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  • Numerical methods
  • Rigid body dynamics
  • Biomechanics

Function my_smooth()

Applies a moving average algorithm to a periodic signal, specifically for knee angular velocity and acceleration over the course of the gait cycle.

The first (inclusive) and last (not inclusive) extended indices for what would be a 'circular' array are computed:

start = - window // 2
stop  = + window // 2 + np.size(arr_p)


Operation a // b is equivalent to floor(a / b) --- floor/integer division.

All indices of the to-be-determined extended array arr_p and given noncircular array arr are computed:

idx   = range(start, stop)        # To be out-of-bounds *queries*, for numpy.interp().
idx_p = range(0, np.size(arr_p))  # To be within-bounds *samples*, for numpy.interp().

Function numpy.interp() supports periodic or already-repeated sample arrays. (The latter case of which might explain the need to specify a period.) This feature alone is taken advantage of, without actual interpolation:

arr = np.interp(idx, idx_p, arr_p, period = np.size(arr_p))

The moving average of the extended array is taken using a centered, constant-size window that no longer 'overflows' past what were the first and last indices of the original array:

return pd.Series(arr).rolling(window, center = True).mean().to_numpy()[- start : stop]

Function get_xy()

Derives periods \small T (seconds) of recorded gait cycles to be used in numerical differentiation, queried gait cycle fractions x_q of a cubic spline model, and their corresponding limb segment angle data y_q (degrees).

Variable Naming Convention Meaning
Lower case Of one or more (separated) gait cycles
Upper case, except X1 and X2 Of multiple gait cycles (not separated)
Suffix: _data Model-ready points (input)
Suffix: q Model query points (output)

A moving average algorithm is applied --- mainly for convenience --- to smooth out undesirable peaks of relatively 'extreme' value but low prominence:

Y_smooth = pd.Series(Y).rolling(window, center = True).mean().to_numpy()
Y_\textsf{smooth}[\,i\,]={\rm mean}\underbrace{\{\,\dots,\,Y[\,i-1\,],\,Y[\,i\,],\,Y[\,i+1\,],\,\dots\,\}}_\textsf{moving window}

where ... happens to just be \small Y[\,i\pm({\rm window}-1)\,/\,2=2\,] in our case (\small{\rm window}=5).

The first and last two values of Y_smooth are NaN (i.e., undefined) due to the centered, constant-size window 'overflowing' beyond these points instead of shrinking to fit those available. Because these values are to be discarded in our case, this is acceptable.


Function pandas.DataFrame.rolling() does not properly support adjustable-width or even-valued windows, let alone non-integer ones.

An even-valued window would also be 'split up' between endpoint weights:


from scipy.signal import find_peaks

A peak finding algorithm is applied to find candidate points for splitting up individual gait cycles:

peaks, _ = find_peaks(Y_smooth)  # indices
heights = - Y_smooth[peaks]      # values (negative for convenience when sorting...)


For reference: Function scipy.signal.find_peaks() also supports a minimum height, a required threshold relative to adjacent values, a minimum distance between indices, a minimum prominence, a minimum width, and a minimum plateau_size.

\small\rm(peaks,heights) is temporarily converted to a pandas 'DataFrame' to remove peak locations whose corresponding heights are not sufficiently 'extreme' for partitioning valid gait cycles:

peaks = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[peaks, heights])

          .sort_values(1)          # Sort everything by −height (ascending).
          .iloc[: cycles + 1, 0]   # Keep only relevant peak locations.
          .sort_values()           # Re-sort the filtered peak locations.

          .to_numpy().astype(int)  # Convert to a numpy array of integers for valid indexing.
Index Series 0 Series 1
... peaks --- sorted 2nd heights --- sorted 1st

The time periods \small T (seconds) of each recorded gait cycle are also computed, where sampling frequency \small f_\textsf{s}=100\ \rm Hz (samples per second) converts from data point index to real time:

T = np.diff(peaks) / fs


Function numpy.diff() does not necessarily mean numerical differentiation (e.g., in this case).

The following variables are initialized to empty lists such that they may be added to:

  • \small(x,y) will be a pair of 2-D nested lists of gait cycle fractions and corresponding limb segment angle data for each cycle, both with redundant endpoints.
  • \small(x_{\:\!\textsf{data}},y_{\:\!\textsf{data}}) will be a pair of 1-D flattened lists of gait cycle fractions and corresponding limb segment angle data for all cycles, neither with redundant endpoints. These will be ready to model.
x, y, x_data, y_data = [], [], [], []


The more concise x = y = x_data = y_data = [] is syntactically correct but would create shallow 'copies' --- as opposed to true deep copies --- of one empty list.

Now, for each arbitrarily positioned gait cycle, partitioned by relevant peaks:

for i in range(0, np.size(peaks) - 1):

    x.append(np.linspace(0, 1, peaks[i + 1] - peaks[i] + 1))  # Include the current gait cycle fraction.
    y.append(Y_smooth[peaks[i] : peaks[i + 1] + 1])           # Include its corresponding limb segment angle data.

    plt.plot(x[i], y[i], color = ...)                         # Add to a matplotlib plot.

    x_data = np.r_[x_data, x[i][1 :]]                         # Include the current gait cycle fraction.
    y_data = np.r_[y_data, y[i][1 :]]                         # Include its corresponding limb segment angle data.


  • Function numpy.diff() can only simplify some of this.
  • Method .append() is necessary for x and y, but not their _data equivalents.
  • Not-technically-a-function numpy.r_[] essentially concatenates numpy.array() rows. Similarly, numpy.c_[] will concatenate columns.

The startpoints of \small(x_{\:\!\textsf{data}},y_{\:\!\textsf{data}}) --- initially removed for convenience --- are re-included:

x_data = np.r_[x[0][0], x_data]
y_data = np.r_[y[0][0], y_data]

Repeat \small(x_{\:\!\textsf{data}},y_{\:\!\textsf{data}}) for reps × 1 gait cycle:

X1, X2 = np.meshgrid(x1 = x_data[1 :], x2 = range(0, reps))  # X1, X2, x1, and x2 are not gait cycle fractions.

X_data = np.r_[x_data[0], np.ndarray.flatten(X1 + X2)]
Y_data = np.r_[y_data[0], np.tile(y_data[1 :], reps)]

This is explained with the aid of a simplified example:

x_1 x_2
0.1 0.2 0.3 ... 0 1 2 ...
X_1 X_2   X_1+X_2
Repeated by Row Repeated by Column Rep  
0.1 0.2 0.3 ... 0 0 0 ... 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 ...
0.1 0.2 0.3 ... 1 1 1 ... 2 1.1 1.2 1.3 ...
0.1 0.2 0.3 ... 2 2 2 ... 3 2.1 2.2 2.3 ...
... ... ...   ... ... ...   etc ... ... ...  
{\rm flatten}(X_1+X_2)
1st Rep 2nd Rep 3rd Rep etc
0.1 0.2 0.3 ... 1.1 1.2 1.3 ... 2.1 2.2 2.3 ... ...


Function numpy.meshgrid() is actually intended to generate an array of sampling points for \small N-dimensional plotting.

Option 1 --- Function get_natural_cubic_spline_model()

from get_natural_cubic_spline_model import get_natural_cubic_spline_model

The number of knots --- that is, endpoints in a cubic smoothing spline --- is computed:

n_knots = 1 + knots_per_rep * reps

A natural cubic spline model is generated and 'packaged' in lambda function \small{\rm spl}(x):

model = get_natural_cubic_spline_model(X_data, Y_data, min(X_data), max(X_data), n_knots)

spl = lambda x: model.predict(x)


Function get_natural_cubic_spline_model() contains classes AbstractSpline() and NaturalCubicSpline() from a basis expansion module by Matthew Drury.

Option 2 --- Class scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline()

from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline


Class scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline() does not support unsorted or duplicate sample points, but it does support sample weights.

To begin using this feature, \small Y_{\:\!\textsf{data}} are pivoted with respect to \small X_{\:\!\textsf{data}}, as exemplified by the following data table (observations from a fuel cell toy car experiment).


Similarly, a pivot table DataFrame (reference) is generated:

df = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[X_data, Y_data]).pivot_table(values = 1, index = 0, aggfunc = ['mean', 'count'])
Index Series 0 Series 1
New X_data New Y_data Weights: w

The new \small X_\textsf{data}, new \small Y_\textsf{data}, and w are extracted from this new DataFrame:

X_data = df.index.to_numpy()  # (new X_data) = unique (old X_data).

Y_data = df.to_numpy()[:, 0]  # For each new X_data, (new Y_data) = mean (old Y_data).
w      = df.to_numpy()[:, 1]  # For each new X_data, weights w = … count (old Y_data).

A model is generated (already in the form of a lambda function), where s is the smoothing parameter:

spl = UnivariateSpline(X_data, Y_data, w, s = 5e4)

If reps % 2 != 0 (i.e., the number of repeated identical gait cycles is not even-valued):

xq = np.linspace(0, 1, nq + 1)[: -1]                         # Discard endpoint. 'Break' at x = 0.
yq = spl(xq + (reps - 1) / 2)                                # Middle cycle.

where nq is the number of query points. Otherwise:

xq1 = np.linspace(0.0, 0.5, round(nq / 2) + 1)               # Keep endpoint.
xq2 = np.linspace(0.5, 1.0, round(nq / 2) + 1)               # Keep endpoint. 'Break' at x = 0.5 only.

yq1 = spl(xq1 + reps / 2 - 0)                                # Second half of the middle-left cycle.
yq2 = spl(xq2 + reps / 2 - 1)                                # First half of the middle-right cycle.

xq  = np.r_[xq1[: -1], (xq1[-1] + xq2[0]) / 2, xq2[1 : -1]]  # One full gait cycle.
yq  = np.r_[yq1[: -1], (yq1[-1] + yq2[0]) / 2, yq2[1 : -1]]  # One full gait cycle.

xq1[0] == xq2[-1] == 0 so the latter is discarded for simplicity, but xq1[-1] != xq2[0] so the average of the two is taken for x_q. The same applies to y_q.

Plot \small(x_q,y_q) with endpoints:

line = plt.plot(np.r_[xq, 1], np.r_[yq, yq[0]], color = ...);  ...

Anterior = in front of the human subject.

return T, xq, yq

1. Downhill (_D)

Y <――――――― limb angle data
 _U <――――― upper leg — for example
   _D <――― decline (downhill)
Variable Naming Convention Meaning Variable Naming Convention Meaning
Suffix: _U Upper leg Suffix: _D Decline (downhill)
Suffix: _L Lower leg Suffix: _I Incline (uphill)
Suffix: _K Knee    
Suffix: _T Trunk/Torso    
Suffix: _B Back(pack)    
Variable Naming Convention Meaning
thetaθ in Python Angle
omegaω Angular velocity
alphaα Angular acceleration

1.1. Upper Leg (_U) Angle

Upper leg angle data {\small Y}_\textsf{UD} (degrees), known to be representative of n\small=37 gait cycles, is loaded from the GitHub repository:

Y_U_D = pd.read_csv('').to_numpy()

The corresponding gait cycle periods {\small T}_{\:\!\textsf{UD}}, gait cycle fractions (model input points) x_{q,\:\!\textsf{UD}}, and angle data (model output points) y_{\:\!q,\:\!\textsf{UD}} are derived:

T_U_D, xq, yq_U_D = get_xy(Y_U_D, fs, window, 37, reps, knots_per_rep, nq);  ...

(At the same time, the model fit is superimposed over its plotted source data...)

1.2. Lower Leg (_L) Angle

Similarly, for the lower leg, with n\small=38 gait cycles:

Y_L_D = pd.read_csv('').to_numpy()

T_L_D, xq, yq_L_D = get_xy(Y_L_D, fs, window, 38, reps, knots_per_rep, nq);  ...

1.3. Upper and Lower Leg Angles

Arbitrary gait cycle fractions are aligned/matched knowing that the leg is approximately straightened when the upper and lower leg reach minimum extension and flexion, respectively, at the same time t^\ast:

θq_U_D = np.roll(yq_U_D, - np.argmin(yq_U_D))         # Perform a 'circular shift': upper leg angle data.
θq_L_D = np.roll(yq_L_D, - np.argmin(yq_L_D));  ...   # Perform a 'circular shift': lower leg angle data.

plt.plot(np.r_[xq, 1], np.r_[θq_U_D, θq_U_D[0]], ...)        # Plot with endpoints: upper leg angle data.
plt.plot(np.r_[xq, 1], np.r_[θq_L_D, θq_L_D[0]], ...);  ...  # Plot with endpoints: lower leg angle data.

1.4. Knee (_K) Angle

θq_K_D = θq_U_D - θq_L_D + 180;  ...

plt.plot(np.r_[xq, 1], np.r_[θq_K_D, θq_K_D[0]], color = ...);  ...  # Plot with endpoints: knee angle data.

θq_K_D = np.deg2rad(θq_K_D)  # Switch from degrees to radians for angular velocity and acceleration.

The mean model sampling period is computed from that of all recorded gait cycle fractions and the number of query points nq per cycle:

Ts_D = np.mean(np.r_[T_L_D, T_U_D]) / nq

The same gait cycle period is expected between the upper and lower leg, but not between uphill and downhill. This will be a step size for numerical differentiation. The gait cycle period for walking uphill (1.15 s) was consistently longer than walking downhill (1.15 s), as expected.

A 2× resolution array of gait cycle fractions is computed for supersampling [1] between even-numbered (knee angle, angular acceleration) and odd-numbered (angular velocity) centered finite difference derivatives:

x = np.linspace(0, 1, 2 * nq + 1)[: -1]
[1]This is not a correct term.

1.5. Knee Angular Velocity

The knee angular velocity is computed using numerical differentiation, and smoothed --- to reduce the noise that it introduces --- where nq / fs converts from a moving average window sized for sampling to one suited for querying the model:

ωq_K_D = np.diff(np.r_[θq_K_D, θq_K_D[0]]) / Ts_D
ωq_K_D = my_smooth(ωq_K_D, window * round(nq / fs))

\omega_{q,\:\!\textsf{KD}} is 'doubly-interpolated', primarily for plotting near the beginning and end of the gait cycle:

ω_K_D = np.interp(x, xq + 1 / (2 * nq), ωq_K_D, period = 1);  ...

plt.plot(np.r_[x, 1], np.r_[ω_K_D, ω_K_D[0]], ...);  ...  # Plot ω_K_D with endpoints.

When \omega_{\:\!\textsf{KD}} is positive ({\small\theta}_{\:\!\textsf{KD}} is increasing), the upper leg is rotating --- and the torso is moving --- upward. The opposite is true when \omega_{\:\!\textsf{KD}}<0.

1.6. Knee Angular Acceleration

Similarly, for angular acceleration:

αq_K_D = np.diff(np.r_[ωq_K_D, ωq_K_D[0]]) / Ts_D
αq_K_D = my_smooth(αq_K_D, window * round(nq / fs))

α_K_D = np.interp(x, xq + 1 / (2 * nq), αq_K_D, period = 1);  ...

plt.plot(np.r_[x, 1], np.r_[α_K_D, α_K_D[0]], ...);  ...

When \alpha_{\:\!\textsf{KD}} is positive (\omega_{\:\!\textsf{KD}} is increasing), the upper leg and torso are accelerating upward. The opposite is true when \alpha_{\:\!\textsf{KD}}<0.

1.7. Knee Drive Speed--Torque Relationship

(The subject need not be an amputee.) In this figure, the length of the topmost dashed line is assumed to be negligible. Furthermore, without knowing the shape, size, or mass distribution of a backpack and its contents, the load is approximated to be a point mass with no rotational inertia about its center.

Variable Naming Convention Meaning
l Length of a limb segment
d Distance between points
Variable Naming Convention Meaning
Greek letter ι Rotational inertia
Greek letter τ Torque
H   = 1.8  # Typical height of a person (meters).
m_B = 1.0  # Unity backpack load (kilograms).
g   = 9.8  # Gravitational acceleration.

l_T = (0.720 - 0.530) * H  # Length of the trunk between the hip joint and backpack point of attachment.
l_U = (0.530 - 0.285) * H  # Length of the upper leg.

The rotational inertia of backpack load m_B about the knee joint axis is computed using the parallel axis theorem and law of cosines, where d_{K \! B} is the distance between the knee and backpack point of attachment:

\iota_D = m_B \, d_{K \! B} ^ {\, 2} = m_B \, (l_T ^ {\, 2} + l_U ^ {\, 2} - 2 \, l_T \, l_U \cos (\theta_{U \! D} + 90 ^ \circ))
ι_D = m_B * (l_T ** 2 + l_U ** 2 - 2 * l_T * l_U * np.cos(np.deg2rad(θq_U_D + 90)))


Moment of inertia = mass moment of inertia = angular mass = rotational inertia. I use only the term rotational inertia because the quantity is neither a moment (torque), nor a mass --- it can mean that a torque is applied (under angular acceleration), and it is merely the rotational analog of mass.

The drive torque about the knee joint axis is computed for the required acceleration:

\tau_{K\!D} = \iota_D \, \alpha_{K \! D} + m_B \, l_U \cos(\theta_{U \! D}) \, g
τq_K_D = ι_D * αq_K_D + m_B * l_U * np.cos(np.deg2rad(θq_U_D)) * g

A plot of \small |\tau_{K \! D}| against \small |\omega_{K \! D}| --- namely, the speed--torque curve required for the knee drive --- is generated:

plt.plot(abs(τq_K_D), abs(ωq_K_D), ...)

Each point \small (|\tau_{K \! D}|, |\omega_{K \! D}|) along the speed--torque curve is written to a CSV file, initially for use with MATLAB's interactive plotting features:

writer = csv.writer(open('_D.csv', 'w', newline = ''))

writer.writerows([['abs(τq_K_D)', 'abs(ωq_K_D)']])          # headers
writer.writerows(np.c_[abs(τq_K_D), abs(ωq_K_D)].tolist())  # columns

Now using MATLAB (:ref:`appendix`), the speed--torque curve 'envelope' is generated:

Knee Drive Speed--Torque Curve

4.7738 rad/s² and 56.0857 N-m are the minimum required no-load speed and stall torque of the knee drive, respectively.

Knee Drive Power Curves

2. Uphill (_I)

2.1. Upper Leg (_U) Angle

Upper leg angle data {\small Y}_\textsf{UI} (degrees), known to be representative of n\small=34 gait cycles, is loaded from the GitHub repository:

Y_U_I = pd.read_csv('').to_numpy()

The corresponding gait cycle periods {\small T}_{\:\!\textsf{UI}}, gait cycle fractions (model input points) x_{q,\:\!\textsf{UI}}, and angle data (model output points) y_{\:\!q,\:\!\textsf{UD}} are derived:

T_U_I, xq, yq_U_I = get_xy(Y_U_I, fs, window, 34, reps, knots_per_rep, nq);  ...

(At the same time, the model fit is superimposed over its plotted source data...)

2.2. Lower Leg (_L) Angle

Similarly, for the lower leg, with n\small=38 gait cycles:

Y_L_I = pd.read_csv('').to_numpy()

T_L_I, xq, yq_L_I = get_xy(Y_L_I, fs, window, 38, reps, knots_per_rep, nq);  ...

...and so on and so forth as in :ref:`Section 1 <section_1>`.




[x, y] = readvars('_D');

[x_max, i_x_max] = max(x);
[y_max, i_y_max] = max(y);

x_min = x(i_y_max);
y_min = y(i_x_max);

f = @(x, y) ((x - x_min) ./ (x_max - x_min)) .^ 2 + ((y - y_min) ./ (y_max - y_min)) .^ 2 - 1;

figure('Color', 'w', 'MenuBar', 'none')

box on
grid on
hold on

plot([     0, x_min ], [ y_max, y_max ], 'Color', '#087F23', 'LineWidth', 1)
plot([ x_max, x_max ], [ y_min,     0 ], 'color', '#087F23', 'LineWidth', 1)

fimplicit(f, [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max], 'color', '#087F23', 'LineWidth', 1)

xlim([ 0, 100 ])
ylim([ 0,   5 ])

xticks([ 0, x_max ])
yticks([ 0, y_max ])

xlabel({'', 'Torque (N-m)', ''})
ylabel({'', 'Speed (rad/s²)'})

title({'', 'Downhill — Knee Drive', ''})

set(gca, 'FontName', 'Consolas')

print('ω_vs_τ_K_D′', '-dsvg')



[x, y] = readvars('_D');

[x_max, i_x_max] = max(x);
[y_max, i_y_max] = max(y);

x_new = [x_max; x(i_x_max : i_y_max); 0];
y_new = [0; y(i_x_max : i_y_max); y_max];

figure('Color', 'w', 'MenuBar', 'none')

% Plot speed vs torque:

    subplot(2, 2, 3)

    plot(x_new, y_new, 'Color', '#087F23', 'LineWidth', 1)

    box off
    grid on
    axis equal square

    xlim([0, x_max])
    ylim([0, y_max])


    yticklabels([min(ylim), "  " + max(ylim)])

    xlabel({'', 'Torque (N-m)', ''})
    ylabel('Speed (rad/s²)')

    set(gca, 'FontName', 'Consolas')

% Plot speed vs power:

    subplot(2, 2, 4)

    plot(x_new .* y_new, y_new, 'Color', '#087F23', 'LineWidth', 1)

    box off
    grid on
    axis equal square

    ylim([0, y_max])



    xlabel({'', 'Power (W)', ''})

    set(gca, 'FontName', 'Consolas')

% Plot power vs torque:

    subplot(2, 2, 1)

    plot(x_new, x_new .* y_new, 'Color', '#087F23', 'LineWidth', 1)

    box off
    grid on
    axis equal square

    xlim([0, x_max])



    ylabel('Power (W)')

    set(gca, 'FontName', 'Consolas')

print('ω_vs_τ_K_D″', '-dsvg')