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Add a new script to import Phorum 3.x content to WordPress.
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kdeldycke committed Mar 11, 2013
1 parent 4dd15c6 commit 7f624b6
Showing 1 changed file with 251 additions and 0 deletions.
251 changes: 251 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

This script allow you to export content from an old Phorum 3.x to pure WordPress objects (pages & comments).
It browse the MySQL database of a Phorum instance and generate an XML file. The XML produced is a WXR file (WordPress eXtended RSS), which can be imported into a plain WordPress site.
A Phorum thread is imported as an empty page with the thread's title. All its replies are imported as comments of that page.
A top-level page is then created, and all its threads are linked from that parent page.
The script requires the following python modules:
* lxml
* bbcode
These can easely be installed on Debian with the following commands:
$ aptitude install python-pip python-lxml
$ pip install PyMySQL bbcode

import time
import random
import bbcode
import pymysql
import operator
import HTMLParser
import email.utils
import unicodedata
from lxml import etree
from datetime import datetime

## Configuration

MYSQL_USER = 'root'

PHORUM_DB = 'phorum'
PHORUM_FORUM_ID = 'main_forum'
PHORUM_USER_TABLE = 'forums_auth'


XML_FILEPATH = './phorum-export.xml'

## End of configuration

NS_WFW = ""
NS_DC = ""
NS_WP = ""

WFW = "{%s}" % NS_WFW
DC = "{%s}" % NS_DC
WP = "{%s}" % NS_WP

'excerpt': NS_EXCERPT,
'content': NS_CONTENT,
'wfw': NS_WFW,
'dc': NS_DC,
'wp': NS_WP,

conn = pymysql.connect(host=MYSQL_HOST, port=MYSQL_PORT, user=MYSQL_USER, passwd=MYSQL_PASSWORD, db=PHORUM_DB)
cr = conn.cursor()

def query(table_name, columns, extra=''):
Utility method to query the database
results = []
q = "SELECT %s FROM %s %s" % (
', '.join(["`%s`" % c for c in columns]),
for row in cr.fetchall():
cleaned_row_values = []
for r in row:
if isinstance(r, str):
r = r.decode('UTF-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
r = r.decode('latin-1')
results.append(dict(zip(columns, cleaned_row_values)))
return results

# Utility method to clean up multi-line HTML text.
h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
clean_text = lambda s: s.replace('[%sig%]', '').replace('\r\n', '\n').strip()
rfc822_date = lambda d: email.utils.formatdate(time.mktime(d.timetuple()))
normalize_url = lambda s: '-'.join([w for w in ''.join([c.isalnum() and c or '-' for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', s).encode('ascii', 'ignore').lower()]).split('-') if w])
strip_prefix = lambda s, prefix: s[len(prefix):] if s.startswith(prefix) else s
normalize_title = lambda s: h.unescape(strip_prefix(strip_prefix(s, 'Re: '),'Re : '))

# XML items
items = []

# Database extraction

# parentless messages are the start of a thread
subjects = dict([(s['id'], s['subject']) for s in query(PHORUM_FORUM_ID, ['id', 'subject'])])
topics = query(PHORUM_FORUM_ID, ['id', 'datestamp', 'thread', 'parent', 'author', 'subject', 'email', 'host', 'approved', 'userid'], "WHERE parent = 0")
replies = query(PHORUM_FORUM_ID, ['id', 'datestamp', 'thread', 'parent', 'author', 'subject', 'email', 'host', 'approved', 'userid'], "WHERE parent != 0")
bodies = dict([(b['id'], b) for b in query(PHORUM_FORUM_ID + "_bodies", ['id', 'body', 'thread'])])
users = dict([(u['id'], u) for u in query(PHORUM_USER_TABLE, ['id', 'name', 'username', 'email', 'webpage', 'image'])])

# Utility to get a new ID while avoiding collisions
reserved_ids = [t['id'] for t in topics] + [t['id'] for t in replies]
def get_new_id():
while True:
new_id = random.randint(0, 99999999)
if new_id not in reserved_ids:
return new_id

# Create a top-level page to be the common parent of all threads
now =
forum_page_id = str(get_new_id())
forum_url = "%s/?p=%s" % (WORDPRESS_ROOT_URL, forum_page_id)
forum_slug = "forum"
forum_link = "%s/%s/" % (WORDPRESS_ROOT_URL, forum_slug)
forum_page = etree.Element("item")
etree.SubElement(forum_page, "title").text = "Forum Archive"
etree.SubElement(forum_page, "link").text = forum_link
etree.SubElement(forum_page, WP + "post_name").text = forum_slug
etree.SubElement(forum_page, "guid", attrib={"isPermaLink": "false"}).text = forum_url
etree.SubElement(forum_page, "pubDate").text = rfc822_date(now)
etree.SubElement(forum_page, DC + "creator").text = 'admin'
etree.SubElement(forum_page, WP + "post_id").text = forum_page_id
etree.SubElement(forum_page, WP + "post_date").text = now.isoformat(' ')
etree.SubElement(forum_page, WP + "post_date_gmt").text = now.isoformat(' ')
etree.SubElement(forum_page, WP + "status").text = "publish"
etree.SubElement(forum_page, WP + "post_type").text = "page"
etree.SubElement(forum_page, WP + "comment_status").text = "closed"
etree.SubElement(forum_page, WP + "ping_status").text = "closed"

topic_list = []
subject_follow_ups = []

for topic in topics:
# Prepare content
topic_replies = [r for r in replies if r['thread'] == topic['id']]
topic_url = "%s/?p=%s" % (WORDPRESS_ROOT_URL, topic['id'])
topic_slug = normalize_url(topic['subject'])
topic_link = "%s%s/" % (forum_link, topic_slug)

# Save topics as pages
page = etree.Element("item")
etree.SubElement(page, "title").text = topic['subject']
etree.SubElement(page, "link").text = topic_link
etree.SubElement(page, DC + "creator").text = 'admin'
etree.SubElement(page, WP + "post_name").text = topic_slug
etree.SubElement(page, "guid", attrib={"isPermaLink": "false"}).text = topic_url
etree.SubElement(page, "pubDate").text = rfc822_date(topic['datestamp'])
etree.SubElement(page, WP + "post_id").text = str(topic['id'])
etree.SubElement(page, WP + "post_date").text = topic['datestamp'].isoformat(' ')
etree.SubElement(page, WP + "post_date_gmt").text = topic['datestamp'].isoformat(' ')
etree.SubElement(page, WP + "status").text = topic['approved'] == 'Y' and "publish" or "draft"
etree.SubElement(page, WP + "post_type").text = "page"
etree.SubElement(page, WP + "post_parent").text = forum_page_id
etree.SubElement(page, WP + "comment_status").text = "open"
etree.SubElement(page, WP + "ping_status").text = "closed"

# Put the content of the topic to a dedicated comment
topic_replies.insert(0, topic)

# Save replies as comments
for reply in topic_replies:
user = None
if reply['userid']:
user = users[reply['userid']]
user_email = reply['email']
if not user_email and user:
user_email = user['email']
user_url = ''
if user:
user_url = user['webpage'] or user['image']

# If parent title is not the same, include it in the message
reply_content = ''
parent_title = normalize_title(subjects.get(reply['parent'], ''))
reply_title = normalize_title(reply['subject'])
if parent_title and parent_title != reply_title and (parent_title, reply_title) not in subject_follow_ups:
reply_content += "New subject: %s\n\n" % reply_title
subject_follow_ups.append((parent_title, reply_title))
reply_content += clean_text(bodies[reply['id']]['body'])

comment = etree.Element(WP + "comment")
etree.SubElement(comment, WP + "comment_id").text = str(reply['id'])
etree.SubElement(comment, WP + "comment_approved").text = reply['approved'] == 'Y' and "1" or "0"
etree.SubElement(comment, WP + "comment_author").text = etree.CDATA(reply['author'])
etree.SubElement(comment, WP + "comment_author_email").text = user_email
etree.SubElement(comment, WP + "comment_author_url").text = user_url
etree.SubElement(comment, WP + "comment_author_IP").text = reply['host']
etree.SubElement(comment, WP + "comment_type").text = ""
etree.SubElement(comment, WP + "comment_parent").text = str(reply['parent'])
etree.SubElement(comment, WP + "comment_date").text = reply['datestamp'].isoformat(' ')
etree.SubElement(comment, WP + "comment_date_gmt").text = reply['datestamp'].isoformat(' ')
etree.SubElement(comment, WP + "comment_content").text = etree.CDATA(bbcode.render_html(reply_content).replace('<br />', '\n').replace('<br/>', '\n'))


# Save some topic information for later
'link': topic_link,
'title': topic['subject'],
'date': topic['datestamp'],

# As content of top-level forum page, list all topics
current_year = None
forum_content = ""
for t in topic_list:
if current_year != t['date'].year:
if current_year is not None:
forum_content += "</ul>\n\n"
current_year = t['date'].year
forum_content += "<h2>%s</h2>\n<ul>\n" % current_year
forum_content += "<li><a href='%s'>%s</a></li>\n" % (t['link'], t['title'])
forum_content += "</ul>\n"
etree.SubElement(forum_page, CONTENT + "encoded").text = etree.CDATA(forum_content)

# Generate the final XML document
channel = etree.Element("channel")
etree.SubElement(channel, WP + "wxr_version").text = "1.2"
for item in items:
root = etree.Element("rss", attrib={"version": "2.0"}, nsmap=NSMAP)

f = open(XML_FILEPATH, 'w')
f.write(etree.tostring(root, xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True, encoding='UTF-8'))


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