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A PRD (Product Requirements Document) is created before creating a product or feature and includes the planning required for developers to execute effectively. This document is usually prepared by Product Managers, read more here

Product Requirements Documentation


Field Detail
Project Name Turmeric
Description Create a utility template for entrepreneurs to create a web presence.
Developers kcanamar
Live Website
Tech Stack Bun, Astro,

Problem Being Solved and Target Market

A template to build performant, customizable (CMS) websites for ourselves and others.

Tech stack includes a variety of features and their accompanying components., a visual CMS, to allow for dev/non-dev the ability to customize their site contents, without needing an engineering ticket.

User Stories

List of stories users should experience when using your application. The following are the base features included in this template.

  • Users should be able to see the site on desktop and mobile
  • Users can create an account
  • Users can sign in to their account
  • Users can create a new item
  • Users can see all their items on the dashboard
  • Users can update items
  • User can delete items


Here are a list of features that we look to have available.

  • E-Commerce
  • Stripe payments
  • Emailer/Subscription notification system
  • Community Center/Forum
  • Blog

Route Tables

For backend Applications you'll want to detail the different routes and types of your request your server can receive. There are three main things to define.

  • The endpoint: the URL to which the request must be made
  • The method: the type of http method the request should be
  • The response: what the response should be, a web page, json data, etc.

You should also include any additional notes on any special headers that may be used and so forth.

Endpoint Method Response Other
/item GET JSON of all items
/item POST Create new item return JSON of new item body must include data for new item
/item/:id GET JSON of item with matching id number
/item/:id PUT update item with matching idea, return its JSON body must include updated data
/item/:id DELETE delete the item with the matching id
/auth/signup POST creates new user account returns user JSON new user info must be included in body
/auth/login POST logs in user and returns user JSON with JWT token username and password must be included in body

Component Architecture

You can use the Mermaid Markdown Syntax to create a chart of how the parts of your frontend website relate to each other. Units should represent components of your page. The following is an example you may see in a Single Page Application like a React App.

flowchart LR

User Interface Mockups

Use tooks like Figma, Mockflow or UXPIN. If you need inspiration visit a site like Behance.

Web Mockup