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A small gem for allowing you to use Minitest assertions with keyword arguments. No longer worry about remembering the order of arguments!


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "minitest-keyword"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install minitest-keyword


Add require "minitest/keyword" to your test_helper.rb script. In your tests you will now be able to change your assertions from:

assert_equal "foo", foo.inspect


assert_equal expected: "foo", actual: foo.inspect

All of the standard Minitest assertions can now be used with keyword arguments. Note that this gem is still backwards-compatible with Minitest itself, so your existing tests won't break.

Cheat Sheet

The actual keyword method creation is done through introspection, but the equivalent method signatures are listed below. Note that when you see message: nil it effectively means that you can pass through a message or it will use whatever standard Minitest message is configured for that assertion.

assert             test:, message: nil
assert_empty       object:, message: nil
assert_equal       expected:, actual:, message: nil
assert_in_delta    expected:, actual:, delta: 0.001, message: nil
assert_in_epsilon  expected:, actual:, epsilon: 0.001, message: nil
assert_includes    collection:, object:, message: nil
assert_instance_of class:, object:, message: nil
assert_kind_of     class:, object:, message: nil
assert_match       matcher:, object:, message: nil
assert_nil         object:, message: nil
assert_operator    receiver:, operator:, argument: Minitest::Assertions::UNDEFINED, message: nil
assert_output      stdout: nil, stderr: nil
assert_path_exists path:, message: nil
assert_predicate   receiver:, operator:, message: nil
assert_raises      expected: []
assert_respond_to  object:, method:, message: nil, include_all: false
assert_same        expected:, actual:, message: nil
assert_throws      symbol:, message: nil

The associated refutations are also overridden, with the below signatures.

refute             test:, message: nil
refute_empty       object:, message: nil
refute_equal       expected:, actual:, message: nil
refute_in_delta    expected:, actual:, delta: 0.001, message: nil
refute_in_epsilon  expected:, actual:, epsilon: 0.001, message: nil
refute_includes    collection:, object:, message: nil
refute_instance_of class:, object:, message: nil
refute_kind_of     class:, object:, message: nil
refute_match       matcher:, object:, message: nil
refute_nil         object:, message: nil
refute_operator    receiver:, operator:, argument: Minitest::Assertions::UNDEFINED, message: nil
refute_path_exists path:, message: nil
refute_predicate   receiver:, operator:, message: nil
refute_respond_to  object:, method:, message: nil, include_all: false
refute_same        expected:, actual:, message: nil


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.