "amqp" under "enqueue.transport" #333

  • [consumption] Prepare QueueConsumer for changes in 0.9 #337 (makasim)

0.8.16 (2018-01-13)

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0.8.15 (2018-01-12)

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0.8.14 (2018-01-10)

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0.8.13 (2018-01-09)

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  • [amqp] Fix socket and signal issue. #317 (makasim)

  • [kafka] add ability to set offset. #314 (makasim)

  • AMQPIOWaitException upon docker container shutdown #300

0.8.12 (2018-01-04)

Full Changelog

  • [Elastica] convert the Doctrine listeners to async too #244

  • Using Laravel helper to resolve filepath #302 (robinvdvleuten)

  • Job queue create tables #293 (makasim)

  • [amqp-ext] Unrecognized options "login, password, delay_plugin_installed" under "enqueue.transport.rabbitmq_amqp #309

  • Symfony Bundle: amqp bunny doesn't stop the execution of the CLI command #303

  • [rdkafka] Don't do unnecessary subscribe\unsubscribe on every receive call #313 (makasim)

  • [consumption] Fix signal handling when AMQP is used. #310 (makasim)

  • Check if logger exists #299 (pascaldevink)

  • Changed larvel to laravel #301 (robinvdvleuten)

  • Fix reversed logic for native UUID detection #297 (msheakoski)

0.8.11 (2017-12-14)

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  • [job-queue] Change type hint from Closure to callable #286

  • [job-queue] Change typehint, allow not only Closure but other callabl… #292 (makasim)

  • [doc] yii2-queue amqp driver #282 (makasim)

  • Consumer Requeue -> DBAL NotNullConstraintViolationException #290

  • Set custom logger #287

  • [Elastica] persistence.driver = orm is optional #245

  • [dbal] Fix message re-queuing. Reuse producer for it. #291 (makasim)

  • [consumption] Add ability to overwrite logger. #289 (makasim)

  • [composer] Add support details to composer.json #288

0.8.10 (2017-12-04)

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  • [dbal] Store id (uuid) as binary data. #279

  • [doc] Add a doc with job queue doctrine migration example #278

  • Add mongodb support. #251

  • Add zeromq support #208

  • [amqp-lib] It should be possible to create queue without a name, #145

  • [doc] Add the doc for client extensions #73

  • [doc][skip ci] add doc for client on send extensions. #285 (makasim)

  • [doc][skip ci] Add processor examples, notes on exception and more. #283 (makasim)

  • [travis] add PHP 7.2 to build matrix. #281 (makasim)

  • [enqueue/dbal] Logic for "The platform does not support UUIDs natively" is incorrect #276

0.8.9 (2017-11-21)

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  • [rdkafka] Introduce KeySerializer #255

  • [amqp-lib][RabbitMQ] Publisher Confirms #206

  • [client][amqp] Idea. Add support of dead queues #39

  • [docker] Incorporate amqp ext compilation to docker build process. #275 (makasim)

  • [fs] Copy past Symfony's LockHandler (not awailable in Sf4). #272 (makasim)

  • Add Symfony4 support #269 (makasim)

  • [bundle] use enqueue logo in profiler panel. #268 (makasim)

  • [bundle] Apparently the use case tests have never worked properly. #273 (makasim)

  • [rdkafka] do not pass config if it was not set explisitly. #263 (makasim)

  • [amqp-ext] Problem with consume messages #274

0.8.8 (2017-11-13)

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  • [Redis] add dsn support for symfony bundle. #266 (wilson-ng)

  • onIdle is not triggered #260

  • On exception Context is not set #259

  • [consumption][amqp] onIdle is never called. #265 (makasim)

  • [consumption] fix context is missing message on exception. #264 (makasim)

0.8.7 (2017-11-10)

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  • [Redis] add custom database index #258 (IndraGunawan)

  • SetRouterPropertiesExtension does not work with SQS #261

  • Changes SetRouterPropertiesExtension to use the driver to generate the queue name #262 (iainmckay)

0.8.6 (2017-11-05)

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  • [RdKafka] Enable serializers to serialize message keys #254 (tPl0ch)

  • [Elastica Bundle] tag 0.8 #253

0.8.5 (2017-11-02)

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0.8.4 (2017-11-01)

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0.8.3 (2017-11-01)

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  • [Symfony][Minor] profiler view when no messages collected during the request #243
  • [bundle] streamline profiler view when no messages were sent #247 (dkarlovi)
  • [bundle] Renamed exposed services' name to classes' FQCN #242 (Lctrs)

0.8.2 (2017-10-27)

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  • [amqp] add ssl support #147
  • [amqp] Add AMQP secure (SSL) connections support #246 (makasim)

0.8.1 (2017-10-23)

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  • Allow kafka tests to fail. #232

  • GPS Integration #239 (ASKozienko)

  • GPSTransportFactory registration is missing from EnqueueBundle #235

  • Only add Ampq transport factories when packages are found #241 (jverdeyen)

0.8.0 (2017-10-19)

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  • [amqp-lib] The context should allow to get the lib's channel. #146

  • 0.8v goes stable. #238 (makasim)

  • [travis] allow kafka tests to fail. #237 (makasim)

  • [amqp] One single transport factory for all supported amqp implementa… #233 (makasim)

  • [BC break][amqp] Introduce connection config. Make it same across all transports. #228 (makasim)

  • [amqp-bunny] High CPU usage while using basic.consume. #226

  • Amqp basic consume should restore default timeout inside consume callback. #225

  • AmqpProducer::send method must throw only interop exception. #224

  • 0.8v goes stable. #238 (makasim)

  • [consumption][amqp] move beforeReceive call at the end of the cycle f… #234 (makasim)

  • \[BC break\]\[amqp\] Introduce connection config. Make it same across all transports. #228 (makasim)

  • Missing client configuration in the documentation #231 (lsv)

  • Added MIT license badge #230 (tarlepp)

0.7.19 (2017-10-13)

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0.7.18 (2017-10-10)

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  • [consumption][client] Add --skip option to consume commands. #216
  • [json] jsonSerialize could throw an a exception. #132
  • [client] Add --skip option to consume command. #218 (makasim)

0.7.17 (2017-10-03)

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  • [Symfony] Error using profiler with symfony 2.8 #211
  • [fs] ErrorException: The Symfony\Component\Filesystem\LockHandler class is deprecated since version 3.4 #166
  • Fs do not throw error on user deprecate #214 (makasim)
  • [bundle][profiler] Fix array to string conversion notice. #212 (makasim)

0.7.16 (2017-09-28)

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  • Fixes the notation for Twig template names in the data collector #207 (Lctrs)

  • [BC Break][dsn] replace xxx:// to xxx: #205 (makasim)

0.7.15 (2017-09-25)

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  • [FS][RFC] Change to FIFO queue #171

  • Transports must support configuration via DSN string #87

  • Add support of async message processing to transport interfaces. Like Java JMS. #27

  • [redis] add dsn support for redis transport. #204 (makasim)

  • [dbal][bc break] Performance improvements and new features. #199 (makasim)

  • [FS] Cannot decode json message #202

  • [fs] fix bugs introduced in #181. #203 (makasim)

  • [FS] Cannot decode json message #201

  • [FS] Cannot decode json message #200

0.7.14 (2017-09-13)

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0.7.13 (2017-09-13)

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  • [dbal] add priority support on transport level. #198 (makasim)

  • Topic subscriber doesn't work with 2 separate apps #196

  • \[dbal\] add priority support on transport level. #198 (makasim)

  • Fixed losing message priority for dbal driver #195 (vtsykun)

  • [bundle] add tests for the case where topic subscriber does not def p… #197 (makasim)

0.7.12 (2017-09-12)

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0.7.11 (2017-09-11)

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0.7.10 (2017-08-31)

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  • Serialization beyond JSON #187

  • [rdkafka] Add abilito change the way a message is serialized. #188 (makasim)

  • Bug on AsyncDoctrineOrmProvider::setContext() #186

0.7.9 (2017-08-28)

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  • Update to phpstan 0.8 #141

  • [client] Add a reason while setting reject in DelayRedeliveredMessageExtension #41

  • [Doctrine] add support to convert Doctrine events to Enqueue messages #68

  • [client] DelayRedeliveredMessageExtension. Add reject reason. #185 (makasim)

  • [phpstan] update to 0.8 version #184 (makasim)

0.7.8 (2017-08-28)

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  • fix sqs tests when run by not a member of the project. #179

  • [bundle] It is not possible to use client's producer in a cli event, for example on exception #177

  • Error on PurgeFosElasticPopulateQueueListener::__construct() #174

  • [bundle] Possible issue when something configured wronly #172

  • [FS] Frame not being read correctly #170

  • [consumption] Do not close context. #183 (makasim)

  • [bundle] do not use client's related stuff if it is disabled #182 (makasim)

  • [fs] fix bug that happens with specific message length. #181 (makasim)

  • [sqs] Skip tests if no amazon credentinals present. #180 (makasim)

  • Fix typo in configuration parameter #178 (akucherenko)

  • Google Pub/Sub #167 (ASKozienko)

0.7.7 (2017-08-25)

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  • Add support for Google Cloud Pub/Sub #83

  • Use Query Builder for better support across platforms. #176 (jenkoian)

  • fix pheanstalk redelivered, receive #173 (ASKozienko)

0.7.6 (2017-08-16)

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0.7.5 (2017-08-16)

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0.7.4 (2017-08-10)

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0.7.3 (2017-08-09)

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0.7.2 (2017-08-09)

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  • AmqpConsumer::receiveBasicGet, only one message per timeout consumed #159

  • Symfony 2.8 compatability issue #158

  • [consumption] adjust receive and idle timeouts #165 (makasim)

  • Remove maxDepth option on profiler dump. #164 (jenkoian)

0.7.1 (2017-08-09)

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  • Symfony bundle doesn't work when sending commands #160

  • [amqp-ext] Server connection error #157

  • Client fix command routing #163 (makasim)

0.7.0 (2017-08-07)

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  • [producer] do not throw exception if feature not implemented and null… #154 (makasim)

  • Amqp bunny #153 (makasim)

  • \[producer\] do not throw exception if feature not implemented and null… #154 (makasim)

  • [amqp] Move client related code to Enqueue\Client\Amqp namespace. #143

  • [amqp] What should we do if consumer has already subscribed but smn is trying to change consumer tag? #142

  • Find a way to retry flaky tests #140

  • [client] use default topic as router topic. #135

  • continue if exclusive is set to false #156 (toooni)

  • [doc] add elastica populate bundle #155 (makasim)

  • [amqp] Delay Strategy #152 (ASKozienko)

  • [client] Use default as router topic. #151 (makasim)

  • Amqp Tutorial #150 (ASKozienko)

  • Delay, ttl, priority, in producer #149 (makasim)

  • [Amqp] Qos #148 (ASKozienko)

  • amqp interop client #144 (ASKozienko)

  • [composer] Add extensions to platform config. #139 (makasim)

  • Amqp Interop #138 (ASKozienko)

0.6.2 (2017-07-21)

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0.6.1 (2017-07-17)

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0.6.0 (2017-07-07)

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0.5.3 (2017-07-06)

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  • [bundle] Extend EventDispatcher instead of container aware one. #129 (makasim)

  • [Symfony] Symfony 3.3 / 4.x compatibility for ProxyEventDispatcher #109

0.5.2 (2017-07-03)

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  • [symfony] Extract DriverFactoryInterface from TransportFactoryInterface. #126 (makasim)

  • [client] Send exclusive commands to their queues directly, by passing… #127 (makasim)

0.5.1 (2017-06-27)

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  • [doc] add a doc for client message scopes #56

  • [client] Command, Event segregation. #105

  • Add Gearman transport. #125 (makasim)

0.5.0 (2017-06-26)

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  • [WIP][beanstalk] Add transport for beanstalkd #123 (makasim)

  • DBAL Transport: polling_interval not taken into account #121

  • [client] Merge experimental ProducerV2 methods to Producer interface. #124 (makasim)

  • fix dbal polling interval configuration option #122 (ASKozienko)

0.4.20 (2017-06-20)

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0.4.19 (2017-06-20)

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0.4.18 (2017-06-20)

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  • [client] Add ability to define a command as exclusive #120 (makasim)

0.4.17 (2017-06-19)

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  • [amqp] Fixes high CPU consumption when basic get is used #117 (makasim)

  • [RabbitMQ] High resource usage in AmqpConsumer::receiveBasicGet() #116

  • [simple-client] Allow processor instance bind. #119 (makasim)

  • [amqp] Add 'receive_method' to amqp transport factory. #118 (makasim)

0.4.16 (2017-06-16)

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0.4.15 (2017-06-14)

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  • Symfony async events. Support event subscribers. #94

  • RPC Deletes Reply Queue After Receive Message #114 (ASKozienko)

0.4.14 (2017-06-09)

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  • [RFC][client] Add ability to send events or commands. #113 (makasim)

0.4.13 (2017-06-09)

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  • [amqp] Consumer always gets the queue the consume callback was called on. #110
  • [amqp] Add ability to choose what receive method to use: basic_get or basic_consume. #112 (makasim)

0.4.12 (2017-06-08)

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  • [amqp] Add pre_fetch_count, pre_fetch_size options. #108 (makasim)

  • [amqp][hotfix] Switch to AMQP' basic.get till the issue with basic.consume is solved. #111 (makasim)

0.4.11 (2017-05-30)

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  • [amqp] Get message count #64

  • [bundle] Fix "Incompatible use of dynamic environment variables "ENQUEUE_DSN" found in parameters." #107 (makasim)

0.4.10 (2017-05-26)

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  • Calling AmqpContext::declareQueue() now returns an integer holding the queue message count #66 (J7mbo)

  • [RabbitMQ] support for wildcard topics ("topic exchange") #65

  • [dbal] Add DSN support. #104 (makasim)

0.4.9 (2017-05-25)

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  • [client][dx] Message constructor must accept body, properties and headers.` #88

  • Add message spec test case #102 (makasim)

  • filesystem dsn must have one more / #99

  • Code duplication inside messages #96

  • [transport] Fs transport dsn must contain one extra "/" #103 (makasim)

0.4.8 (2017-05-24)

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  • [client] Fixes edge cases in client's routing logic. #101 (makasim)

  • [bundle] Auto register reply extension. #100 (makasim)

  • Do pkg release if there are changes in it. #98 (makasim)

0.4.6 (2017-05-23)

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0.4.5 (2017-05-22)

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0.4.4 (2017-05-20)

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0.4.3 (2017-05-18)

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  • [client] SpoolProducer #93 (makasim)

  • [Performance, DX] Add a message pool #91

  • [bundle] Show only part of the message body. Add a button show the whole message body. #90

  • Add some handy functions. Improve READMEs #92 (makasim)

  • Run phpstan and php-cs-fixer on travis #85 (makasim)

0.4.2 (2017-05-15)

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  • Add dsn_to_connection_factory and dsn_to_context functions. #84 (makasim)

  • [bundle] Set null transport as default. Prevent errors on bundle install. #77 (makasim)

  • Add ability to set transport DSN directly to default transport factory. #81 (makasim)

0.4.1 (2017-05-12)

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0.4.0 (2017-05-12)

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  • [fs] add DSN support #82 (makasim)

  • [amqp] Configure by string DSN. #80 (makasim)

  • [Extensions] extensions priority #79

  • [fs] Filesystem transport must create a storage dir if it does not exists. #78 (makasim)

  • [magento] Add basic docs for enqueue magento extension. #76 (makasim)

0.3.8 (2017-05-10)

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0.3.7 (2017-05-04)

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  • [rpc] RpcClient must check existence of createTemporaryQueue. It is not part of transport interface #49

  • JobQueue/Job shouldn't be required when Doctrine schema update #67

  • JobQueue/Job shouldn't be required when Doctrine schema update #71 (ASKozienko)

0.3.6 (2017-04-28)

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0.3.5 (2017-04-27)

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  • [client] Queue subscriber interface. #53

  • Additional drivers #32

  • [consumption] Add support of QueueSubscriberInterface to transport consume command. #63 (makasim)

  • [client] Add ability to hardcode queue name. It is used as is and not adjusted or modified in any way #61 (makasim)

  • Multiple consumer handling one message #62

0.3.4 (2017-04-24)

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0.3.3 (2017-04-21)

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0.3.2 (2017-04-19)

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0.3.1 (2017-04-12)

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  • [client] Rename MessageProducer to Producer. To be similar what Psr has #42

  • [transport] Add Psr prefix to transport interfaces. #44

  • [client] Add RpcClient on client level. #50 (makasim)

0.3.0 (2017-04-07)

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0.2.12 (2017-04-07)

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  • [consumption] Need an extension point after the message is processed but before the ack\reject actually is done. #43

  • [client] Rename MessageProducer classes to Producer #47 (makasim)

  • [consumption] Add onResult extension point. #46 (makasim)

  • [transport] Add Psr prefix to transport interfaces. Deprecates old ones. #45 (makasim)

0.2.11 (2017-04-05)

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  • [client] Add ability to define scope of send message. #40 (makasim)

0.2.10 (2017-04-03)

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0.2.9 (2017-04-03)

Full Changelog

  • [bundle] Fix extensions priority ordering. Must be from high to low. #38 (makasim)

0.2.8 (2017-04-03)

Full Changelog

  • Do not print "Idle" when consumer is run with debug level (-vvv) #35

  • [amqp] Move RabbitMQ specific logic from AmqpDriver to RabbitMQAmqpDriver. #20

  • [filesystem] Consumer::receive method impr. Add file_size check to the loop #15

  • [client] DelayRedeliveredMessagesExtension must do nothing if the result\status has been already set #36

  • Invalid typehint for Enqueue\Client\Message::setBody #31

  • Improvements and fixes #37 (makasim)

  • fix fsdriver router topic name #34 (bendavies)

  • run php-cs-fixer #33 (bendavies)

0.2.7 (2017-03-18)

Full Changelog

  • [client] Allow send objects that implements \JsonSerializable interface. #30 (makasim)

0.2.6 (2017-03-14)

Full Changelog

  • [bundle][doc] desctibe message processor's tag options. #23

  • Fix Simple Client #29 (ASKozienko)

  • Update add Bundle to AppKernel #26 (jverdeyen)

  • [doc] Add docs about message processors. #24 (makasim)

  • Fix unclear sentences in docs #21 (cirnatdan)

0.2.5 (2017-01-27)

Full Changelog

  • [amqp][bug] Consumer received message targeted for another consumer of this same channel #13

  • [amqp] Put in buffer not our message. Continue consumption. #22 (makasim)

  • [travis] Test against different Symfony versions, at least 2.8, 3.0, 3.1 #17

  • [docker] Build images for all containers that built from Dockerfiles. #16

  • [travis] Run test with different Symfony versions. 2.8, 3.0 #19 (makasim)

  • [fs] Add missing enqueue/psr-queue package to composer.json. #18 (makasim)

0.2.4 (2017-01-18)

Full Changelog

  • Filesystem transport #12 (makasim)

  • [consumption][bug] Receive timeout is in milliseconds. Set it to 5000.… #14 (makasim)

  • [consumption] Do not print "Switch to queue xxx" if queue the same. #11 (makasim)

0.2.3 (2017-01-09)

Full Changelog

  • Auto generate changelog #10 (makasim)
  • [travis] Cache docker images on travis. #9 (makasim)
  • [enhancement][amqp-ext] Add purge queue method to amqp context. #8 (makasim)
  • [bug][amqp-ext] Receive timeout parameter is miliseconds #7 (makasim)

0.2.2 (2017-01-06)

Full Changelog

  • Amqp lazy connection #4

  • [amqp] introduce lazy context. #6 (makasim)

0.2.1 (2017-01-05)

Full Changelog

0.2.0 (2017-01-05)

Full Changelog

  • Upd php cs fixer #3 (makasim)
  • [psr] Introduce MessageProcessor interface (moved from consumption). #2 (makasim)
  • [bundle] Add ability to disable signal extension. #1 (makasim)

0.1.0 (2016-12-29)

* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator